//ch. 20//lost//

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YOU wondered around the huge stadium, trying to remember where you last saw the U

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YOU wondered around the huge stadium, trying to remember where you last saw the U.A students.

Shigaraki had told you that if he were to take you here, you'd have to go find out some information for him.

He was particularly interested in the first place blonde, so you wandered into the boy's changing room without a second thought. You had no shame. Granted, you were only four, so you didn't get what the big deal was.

"w-wha—WHAT THE HELL IS A KID DOING HERE?!", a boy with a black lighting bolt through his blonde hair screamed.

Every boy in the changing room starting covering up, freaking out about a little girl walking in on their privacy.

You started tearing up, as all the screaming got louder. You hugged Tomu-chan tighter, hoping all the noise would just go away. Which surprisingly, it did.

"OI! SHUT THE HELL UP DUMBASSES! YOU'RE SCARING HER!!", the explosive blonde boy yelled.

Everyone immediately shut up.

The blonde boy walked over to you and bent down to your eye level.

"Oi! Who are you and why are you here?", he asked. You obviously couldn't respond so you pointed to your throat and shook your head.

"Hey Bakubro! Why isn't she talking?", a red haired male asked. He had spiky teeth like a shark, it made you wonder if he could transform into one.

"She's mute, shitty hair!", the blonde boy replied.

"O-Oh, I'm sorry!! That was very unmanly of me to assume", the red haired boy said as he bowed and apologized to you.

"Hey kid, where are your parents?", the blonde kid asked.

You shrugged your shoulders. It wasn't necessarily a lie. You honestly didn't know where Shigaraki was at the moment.

The blonde kid sighed and told you to wait outside. You nodded as you exited, waiting for the boys to finish changing.

As you were waiting, you saw the girls exiting another changing room.

"OH MY GOD!! And who's this CUTIEEE?!", the pink girl asked. She reminded you quite a bit of Toga in this aspect.

Soon, many girls crowded around you, making you extremely uncomfortable. Some pinched your cheeks while others tried to get you to talk.

"Move it extras!", a familiar voice said.

The girls all moved as the blonde boy made his way over to you. He saw you on the verge of tears and scoffed.

"Such a baby", he mumbled as he picked you up.

"Hey ponytail girl! Make a pencil and notebook", he said to a girl who indeed, had her hair in a ponytail.

"What why—"

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