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"PUT the star on the top of the tree", Kurogiri said

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"PUT the star on the top of the tree", Kurogiri said.

"But...I can't...r-reach", you pouted. Dabi chuckled at you before picking you up so you could place the Star on top of the Christmas tree.

"Ready to see the magic?", Compress asked as he was about to plug in the lights.

You nodded in anticipation.

"Woahhhh!!" You eyes shined in amusement. This was the first time you've seen so many ornaments and lights stuck on a tree.

"Now, time to write a letter to Santa", Spinner said, handing you a piece of paper and pencil.

"Santa??", you asked confused.

"Santa's the old man that brings presents around to all the good kids in the world", Spinner explained.

"But what about the bad kids...?", you asked.

"They...uhhh...they get coal", Spinner responded.

"W-Will I get c-coal?", you asked in fright. You weren't sure how to feel about a big chubby man delivering you presents in the middle of the night. However, if the rest of the league was going with it, so will you.

"You'll be fine", Spinner said as he gave you a pat on the head.

Once you finished writing, you had folded it and kept it in your pjs pocket.

"Time to bake cookies", Kurogiri said.

You happily hopped off the chair in your red and greened pajamas. Going over to Kurogiri, he helped you with your apron so things didn't get too messy.

"Alright, and we'll just have to wait for around 45 minutes", he said.

"In the meantime, why don't you go get everyone and I'll put on a Christmas movie in the lobby?", Kurogiri offered.

You quickly nodded and skrted off. Going on each floor, you knocked on each door and didn't go down to the lobby until everyone was with you.

"I'm here!!", you excitedly said.

You ran over to the couch, pulling along Twice and Dabi. Once everyone settled down you hopped on Twice's lap, enjoying the movie, The Grinch.

You then dozed off as your bedtime was usually 9pm. Kurogiri took the note to Santa out of your pocket as Twice carried you up the elevator to your room.

Dear Santa,

I know you're a busy man. So for this year and the rest of my life, I just want one thing.

I wish for me and my family to stay together forever!

P.S. I hope the cookies are good. Kuro did majority of the work so it should be pretty okay.

P.P.S. Please stop spying on me all year round. It makes me feel nervous. Thank you and see you next year...I guess? (o^^o)


Kurogiri thought his nonexistent heart was going to burst. You were just too cute. Too cute!

.•♫•♬• a voice •♬•♫•.

"IT'S C-CHRISTMAS!!", you yelled as you knocked on everyone's doors, waking them up.

Once you arrived at the 2nd floor, where Kurogiri almost usually always was, you said good morning to him and hugged him.

You looked on the table and saw that the cookies were eaten and the milk was also gone.

You gasped in surprise. "S-Santa came to...v-visit?!"

Kurogiri smiled. "It seems like he did".

Everyone was quickly gathered at the first floor, where all the presents laid under the tree.

"P-Presents!!", you exclaimed as you ran over to the colorful tree.

You distributed the presents to everyone. Even your nomu got one.

"Here, Nono", you said as you handed it a bone. You had told Dabi that you wanted to get Nono a bone for Christmas and without another word, he went and got you one. How he did is a story that shall never be told.

If the nomu was capable of reacting, it probably would've made a 'wtf' face. But since it can't, it accepted it and started chewing on it like a dog.

You ended up getting a few gifts too, even though you told Santa you only wanted one thing. You got a few new dresses and outfits which were very cute! You also got a diary in which now you can spill all the tea in. You then got a picture frame of when you and the entire league went to Disney World.

You hugged the frame and smiled. You were already so happy and grateful.

"Come here brat", Shigaraki said, while the others were still unwrapping their presents.

You walked over to Tomura feeling giddy. Christmas was great and you can't wait to spend the rest of your Christmases with them.

"I have a personal Christmas present for you", Shigaraki whispered.

Your eyes lit up. Usually Shigaraki gave pretty okay presents. Even the nomu turned out as a pretty good gift so you were excited about the mystery present.

He picked you up and sat you on his lap. He took the picture frame from your hand and flipped it over. On the back, it said something that made you awe in disbelief.

(Y/N) Shigaraki.

"My last name. Surprise. From now on, you'll be like my daughter. My little girl", Shigaraki quietly said, not wanting the other league members to hear.

"R-Really?? S-So I have a last name now??", you asked excitedly. Even though it's been a while since you've joined the league, you've never had a last name before. You probably did have one, but you obviously didn't remember it. You suddenly remembered your New Years Resolution. 'So he kept that in mind, huh', you thought as you inwardly smiled.

Shigaraki gave you a small nod and smile.

You gave him a big hug. "D-Does that mean I can call you papa now??", you asked.

"Only when we're alone", he instructed. You didn't mind as you had just gained a new father figure on Christmas Day. How much better can things get?

Kurogiri took a picture of you and Tomura, saving it for his scrapbook.

'Cute', he thought as he took pictures of the other members.

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