//ch. 13//worries//

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AFTER meeting Ryozo's father, he immediately left, claiming he had hero work to do

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AFTER meeting Ryozo's father, he immediately left, claiming he had hero work to do.

Ryozo brought you back up to his room, where the both of you watched The Princess and the Frog. You thought that despite what the shadow man did, his ending was tragic. If only he wasn't so greedy, he wouldn't have had such a bad ending.

You were still hung up about what Ryozo said to his father, so you took your notebook and pencil and wrote on it.

"Why'd you say that I was quirkless?"

Ryozo looked at you, back to his neutral face. "I'm sorry, it's just that I've never seen you use your quirk before. So I just assumed. Plus, it's not a bad thing. I'm quirkless too", he said.

"Is that why you were hesitant on becoming a hero?"

Ryozo didn't speak for a moment. "Yeah...but father told me that one day he'll make sure that this world will become normal again. So then, I can be the hero I want".

You only nodded as you two continued watching the movie.

"You're not mad, are you?", Ryozo asked. You shook your head at him and gave him a fake smile. Honestly, you had hoped that it wasn't true. If it was, Shigaraki and the rest would probably throw you out. Then you would be back in the streets in no time.

Once the movie ended, you two played games with his controllers. He was about to win before a knock was heard on the door, making you sigh in relief.

Kurono walked in, saying that someone was here to pick you up. You walked downstairs with all your things, seeing Dabi standing outside. You ran up to him, to which he happily greeted by opening up his arms and picking you up.

You waved goodbye to Kurono and Ryozo, who were standing by the door. Ryozo seemed to look slightly terrified of Dabi's burns. To which you thought was ridiculous considering his father's piercing gaze was way scarier.

"How was it?", Dabi asked as he walked into an alleyway.

You laid your head on his shoulder, sighing. He raised an eyebrow and lowly chuckled.

A portal opened, leading straight into the bar. Dabi stepped through it, bringing you back to the base. Food was already served as the rest of the league waited for you and Dabi to sit.

"Who's clothes are those?", Tomura asked.

You obviously didn't speak.

"Ooohhhh!! It's the boy's isn't it??", Toga cooed. You shot her a look, wanting her to shut up about it.

Tomura scoffed in disgust. "Once you shower, throw those away".

"Please don't. Give it to me and I'll wash it so you can return it tomorrow", Kurogiri said.

You nodded as Dabi put you down so he could get food. Like always, you sat on the couch while the others were on the stools of the bar.

Shigaraki looked your way and sighed. He picked up his plate and utensils and walked over to you. He sat away from you but was still sitting on the couch.

You looked his way and smiled. Scooting closer to Tomura, you two ate in silence.

.•♫•♬• a voice •♬•♫•.

You got out of the shower in your once again, pink pajamas. Picking up Tomu-chan from the sofa, you saw Kurogiri still washing the dishes.

"Hello (Y/N). Are you done showering?"

You nodded as he continued washing the dishes. You were about to leave before you heard Kurogiri talk.

"(Y/N), perhaps you should go sleep with Tomura tonight. Even though he doesn't say it or seem like it, he's been salty that you've been spending more time with the others".

You gave him a smile before bowing and running upstairs. Knocking on Shigaraki's door, he opened it, used to looking down on you.

He let you in, as you'd always come to his room after your shower to help him put lotion on. Doing the usual lotion and chapstick routine, you stayed in his room after you were done.

"What? Are you not leaving?", he asked.

You shook your head, climbing onto his bed. He usually slept with his hands in a fist, but since you were joining him in bed tonight, he put on some special gloves that only covered his pinkies. He didn't want to accidentally disintegrate you.

Once he turned off the lights, he turned on the nightstand lamp. You slept next to nightstand as there was a small notepad and pen there. Shigaraki left it there just in case something happened in the middle of the night and you needed to communicate.

As he got in bed, you started writing on the notepad.

"Do you think I'm quirkless?"

Shigaraki stopped moving. He stared at the note and furrowed his brows.

"Don't ask such stupid questions", he said as he climbed under the covers.

You put the notepad and pen down as you turned off the lamp and hugged Tomu-chan. Shigaraki turned his back on you as you sighed.

You moved closer to Shigaraki while still hugging your bunny. Trying to cuddle him, you swung your tiny arm over Tomura's side.

"Move", Tomura said.

You pouted and scooted back. Curling up into a little ball, you hugged your bunny tighter.

To your surprise, Shigaraki turned over, facing you now. He tried feeling where you were, accidentally slapping your arm.

Once he found you, he scooped you closer to him. His long arms hovered over your small body. You grabbed onto his shirt, bringing you closer to his chest.

Unlike Kurogiri, Tomura had a detectable heartbeat. It was steady and brought comfort to you. His warmth enveloped you and you fell asleep peacefully.

That night, you slept with no worries, right in Tomura's arms.

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