//ch. 11//flames//

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YOU were finally blessed with the weekend

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YOU were finally blessed with the weekend. Away from all the other kids, you could finally relax without any screaming or yelling.

Just as you woke up from the couch, Dabi walked in. Like usual, he reeked of burnt flesh. If it was a strong smell, that most likely meant he had just burnt someone.

You got off the couch in your pink pajamas and ran over to him. It has been a while since you've seen him and you decided to give him a hug. However, since you're really short, you ended up hugging his leg.

He lightly chuckled. "Missed me pipsqueak?"

You eagerly nodded as he gave you a pat on the head.

"Let me go shower and then we can go out", Dabi said as he walked away from you. You nodded and ran into Toga's room to change.

Toga dressed you in a light green dress with stripes on it. There were white frills on the top and it was matched with a red belt. Toga brushed your long
(h/c) hair, took a strand of it and clipped it back with a matching green bow.

"You're ready to go out!!", Toga exclaimed as she gushed at you.

You gave her a smile and bowed. You were starting to get used to the cheek pinching and tight hugs from her. You have also grown to like it. And every time she dressed you up, you felt like a whole new girl, different from the one that was abandoned in the alleyway.

Dabi was dressed in his usual clothes as you walked downstairs to the bar.

"Wow. You clean up nice, pipsqueak", Dabi said as you walked towards him with your stuffed bunny.

He was about to ruffle your hair before you took one arm and blocked him from doing so. You pulled out a piece of paper from your dress pocket and pencil, then wrote, "Toga-san just did my hair".

Dabi gave out a small laugh before saying, "aright". He opened the door of the bar for you and walked out behind you.

On days that Dabi had off, there were times that he'd bring you out. Today, was one of those days.

"Where are we going?", you asked, showing him the paper.

"Dinner. Kurogiri's gone so Toga's cooking tonight. You're welcome that I just saved you from a nightmare", Dabi replied.

You smiled as you reached out to hold his hand. Unlike Tomura, Dabi actually didn't mind holding your small hand.

As you two walked down the road, he took you to a fast food restaurant. 'McDonald's?'

He ordered himself a #4 and a large sprite. Then he ordered you a happy meal and orange juice, along with a chocolate chip cookie, just how you like it.

You went to go get you two a seat and sat on the rocky chair in front of the fireplace. You thought it was cool even though it was fake.

"Why in front of the fake fireplace?", Dabi asked.

You wrote, "Because the fire's cool".

He simply nodded and waited with you for the food. Once they called out #69, he got up and brought back yalls food.

You opened up your happy meal box and took out the toy first. It was a Endeavor figurine. Dabi stared at it and took it from you. He immediately burned it and let the dust fall onto the floor.

He then began to eat his meal while you did the same. You wondered why he burned the toy. Perhaps it's because he didn't like heroes like Shigaraki.

The dinner was quiet. Usually Dabi would try to make small conversation, even though you couldn't verbally reply. However, he seemed lost in thought as he ate.

Once y'all both finished yalls food, he walked with you back to the base with his hands in his pockets. Not being able to hold his hands, you held onto his black coat.

As you both passed by an alleyway, there were shouts heard. You looked at what the commotion was.

"HEY! YOU OVER THERE!!", a man yelled. He wobbled over to you and Dabi, clearly drunk. A few others walked behind him, following along.

Dabi simply ignored them, continuing to walk, with you following behind him.

"HEY! DON'T IGNORE ME YOU PUNK!!", the man said as he was about to grab onto Dabi's shoulder.

The other men who were behind him saw you and walked over to you. They were about to pull you away from Dabi when their hands suddenly lit on fire.

"Don't touch her with your dirty hands".

Screams were heard as all the men were currently engulfed in blue flames. You felt someone pick you up and run, covering your eyes.

Once they stopped running, they uncovered your eyes. It was Dabi, who was now huffing. You two were only about a block away from the base now and Dabi was starting to get exhausted from running all the way from McDonald's.

He was still carrying you so you patted his chest, trying to help him breathe. He stopped panting and gave you a concerned look.

"Sorry. Are you okay?"

You nodded and gave him a pat on his head, like what he does to you. He still look worried though. So you gave him a hug and laid your head on the crook of his neck.

Your short arms barely could reach his back so you patted the middle of it and his neck. He continued carrying you as he walked you two back to the base.

"Do you want to sleep with me tonight? We can build a fort", Dabi offered.

Ever since the night of the thunderstorm, Kurogiri informed everyone that they could take turns sleeping with you. Usually Toga lets you sleep with her, but occasionally Kurogiri, and rarely Shigaraki.

You excitedly nodded. You've only built a fort one other time, and it was that one time it was raining and you were left in the alleyway to fend for yourself. You used the smashed boxes and newspapers to build one yourself so at least you could try to keep yourself dry.

At night, as promised, Dabi built a fort with your help. Except this fort was made with blankets and many pillows.

"What is all this shit?", Shigaraki asked as he passed by Dabi's room.

"Go away crusty. It's our secret fort", Dabi retorted.

Tomura scoffed and walked away. He'd be lying if he said he didn't think that it was kinda cool. Especially since you looked so happy with that burnt nugget.

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