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"WHAT color would you like to paint the eggs?", Compress asked

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"WHAT color would you like to paint the eggs?", Compress asked.

"Mmm....every color!!", you exclaimed.

Currently you, Compress, and Kurogiri were painting eggs for Easter. You didn't know why a big bunny just decides to show up and hides all the eggs but you rolled with it.

In fact, you were probably most excited about the Easter Egg Hunt! Apparently once you find the eggs, there's candy in there. And you weren't one to give up free candy!

You tried painting rainbow colors on the egg. You really did try. But it seemed like you ended up having more colors on your hands than the actual egg itself.

Compress chuckled at your clumsiness and endless struggle. To help, he had put some tape on the eggs so that you could paint within the lines. And once you ripped off the tape, it was satisfying seeing how straight the lines were.

You were happily humming and painting until you had a sudden realization.

"W-Wait! What if the baby chicks are still in there!?", you asked, suddenly mortified.

Kurogiri and Compress looked at each other, finding it silly that you'd come to that realization. However, to ease your worries, they both of course said what needed to be said.

"We took the little chicks out before letting you paint them", Compress said. Technically it wasn't a lie. They did take the yolk out, it was just going to serve as breakfast tomorrow morning.

"Oh", you said relieved as you went back to painting your masterpiece.

"Wait...why does the Easter bunny hide eggs when bunnies don't even lay eggs?", you asked confused.

Compress and Kurogiri looked at each other again. It was indeed a very good question.

"B-Because the Easter bunny steals all the eggs and hides them. That's why you have to find all of them tomorrow!", Kurogiri lied.

Honestly, none of them knew the answer to your question. So they bullshitted it, hoping you'd take their answer.

You then nodded and proceeded painting like the artist you are.

.•♫•♬• a voice •♬•♫•.

"N-Nono!! Help me find more e-eggs", you huffed as you were running around the base.

The nomu did as you commanded and went around looking for eggs. At one point, it even brought you the eggs from the fridge, to which you told it "good job!!"

While Nono carried the carton of eggs, Dabi and Toga were also looming for some. You three decided to have a competition on who could find the most eggs. Loser has to wear a bunny costume for the rest of the week. And obviously, Shigaraki was here to enjoy the show, hoping Dabi would lose so he could poke fun at him.

As promised, you didn't go past the 10th floor, as no eggs were hidden up there. You were currently in Dabi's room, looking through his messy desk.

He didn't have any eggs laying around but he did have a picture of you and him from when he took you out for boba and y'all were in matching outfits. You smiled as you put the picture frame back on his desk. You proceeded to look around his bed. Under the pillows, under the blankets, and even under the bed. You finally went in his closet. There was almost nothing but white t-shirts and black pants. It was depressing.

You then exited out his room and went to Toga's. Toga's room was much more decorated and neat. She had many pink posters and girly things. The only thing that stood out to you were the jars of blood that were on her shelf. Shuddering, you quickly exited her room after finding no eggs.

Once you read the time 3:30pm, you knew time was up. You went into the main area and arrived at the bar, where the rest of the league was.

"How many did you get, pipsqueak?", Dabi asked, smirking with confidence.

"Mmm...", you showed them your basket, there was only 12.

"Aha! I found 14", Dabi boasted.

"Sorry my little (Y/N)~ But I found 17", Toga said.

You pouted. But suddenly, Nono came to the rescue. It brought out the carton of eggs, meaning you had a bonus 12, making it a total of 24!

"I-Is this allowed?!", Dabi questioned.

"They are eggs...", Spinner commented, smiling at the your cunning ways.

"Sorry Dabi, but it looks like you lose", Shigaraki mocked.

"Here's the bunny costume", Kurogiri said, handing it to Dabi who just looked in disbelief.

He glared at you, who was smiling playfully.

He growled before begrudgingly walking away and changing. He hesitated stepping out but since he lost, he had to.

You had Kurogiri get the camera ready as this was going to be good.

Once Dabi stepped out, you saw him in a pink bunny costume. His face was deprived of emotion. He looked like he wanted to end himself right then and there.

You turned your head, holding in your laughter. You had to at least be a good sport about it, unlike Toga, who was laughing her ass off.

The rest of the league either was full on laughing or was chuckling.

"Ugh! I hate you all!!", Dabi scoffed.

"E-Even me...?", you asked, giving him a pout.

He suddenly felt somewhat guilty for saying that. So he sighed and said, "No no, you're fine".

You then smiled, extending your arms out to him. He reluctantly picked you up. You held up a peace sigh as Kurogiri took a picture.

"Say cheese, Easter bunny!!", you said while Dabi looked like he was about to burn everything in this building.

"C-Cheese..", he mumbled as you both heard the snap of a camera.

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