//ch. 33//player two//

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"WATCH and learn, (Y/N)", Shigaraki said as he hopped from the top of the moving truck, only to be held in midair by sand

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"WATCH and learn, (Y/N)", Shigaraki said as he hopped from the top of the moving truck, only to be held in midair by sand.

"You can disintegrate anything you touch, but you can't disintegrate sand", the sand hero said as his body was almost halfway out the police car.

In a blink of an eye, Compress decompressed a giant rock that hit the police car, making everything go haywire.

Dabi then picked you up and hopped off the still moving struck, followed by Compress. Shigaraki broke the police car's window and took control of the wheel, turning the vehicle sideways.

Dabi then put you down. You hid behind his right leg, under his black coat. As the sand hero created a gigantic tiger, Dabi used both hands, blasting it away with his blue flames. Compress ended the fight by compressing the man into one of his marbles.

Dabi then picked you up once again, walking over to the body that was restrained on the ground. Shigaraki and Compress took off their masks.

'C-Chisaki?? Ryozo's father?', you thought in disbelief as you saw him interact with the two villains standing before him.

Compress used one of his marbles, taking away one of his arms as compensation. Tomura then started speaking.

"Tell me again, who's the next leader is going to be?"

Tomura was definitely mocking him. He seemed to have a possession of Chisaki's. You were a bit far so you couldn't exactly make out with it was. But whatever it was, it was contained in a small red box.

Shigaraki then proceeded to decay his hand. Dabi put his hand over your eyes so all you heard was the loud gasp of Chisaki.

"Let's do our best!", Shigaraki mocked as he smiled insanely. Chisaki looked like he had just lost everything. If it weren't for what he had done to you and Eri, you might've even felt a bit of remorse for him.

"Hey! We gotta hurry! The cops are coming", Spinner yelled as he honked the truck.

Shigaraki grinned one last time before leaving. "Now, it's our turn".

You jumped out of Dabi's arms, quickly catching up to Shigaraki. You held his pinkie as you looked back at Overhaul, who gave you a look of horror.

He said something. "P-Please...d-don't tell...Ryo...". You couldn't hear him but you could see him mouth the words. You gave him a small nod as you and the three villains walked away.

"Did you enjoy the show, player two?", Shigaraki asked, most likely still grinning underneath his hand mask.

You only gave him a nod, not exactly sure how to respond to whatever just happened.

.•♫•♬• a voice •♬•♫•.

You ended up finding out that Ryozo was taken to a orphanage as his father and his organization was gone now.

You really wanted to go see him and tell him everything was okay, but you didn't have the face to. You weren't sure what to even say to him. His father told him that he was a pro hero but in reality he tortured little kids for whatever his goal was.

You were pulled out of the kindergarten class, school in general, as you were out too often and it was a bit far from where the league resided right now. So now, you were back to continuing classes with just Kurogiri and Compress.

"(Y/N)", Shigaraki said. You looked up at him. "Come here", he said as he waited for you to follow him.

You two ended up in his room, sitting on the floor. Thank god Kurogiri had took out the trash bags, as it was starting to really get to you.

"Come, play with me", Shigaraki said as he held a controller out to you.

You happily took it. It has been a fat while since you've played video games with Shigaraki, as he was always busy plotting some world revolution ish.

You crawled onto his lap, getting comfortable. He laid his chin on top of your head, hunching over like always.

Every game started with 10 rounds of Mario Cart. No more, no less.

Like always Shigaraki won. But this time, you managed to win four rounds without having to use any dirty tricks.

"When...can I...be p-player...one?", you whined.

"When you can beat me", Shigaraki said, smirking.

You pouted. You were always player two. And to make it even worse, it seemed like Tomura was rubbing it in your face all the time by calling you his player two.

You weren't sure whether it was an insult or not. At least you weren't player three or four.

"Not using pink Kirby anymore?", Shigaraki asked as we had moved on to SuperSmashBros.

You shook your head. "No...s-sometimes...good..to try new...t-things", you uttered out. You had to mentally pat yourself on the back for being able to say almost a full sentence.

"Interesting", Shigaraki mumbled as he picked the character he was good at using.

Instead of just smashing buttons like you used to do, you actually tried combos and felt somewhat more confident.

You were so into the game that your small body jolted along with the game. You squirmed so much that Tomura had to make sure you didn't head-butt him in the face.

Seeing your determination, he gave a small smile. You'd definitely make a great villain one day.

As soon as he thought that, he regretted it. One second of lost concentration sent a vibration to his controller, signaling him that he lost.

"Tsk". Shigaraki scowled at the sight of the screen.

"Thanks...p-player two", you said as you gave him a pat to his head.

He lightly growled as he watched you hop away in excitement. You went to go get the lotion and chapstick, hopping back onto Tomura's lap.

"Is this really necessary?", Shigaraki asked, clearly still annoyed form that loss.

You nodded, humming in happiness.

"Smile...p-player two", you said.

Tomura glared at you. You froze. At that moment, you knew you fucked up.

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