//ch. 36//epilogue//

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TWENTY-five years later

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TWENTY-five years later...

You became the successor of the quirk All for One. Currently standing as Japan's #1 pro hero.

If Stain was the Hero Killer, then you were the Villain Saver: (Y/N).

You had decided many years ago that you'd make Tomura and the rest proud. And as the older you got, the more you understood their story.

You had a strong belief for saving villains. Hence, your hero name. There were some out there that needed saving, but were just taken down the wrong path. And you, you were there to help them.

You had a thing with wiggling your way into people's hearts. After all, that's what Tomura said in the letter.

Currently, you had just finished your visit with Tomura and the rest of the league. It was months after they left you that they started calling themselves the Paranormal Liberation Front. But to you, they were still the same League of Villains.

They were now all residing in Tartarus, guarded by many pros. At first, they were all in disbelief, hearing that you had became a pro hero. Especially Shigaraki. However, they had soon learned to accept it as there was nothing else to be done.

At one point, Tomura even complained to you about how Chisaki was still there. With his two prosthetic arms of course.

You sighed as you walked out of Tartarus. You took a train and arrived in front of the preschool you used to go to.

It had closed down but you still visited it from time to time. You observed the peaceful building as the Sakura petals fell.

"It's been a while...hasn't it, (Y/N)?", a voice asked.

You quickly turned around, putting your guard up. With you now being the #1 hero, anyone could come for your head at any moment.

Your eyes widened.

"R-Ryo...", you muttered out.

"That's me. Didn't think you'd see me here did you?", he asked, giving you a grin.

"What are you—"

"Hush now. I'm quite surprised actually. That someone like you would be succeeding the quirk All for One".

You only listened, not sure where he was going with this conversation.

"But then again....I'm the successor to One for All".

"Then why are you not—"

"Why am I not a hero even though I said I would be?", he finished your thought for you.

You were getting annoyed at how he was interrupting you so much. Before you could answer, he had already started talking.

"Glad you asked. After finding out that my father was the notorious Overhaul, what else was I suppose to do, being left alone in an orphanage?"


"Don't! Don't you fucking apologize! The only reason I turned out this way was because of fate. Fate has also brought us together once again...and it will repeat soon enough", he said.

"What do you mean?", I asked.

"We're on opposite sides of the board, like we've always been. This is just a warning to not get in my way. But knowing you, you probably would anyways".

"Damn right I will", I replied.

"In that case, see you on the battlefield next time", Ryozo said as he waved goodbye and disappeared.

You looked as his brown hair got further and further away.

'The next time we meet, I'll be there to save you, Ryozo'.


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A/N: hello my lovely readers!! I hope you enjoyed the story!! I feel like i kinda rushed the ending but a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.

if you liked it, please support by sharing, commenting, and staring!!

thank you so so much!! and if you liked this, be sure to check out:

-Villain Babysitter {child bnha villains x villain! reader}
-Bratty Princess {t. shigaraki x oc}
-Mission Purple💜 {s. hitoshi x reader}

thanks again and see you soon!! <3

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