//ch. 30//exchange//

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CARRIED like a sack of potatoes, you were in a black bag

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CARRIED like a sack of potatoes, you were in a black bag. Chisaki had stuffed your mouth shut with some cloth and tied you up.

Currently you were trying your best to breathe in this dark bag as Chisaki carried you to wherever he was going.

You heard a familiar voice as a rustic door slid open, creating a large scrape against the floor.

"You brought a big fish, Twice", a voice said.

You started wiggling in the bag. You knew immediately who it was. Oh, how dearly you missed your family. Chisaki, who seemed to have sensed your excitement, lowly chuckled, making you immediately stop squirming.

He set you down, and started speaking.

At one point, you heard Shigaraki say his name.

"Chisaki Kai, the young leader of the Shie Hassaikai".

You've never heard of that. Ryozo never even mentioned it to you. But then again, you never mentioned the league to him, so it was fair. But it made you wonder whether he knew or not.

"And what's in the bag?", Tomura asked.

"I'm glad you asked", Chisaki said as you heard him untying the bag.

Once he lifted the bag up, it took a moment for your eyes to adjust. You saw almost everyone there, excluding Dabi and Kurogiri.

You almost felt ashamed for running away. You were on the brink of tears. Never would you have thought that seeing a bunch of criminals would make you so happy yet so sad at the same time. You wished you could run over to them and hug them right now. Oh, how you missed the way everything was.

Shigaraki seemed to have a lump in his throat. Seeing you was a miracle but also a very disastrous situation. The rest of the league tensed up, even the happy-go-lucky Toga was clutching her knife tightly.

"If you want her back, work under me. I have a plan and with my plan, I can use you all perfectly. I will rise to the top and become the new leader for the villains", Chisaki said with confidence.

Magne charged at him. "Only we get to decide what we want to do!!"

Everything happened so fast that in a blink of an eye, half her body was on the floor while the other half exploded into blood. You stood with your eyes wide. This was definitely something a 4 year-old shouldn't have seen. This was more terrifying than that time Dabi burned down those alleyway thugs.

"This guy's trouble!", Compress said before taking out his marbles and charging at Overhaul.

He stretched his left arm out towards Chisaki, in an attempt to compress him. However something shot through the air, stopping Compress from using his quirk. Before Compress could react, his arm bursted into blood, spraying Chisaki in the process.

You had also learned in this past week that Chisaki was a major germaphobe. Hence, why he always wears a mask and gloves. Whenever something he deems dirty touches his skin, he breaks out into hives like he is doing now.

Tomura quickly went next, trying to decay him. He had successfully avoided whatever was shot in from above them.

"Shield!", Chisaki hollered as someone appeared before him and was decayed by Tomura.

"We're even now. You got one of my men, I got one of yours. Once you calm down, give me a call. And when we meet, you'll get her back", Overhaul said as he pointed towards you, who was now trembling on the floor.

Everything happened so quickly your brain almost couldn't catch up. Big Sis Magne died and Compress lost an arm.

"Get up", Chisaki harshly said.

You abided by his command and stumbled up. One of the eight precepts of death picked you up and walked out. You looked back at your family.

Oh, how you regretted everything.

.•♫•♬• a voice •♬•♫•.

A few days had past and as said on the phone call, Tomura was here.

"I've been walking around for 30 minutes, I'm not an ant you know?", Shigaraki said as he was very annoyed.

"We had to make sure no one was following you. You never know who might just be watching", Chisaki stated.

"Where is she?", Shigaraki asked.

"Right here", Chisaki said as someone entered through the door, pulling you along. Before you could run over to Tomura, the person stopped you.

"Business first", Chisaki said.

Tomura scowled. "Fine".

After about 20 minutes of discussing the terms and agreement, Tomura was finally ready to go.

"Let her go", he said as he stood up. Chisaki looked at the man holding you hostage. His grip loosened, letting you easily slip out. You ran over to Shigaraki, who had swiftly picked you up.

As he carried you away, you took a glimpse at Overhaul once more. His piercing gaze never faltered. You felt bad for Eri. You had hoped that someone would come save her, as you were not able to do so. You left your most prized Tomu-chan with her, hoping that he'd help her get through everything.

Shigaraki looked at your disheveled form. Your hair had knots in it and your eye bags were very present. Your arms were wrapped in bandages, however lucky for you, your legs weren't, unlike Eri.

You wrapped your small arms around Tomura's neck tightly. Even if you wanted to sob, you couldn't. Your tears had been drained out from days of crying over Magne's death and Compress's lost arm. No amount of words could describe how terrible you felt. It felt like everything was your fault.

Shigaraki sighed. "I'm...sorry...", he meekly got out as he was still walking.

You absolutely froze. If there was one thing you knew, was that Shigaraki almost to never apologized, to anyone, or for anything. For him to apologize for something was like telling him to bow down and kiss someone's shoe. Humiliating.

You boldly moved father over a bit, showing Shigaraki's face a bit more. He ended up taking the hand and sticking it in his pocket as he couldn't see past the fingers, now that you've moved it.

You went in and gave him a kiss on the cheek, showing him that it's okay. And that you were sorry too.

Shigaraki would never admit it to you, but oh, how did he missed your cute little kisses. Having to have never received much physical affection, you were the closest thing he had and could ever have.

Once he was far enough from the Shie Hassaikai base, a portal opened. He walked through it, taking the both of you home.

A/N: hey readers!! I hope this like went in your feels a bit or something. don't worry, chisaki will come back!! and so will little ryozo.

I'm sorry about magne's death but it had to happen :(

anyways, if you enjoyed, please don't forget to comment, like, and share it!! thank you very much and see you soon <3

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