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"PFT! I-Is that Tomura dressed up as Doraemon?!", Dabi laughed out loud

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"PFT! I-Is that Tomura dressed up as Doraemon?!", Dabi laughed out loud.

"Isn't he cute??", you questioned. You were dressed up at Dorami, basically the girl version of Doraemon.

"Not as cute as youuuuu, my little (Y/N)", Toga cooed. She pinched your cheeks, to which you only smiled wider at her.

"You look very cute, (Y/N)!! Ew, what're you suppose to be? A deformed cat?", Twice commented. Ignoring Twice's second statement, you went over to give him a hug as thanks.

Tomura was irked. Somehow, someway you had beat him at his own video games. Thus, he was dressed up for Halloween as for losing the bet with you.

"Shut up, burnt face!"

Dabi and the rest of the league smirked. It wasn't everyday they got to see their oh-so-mighty boss dressed up in some childish cartoon costume.

"Ready Shiggy?", you asked as you extended your pinky out.

He begrudgingly connected his pinkie with yours and went out to go trick-or-treating.

.•♫•♬• a voice •♬•♫•.

"LOOK AT ALL THE CANDY I GOT!!", you yelled as you bursted through the door.

The rest of the league were just chilling in the lobby, waiting for you and Tomura to get back.

Because Tomura was dressed up as Doraemon, he had a pocket in front of his costume, which was now filled with his candy. Yep, HIS candy, not yours, his.

It took every fiber in his body to not disintegrate the costume right off his body and walk away from all those snotty kids. People also started giving him candy as they saw yalls duo costume. It made him even more pissed but he still kept the candy.

You dumped all your candy onto the coffee table. You started handing some to the rest of the members while sorting out some for you. You were a fair child so you tried to split it as evenly as possible.

As you were sorting it out, you saw this one candy that caught your eye. It was a purple orb like candy. You somewhat remembered a lady that was dressed up as a witch giving it to you.

Intrigued, you opened the packaging and ate it. It was one of those chewy kinds, your favorite. After a minute or so, you started feeling weird.

"Are you okay, (Y/N)? You look constipated", Dabi joked.

You shook your head and made a face like you were in pain. You clutched onto your stomach, falling down in pain. As if you were a pokémon evolving, you were surrounded by a bright light, blinding almost every member that was near you.

You looked at your hands. They were bigger. You looked at your legs. They were longer. You touched your face. They were no longer chubby.

"H-Holy shit!!", Spinner said in disbelief.

You looked around at each member of the league, they all gave you weird looks.

"What?", you asked.

"Y-You....you...you're old", Toga said, also in shock.


"Like 20 years old...maybe", Dabi said.

Shigaraki pulled out his phone, letting you see your own image. Your hair grew longer along with your eyelashes and arms and legs. You were a full-grown adult. You were still in your Dorami costume though, it was like it grew with you.

"Wow...so this is what it feels like to be an adult", you said as you stood up, feeling super tall now.

"Relax pipsqueak, you only grew like a few feet. Still not taller than the rest of us", Dabi commented.

You pouted. "Kurogiri, how do we turn her back?", Shigaraki asked.

"I'm not sure Tomura. Perhaps we'd should wait until morning and see if the effect wears off. It is also getting pretty late", Kurogiri said.

"Indeed. In that case, I'll be heading off. Goodnight everyone", Compress said as he headed towards the elevator with Spinner and Twice.

"Can I sleep with you tonight, Shiggy?", you asked as you rubbed your eyes.

Even after turning physically 20, your 4 year-old mind was showing.

"W-What?", Shigaraki asked.

"You know. Like we used to?", you said.

"If crusty doesn't want to, I gladly invite you to my bed—"

"Shut it you burnt piece of chicken!"

"(Y/N), as much as Tomura would love to, it's not appropriate for a young woman to sleep with a male if they're not in a serious relationship", Kurogiri answered for Shigaraki.

"We are in a serious relationship!", you said, not knowing what the meaning was behind what you were saying.

Tomura almost choked on air. He was a villain and did illegal things, but that did not include sleeping with children.

Dabi snorted while Toga just giggled as your innocence.

"What I'm trying to say is—"

"Enough. Let's just all go to bed", Tomura said. "And you", Tomura pointed, "let's go".

You nodded in excitement. You followed Shigaraki as you waved goodnight to Dabi, Toga, and Kurogiri.

"You think she'll be okay?", Dabi asked.

"More okay than if she was with you", Toga retorted.

Once you and Shigaraki arrived in his room, which still had multiple trash bags lying around, you hopped onto this bed.

He slept near the edge of his bed, trying not to make contact with you. Despite the sudden change in physical appearance, you were still the 4 year-old he knew. And he was not interested in kids.

You wrapped your arms around him, like you always did, and tried cuddling him. He wanted to desperately get out of your grip but gave up when you just wouldn't budge.

Carefully turning to face towards you, he stroked your now long hair. He then sighed. No matter how old you got, you would always be like a little girl to him.

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