//ch. 31//"it's okay"//

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AFTER all the worries, lectures, and hugs, you finally got away to go see how Compress was doing

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AFTER all the worries, lectures, and hugs, you finally got away to go see how Compress was doing.

He was laying in his bed, probably already asleep. You quietly walked over to his bed. Even when sleeping, he still had half of his mask on.

You went over to look at his arm. In place of his actual arm was a prosthetic one. You wondered if you touched it, he'd feel anything. Wanting to try that theory out, you reached out to hold his hand.

At first, it didn't move. But then it held your little hand. Compress turned over to you.

"And what brings you to my room, little one?"

"Y-You....o-okay...?", you asked.

"I'm quite alright. Now if someone asks me how I'll be able to break up fights, I can reply with, single handedly", Compress joked.

You gave him a weak smile. Even in situations like these, he never fails to humor you or himself.

After a while of holding his hand, he indubitably went to sleep. You left his room, trying your best to quietly close the door.

You then went to see Twice, as he wasn't downstairs at the small reunion. Going into the elevator once more, you went down to the 4th floor.

You knocked on his door once. Twice. Thrice.

"What??" You heard a voice groan and steps coming towards the door.

Twice opened it, with his usual mask on. However, he was in his baggy pants and white tank top.

You pulled on his pants so his attention was on you. He looked down at you, almost shocked.

"Y-You're...you're back!!", he said as he picked you up and gave you a hug.

You nodded and hugged Twice back. He brought you into his room so he could take his mask off without anyone seeing.

He examined you, seeing if you had any scars or if you were hurt anywhere. Much to his displeasure, he found your arms wrapped.

"What happened here?"

"C-Chisaki....needles....b-blood", you uttered out. You weren't exactly sure how to form a sentence saying he stabbed you multiple times so he could examine your "quirkless" blood.

He hugged you tighter, trying to not squeeze your arms too much. Twice felt his bottom lip quiver. He bit it, trying to make it stop. He felt tears well up to his eyes. Ironic how he's needing the comfort of a little girl.

He can't help but feel that Magne's death and Compress's lost of an arm was his fault.

He didn't know that bringing Overhaul would cause such destruction. The only good thing that came out it out was finding you.

He wanted to make him pay, but Tomura had other plans. He wanted to listen to him but part of him wants to rebel.

"It's...okay...", you quietly spoke.

Twice stopped. He thought for a moment.

"Do you know why I wear this mask?", he suddenly asked.

You shook your head. You bet the rest of the league knew, but you didn't. You were sure that everyone had their own backstories but you weren't one to pry, so you just let it be.

"It keeps my head together. I once cloned myself many times to do all my work and chores. But then one day they all rebelled. I was tied down to a chair and everyone started killing everyone".

"No one was left but me. However I don't even know if I'm the real one", Twice said as he touched the scar on his forehead. He wondered what he was saying. Telling a kid all of this. He wouldn't be surprised if you didn't talk to him anymore as he's mentally and physically unstable.

"At one point, it felt like they wanted to split out of my head, so I had to stitch it up. The mask keeps it tight around my face. It keeps me together", Twice finished.

You looked at him awed. You weren't exactly sure how to respond as you were still getting used to using actual words.

For one, you felt happy that Twice had opened up to you. But on the other hand, you weren't sure how to comfort him. You wanted him to know that it was okay. That you believed that he was the real one.

Something inside you urged you to sing. However, you couldn't. So you did the next best thing, humming.

You didn't know any songs except the one Toga sang to you a while ago. And even then, you weren't exactly sure how the melody went. But you gave it a go.

"A-Ahem", you cleared your throat, catching Twice's full attention.

"H-Hmmm~ Hmm hmm hmmm hmmm~"

You hummed for a while, while gently patting Twice's hair. You admit that you were not a good hummer. But that may just be because this was your first time trying to hum or sing.

Despite your poor humming skills, Twice acknowledged you effort on trying to make him feel better. Thus, he let you continue, occasionally joining in on the humming.

Although you both were out of tune, it brought comfort to him and yourself.

.•♫•♬• a voice •♬•♫•.

"Do you hear that?", Dabi asked as him and Spinner walked past Twice's room.

"I'd rather not", Spinner shortly replied.

Dabi only sighed and chuckled at how out of time you and Twice were.

He was for sure going to tease you about it the next time he heard you sing.

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