//ch. 16//"carry me!"//

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YOU woke up the next morning feeling a lot better

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YOU woke up the next morning feeling a lot better. Sitting up, your picked up Tomu-chan and groggily walked out of Toga's bedroom.

You were holding the bunny by it's arm, almost dragging it. You rubbed your eye with your other hand, walking downstairs into the bar.

"Good morning (Y/N)", Kurogiri said.

You nodded your head at him. Your mind was still foggy and your steps were a bit wobbly. You wanted to walk to the couch but you ended up bumping into something. Someone.

You looked up and saw a blur of green.

"Pick her up", a voice said.

The green form hesitantly picked you up, letting you wrap your arm around it's neck. You held Tomu-chan with your other hand as you laid your head on a scaly-like shoulder.

'Must be Spinner'.

He seemed to hold you stiffly, making you slightly uncomfortable and squirm.

Dabi sighed. Walking over to you and Spinner, he tried taking you out of Spinner's arms. You let go of Spinner's neck as you were transferred over to Dabi.

"Watch and learn", Dabi said.

Like what you did with Spinner, you wrapped one arm around his neck while the other held the pink bunny.

He had one arm supporting your butt while the other patted your back rhythmically. He slightly swayed, making you fall back asleep.

.•♫•♬• a voice •♬•♫•.

You were once again woken up, this time, by Kurogiri. Although he had let you skip kindergarten, lessons were still in session.

So once you ate, got dressed, and was ready, he sat you down and began lecturing you about adding double digits.

When your lesson with Kurogiri was finished, he let you rest for about 10 minutes before sending you off with Compress.

Ever since the incident with water boy, Compress has upped your training. You guys moved on to actual basic combat skills, not just working out anymore.

"Good, now imagine someone you really hate and punch at them with all your might", Compress taught.

You nodded and tried your best to punch the air while you were in an open stance. Your frail little arms may look like noodles but after two weeks of constant working out, it's slowly gotten stronger.

When the training session was over, you spent the rest of the day with Mamagiri. Kurogiri taught you how to do the dishes and how to organize them in alphabetical order.

Kurogiri also taught you how to make scrambled eggs.

"and then, just add a pinch of salt because everyone here is already salty so they don't need anymore", he explained.

You smiled as you watched him cook with a spatula. The smell filled the room, making your stomach bubble in hunger.

He took the eggs and made it into a sandwich by adding some avocado and ham.

"Here you go", Kurogiri said as he handed you the plate of sandwich. You gladly took it and bowed to him, signaling your thanks.

"I'm going out for a bit (Y/N)! See you at dinner", he said as he disappeared in the middle of the living room.

You ran upstairs, wanting to eat in Tomura's room today. However, as you were running, you bumped into someone. What wasn't so lucky, was your plate of food.

"Tch. Watch where you're going!!", Spinner said.

You pouted. Your perfectly good sandwich was now on the dirty floor. And, you were hungry.

You bowed as you quickly went to go get a small broom and dustpan to sweep up the now dirty food. Perhaps...you could still eat it??

"Don't even think about eating it", Spinner said, as if reading your mind. He saw you stare at food in the dustpan.

You nodded and went to throw it away, with Spinner following you, just to make sure you actually didn't eat it.

Spinner's stomach growled. He hasn't ate yet either and talking with Dabi about Stain's ideals made him hungry.

You noticed and took a pen and your notebook from your backpack.

"I can make you some lunch. Kurogiri taught me how!!"

Spinner read the note. "You sure you can kid??", he asked, underestimating you.

You eagerly nodded, wanting to show off what Kurogiri had just taught you. Scrunching up your sleeves, you got a stool, bowl, and eggs.

You cracked the eggs in the bowl, then using a fork and stirring it. You got a small pan and turned on the fire, pouring in the oil and letting it warm up a bit.

You waited for about a minute or two and poured the liquid egg in. Using the spatula that Kurogiri used, you scraped the eggs, scrambling them.

Once they were done, you turned the fire off like a responsible 4 year-old and got out the bread, ham, and leftover avocado.

Stacking everything together, you made the perfect sandwich. You offered the plate to Spinner, who was looking at you.

"Did you forget to make yourself one?"

Your stomach suddenly growled. You covered your face in embarrassment. He sighed and slid the plate to you. You aggressively shook your head and slid the plate back to him. You made it for him and you wanted him to eat it.

"For you!!"

He got up and went to go get a knife. That made you slightly worried. You didn't know Spinner very well so you wondered if he was going to kill you because you forced him to eat a sandwich you made.

He took the knife and surprisingly didn't stab you with it. He cut the sandwich in half and got you both some orange juice.

"Here, at least take half of it", he said.

You nodded and smiled at him, eating your sandwich happily and taking sips of your orange juice.

After finishing yalls food, you grew tried. You wanted to take a nap and fall into a food coma. You yawned and looked at Spinner, who was giving you a confused look.

Your tiredness was taking over so you walked over to Spinner, pulling on the hem of his pants.

He raised an eyebrow, not sure what you wanted. You extended your arms out to him, wanting him to pick you up.

He sighed once again and hesitantly picked you up. You wrapped your arms around his neck and laid your head on his scaly shoulder.

He followed what Dabi taught him in the morning. He tried his best not to hurt you or anything.

"A-Are you comfortable?", he asked.

You nodded while hugging him tighter. For once, he felt relieved that someone didn't mind how he looked and what his skin felt like.

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