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"(Y/N)~", Toga yelled from across the room, waking you up from sleeping on the couch

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"(Y/N)~", Toga yelled from across the room, waking you up from sleeping on the couch.

You weren't sure what exactly gave this girl the energy to be literally skipping at 7am, but nevertheless, you plopped off the couch and slowly walked to her to see what all the commotion was.

"(N/N)-CHAN!!", she yelled your nickname that she gave you as she picked you up and spun you around. She quickly took you to her room to get you dressed for the occasion today.

Today, you would start your training with Compress. After settling in for about a week, Tomura decided that it'd be best for you to start learning the basics of hand-to-hand combat until your quirk came in.

Tomura decided that Compress would be best fit for the job since he seemed more mature...and patient than most members.

"Awwww, you look so cute (N/n)-chan!!", Toga gushed as you looked at yourself in the mirror. She dressed you in some black athletic shorts and a blue tank top with some black tennis shoes.

She started brushing your hair and tying it up to a high ponytail so it wouldn't get in your way while you trained. At times like this, when she wasn't squeezing you to death with her hugs or asking for your blood, she almost seemed like a mother to you.

"Time to go (Y/N)-chan! Mr. Compress is waiting!" You quickly nodded and walked outside of the bar. In the alleyway, Compress was standing there, expectantly waiting for you.

"Well good morning to you Miss (Y/N). Ready to begin?", he asked formally. You hung-out with Kurogiri quite a bit but Compress was on another level of formality. It almost felt that he should be teaching you proper etiquette rather than hand-to-hand combat.

You gave him a nod and he quickly disappeared. Leaving you alone, you were confused. 'Wasn't he supposed to teach me how to figh-', your thought was interrupted by a kick to your back, forcing you to stumble forward and faceplant.

"Wow, guess we're really starting from scratch here", a voice said from behind you as you shakily got up.

"Okay, let's start easy by running back and forth in the alleyway, then some push-ups and curl-ups", Compress said as you looked at him slightly mad that he had kicked you from behind.

You looked at him slightly awed. 'Does this man really expect me to do all this?', you thought as he just stared at you, no laughing or snickering, meaning he was dead serious about it.

You sighed and began running back and forth for what seemed like hours. As if reading your mind, Compress informed you that it has merely been about 3 minutes since you started. To which you thought, 'minutes take so much longer when you're exercising'.

.•♫•♬• a voice •♬•♫•.

After the rigorous training session, you were finally allowed to go inside the bar. Kurogiri gave you a glass of water as you slowed down your heartbeat so you don't accidentally pass out.

"It's time for your lesson", Kurogiri said as you downed your water hastily.

'Ah, lessons', you sourly thought as you followed Kurogiri to the little table he had set up for you in front of the couch.

Usually you'd be excited but there was nothing more you wanted to do than to pass out on the couch. However, you were in no place to argue so you sat down and listened to Kurogiri's lecture on quirks.

At the mention of quirks, you were now interested. Having to have lived with the villains for a while, you have started to notice their quirks. Like that one time you wanted to hold Tomura's hand but got hurt and how Toga always asks for your blood. 'Actually, Toga asking for blood might just be a side hobby', you contemplated.

"I'm sure you already know what quirks are. It's just a matter of how you use it and what type you have", Kurogiri started off, cutting off your thought about Toga.

He continued explaining how everyone has a special quirk, most of the time, it originated from their parents. You being on the streets since as long as you remembered, didn't know who your parents were, much less their quirks.

"Usually, they develop around the age of 4-5. However, it is possible to be a later bloomer", Kurogiri continued, as if sensing your uneasiness of already being at the age of 4.

You gave him a nod and a smile, notifying him that he can continue, and appreciating his concern for you.

"There are 3 types of quirks. There are mutant quirks where you have an unchangeable body. An example would be Spinner. Another type is transformation quirks, take Toga as an example. She can copy the person's appearance by ingesting their blood."

'Ah, so it isn't just a hobby after all', you thought.

"The last type, which is the most common, is emitter quirks. Basically you can control water, fire, ice, air, elemental things. An example would be Dabi. He emits blue fire".

You took the pencil in front of you and wrote your question down. Scribbling quietly.

"But, you can also be quirkless. It doesn't happen very often but it's possible", Kurogiri said.

You stopped your writing. 'What if you were quirkless? Would they immediately throw you out and leave you on the streets? No no, they might even kill you for being useless...', your brain wracked around the idea of being quirkless.

You lifted up your paper slowly to Kurogiri to show him your question.

"Do you think I'll be quirkless?"

Slightly surprised by that question. He came over and patted your head gently.

"I think you'll have a great quirk. Don't worry too much about it."

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