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DINNER. That was something you were definitely not used to. Usually your meals were scattered throughout days. Depending if you were lucky enough, sometimes strangers would take pity and give you their leftovers. Other times, you were left to scavenge for food. Much less to say, now you could have three meals a day.

"(Y/N), could you go and get Tomura for dinner please", Kurogiri asked as he was setting up the table, which wasn't much since they just all ate at the counter of the bar. You nodded and quickly skrted to the room you remembered waking up from. Knocking on the door twice, you heard an irritated "what?". Knocking again, you heard heavy footsteps as the door flung open to a pissed off Tomura. At first he didn't see you since you were so short, so you pulled on the hem of his pants to alert him of your presence.

"What do you want you brat?!"

You took out a piece of paper and a pen in which you kept in your pockets and wrote the word 'food'. You looked up only to be met with the slam of the door. You internally sighed, wondering if you should wait or just leave. However, the door suddenly opened again, revealing a Tomura in a black hoodie and no hand on his face this time.

"Let's go brat", he mumbled as he walked in front, quickly leaving you behind. You caught up to him, trying to see what he looked like without the hand. You'd be lying if you said you weren't even a bit curious about what he looked like. After all, it's not everyday you get kidnapped and end up living with a villain who has a hand on his face.

As you both reached the living room, everyone else was already there in their seats. You looked around as Shigaraki sat down, noticing there was nowhere for you to sit. You didn't feel like disturbing them anymore so you just decided to sit on the floor, as it wasn't as if you weren't used to it already.

Toga saw you sit on the floor and tried to pick you up to place you on her lap. Despite your initial thoughts of this girl, she seemed to treat you pretty nice compared to the others who haven't even spared you another glance since your arrival.

As you were waiting for Kurogiri to pass around the dinner for tonight, you were watching Shigaraki. You couldn't really see since Toga was sitting a few stools away but you could make out his chapped lips and pale pale skin. The rest was either covered by his hoodie or his light blue locks that framed his face.

"Heyyyy~ Why does (Y/N)-chan look at Shigaraki like that but not me?", Toga whined, suddenly catching the attention of everyone, especially Shigaraki.

For the first time ever, you felt flustered. Your cheeks were burning up so much you thought there was something wrong with you. You were fine with the attention at the beginning but the attention now was different. It made you feel embarrassed. All eyes were on you and you weren't sure what to do, so you turned around and hid your face in Toga's chest. Toga giggled and started patting your back.

"Honestly, I don't know why you would want to even look at him pipsqueak. He's crusty as fu--"

"Dabi", Kurogiri began with a stern tone, signaling that it was inappropriate to cuss in front of children.

You looked up at Dabi and aggressively shook your head. The rest seemed to chuckle at your protest against Dabi's statement. Without another beat, dinner was served. Pizza.

You watched as others eat before you picked up your own slice of pepperoni pizza, taking a bite of it. As soon as you took a bite, it's like you lit up. The aura around you had flowers and sparkles. It has been forever since you've had warm, decent food.

Toga noticed your change in behavior and gladly pinched your cheeks, rambling about how cute you were and how precious you looked eating that pizza. You felt slightly uncomfortable but you didn't want to be mean and slap her hand away so you just let it happen while you were still chewing.

Shigaraki saw you fidget and quickly ordered Toga to stop messing with you and eat. You looked at him and briefly saw his red eyes before he hung his head low again, slouching. You continued eating, savoring every taste as you have grown to love pizza in these past few minutes. After finally finishing your first slice, you hesitantly stared at the box, wondering if you were allowed to have another.

Kurogiri seemed to have caught your gaze and placed another slice on your plate, giving you a pat on your head. You looked up at him, a bit surprised.

"Just ask for it if you want it, it's okay".

You nodded your head and gave him a small smile. A genuine smile.

A/N: thank you for reading!! please like, comment, and SHARE!! I would also love some feedback since I'm new to this. I hope you enjoyed and see you next chapter! <3

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