//ch. 22//oatmeal//

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MAMAGIRI was sick

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MAMAGIRI was sick.

No one had expected the mom of the group to get sick. No one even knew how it happened. It just, happened.

And no one was home, except you and Kurogiri. Everyone was out doing something, even Shigaraki!

You had found out Kurogiri was sick when he didn't wake up the same time like he did every morning. He was still laying in bed, in his pjs.

You opened his bedroom door, bringing in a tub of warm water and a wet towel. Again, you weren't sure if under all this mist he had a physical body, but you had to at least try.

You wet the towel, twisting it as much as you can so it was somewhat dry. You then folded it into a rectangle and put it on Kurogiri's head.

Kurogiri's yellow eyes opened slightly. "Why thank you, little one".

You patted his head, signaling for him to rest. You then left the door slightly open in case something were to happen.

You walked downstairs, looking in the cabinets for any medicine. You remembered when you took medicine last time, you ate a pink pill. You looked through the basket of medicines, successfully finding it. It instructed that for adults to take two instead of one. However, Kurogiri needed to eat first.

You quickly opened the fridge, looking for any healthy foods. There was only a few leftover vegetables, and half a taco left.

You sighed. You needed to make Kurogiri something to eat so he could take the medicine. You went to the couch and picked up Tomu-chan.

'Okay Tomu-chan. I'm going to leave the house to get some food. Before I come back, watch over Kurogiri for me pelase', you thought as you gave him a hug.

You brought Tomu-chan up to Kurogiri, setting the bunny next to him. You then went back downstairs and wrote a list of groceries.

'Eggs...chicken...what else do you eat when you're sick? bananas...strawberries....and maybe some oatmeal!!'

You held the list as you stuck your notebook, pencil, and some money in your backpack. You tied your hair into a bun and changed into a black hoodie before heading out.

You walked to the grocery store that Compress always went to when the league needed any groceries. It took a while to walk there as usually Kurogiri would portal y'all there.

Once you finally arrived, you entered the store. Taking a basket, you tried your hardest to not drag it on the floor. You went around the aisles, finding what you need. You decided that instead of a full raw chicken, you'd only get some chicken legs as it was too heavy for you to carry.

Whenever there was someone that you thought was sketchy, you'd smile and stand around couples. It made it seem like you were their children even if they didn't know who you were.

When you got in line to checkout, you realized you were too short to put the items on the thing, so the kind old lady behind you helped you. You bowed to her as the cashier started scanning the items.

It was a total of $23.47. Thank god Kurogiri taught you math and you handed the guy a total of $30. Once you got the change, you took the bags and walked out the store.

It was still pretty early so the alleyways didn't contain too many sketchy people. However, you still felt uncomfortable being outside by yourself, so you quickened your pace.

Once you reached the base, you sighed in relief that you didn't get kidnapped or killed by some rando. You quickly set all the stuff down, running upstairs to check on Kurogiri first.

Luckily, he was still sleeping. In fact, he was holding Tomu-chan right now. You tip-toed back downstairs, starting to prepare Kurogiri's breakfast by first putting your apron on.

You took a stool and moved it to where you needed it. Following the instructions on the oatmeal box, you did exactly what it said and started cutting up the bananas and strawberries while waiting.

Although you accidentally cut yourself on the finger, you took care of it by putting a Hello Kitty bandaid on it.

After about 30 minutes, the oatmeal was done. You took a bowl and filled it up 2/3 of the way. You took the banana and strawberry slices and placed them "professionally" onto the oatmeal.

Feeling proud, you stuck a spoon in the bowl and clenched a water bottle under your armpit. With your other free hand, you took two medicine pills and started walking upstairs.

You walked into his room, placing the oatmeal and medicine on his nightstand. You woke him up gently and helped him sit up on his bed.

He thanked you and leaned against the wall. You first had him drink some water so he was properly hydrated. Once he was done, you took the bowl of oatmeal and started feeding him.

"Did you make this?", Kurogiri weakly spoke out.

You nodded as you kept feeding him. He patted your head, letting you know he was very satisfied.

Once he finished the oatmeal, you had him take the medicine and then lie down again.

You laid next to him as you watched him sleep, making sure that he didn't need to throw up or anything.

You patted his chest, just like what Toga does to you. You couldn't hum so it was silent, but your effort was much appreciated by him.

As you continuously patted rhythmically, you slowly felt your eyes droop.

.•♫•♬• a voice •♬•♫•.

"WHO THE HELL MADE A MESS IN THE KITCHEN?!", Dabi yelled as him and the rest of the league got home.

It was Dabi's turn to wash the dishes tonight and he was not about to fix all this mess in the kitchen.

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