swaggersouls- Vr

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I've been watching a lot of VR video's I recommend watching the vid above ( if it works) I cried.

You- what's Poppin chat I'm back with another stream today I am streaming with the well requested... Swaggersouls

Swaggersouls- hi hi

You- swags I'm streaming so watch your language ok buddy???

Swaggersouls- I suppose I'll behave

You- ok so where gunna be doing some VR for you guys ok? We play vr all the time off camera so I'm like ok why don't we stream it for some of you guys entertainment. Lemmie just load in its taking a while swags you already in?

Swaggersouls-  hell yea I'm in  woah y/n there's no way your actually that tall

You- hahahaha yea I am bitch I have the wall monitor it calliberates my correct height I believe

Swaggersouls- wtf that's some bull shit man I wanna change my skin, my vr skin chat I can't really do that in real life

You- yet...

Swaggersouls- yet. Maybe in like 20 years time

You- 20? Mate I'd give it like 10 or 5 or 8 or 6

Swaggersouls- how about Ugandan knuckles that dead meme?

You- swagger I swear to god if you are Ugandan knuckles when I turn around I'mma curb stomp you until your breathing out of a tune got it Mr? Ok... 1...2...3... WTF SWAGGERSOULs come here you little shit...

Swaggersouls- ahahahaha don't hit me I'm sorry I'm sorry, I'll change into the tooth brush

You- good now I can pick my vr skin how about hmmm a furry how we feel chat any furries in chat? Hi cooper o see you ya furry. What about this goth bitch with big titties this looks the closest to me right swagger???

Swaggersouls- you have bigger titties tho... But you have the same eye brows and the umm eyelashes

You- omg we do have the same eyebrows she has my lashes ok I'mma be this character chat, your always asking me to face reveal well this looks pretty much like me so boom my hairs different and I have a smaller ass but this is me...

Swaggersouls- wanna go to a bar y/n do some drugs

You- swaggersouls I would love to i- are you asking me on a date

Swaggersouls- no you ugly cunt im not i wanna get fucked up I know you don't drink alot so your here to make sure I don't so anything  too bad ok?

You- ight got it. Did you see me I just dabbed ok I'm sorry that's cringe. Ooh look let's sit over here

Swaggersouls- HAY HAYE dumb animai child furry get me a drink bitch

You- swagger that's not way to talk to a child here let me try.... LISTEN HERE YOU FUCKING WHORE GET THIS GREEN CUNT A FUCKING DRINK OR ELSE ILL SHOVE my foot so far up your ass my toes are gunna come out of you nose bitch

Swaggersouls- wow your so kind

You- yea I love children man..

And now some small clips of some convos you have over vr because I have no motivation to actually make them fit in the cinematic universe.
Random character: excuse me sir this is my seat

Swaggersouls- IT'S MAM. It's mam.

You- ok swaggersouls I can't hear you over the sound of my fat pussy.
Swaggersouls- stop don't touch me there this is my no no square

You- swagger idk what you just drew but it's not a Square

Swaggersouls- it's my no no square

You- hmmmmmm I'mma say no it's more like a circle or a oblong or a heptagon

Random person: wtf is a heptagon

Swaggersouls- what the government use to make aliens
You- omg is that the real swaggersouls he's so short in person

Swaggersouls- omg is that y/n they're such a cunt in person
Random person 1: I think I love you

Random person 2: I love you to

You- what are you fucking gay

Swaggersouls- I think there called faggots ( I'm sorry 😔)

You- omg SWAGGER wtf tos omg you can't say that guys... Jeff... Jeff basos pls don't ban me Jeff... I'm an just a humble twitch Thot pls....

Hahahaha I hoped you liked it... I'm sorry about the F bomb but I did try to keep this as close to swagger as I can

Pls do not be offended I myself are LGBTQ+ ( I would be the plus) so I decided to write it on... I know some of lunch club are under fire for it right now and it's a sensitive time but I'm sorry.

I personally so not get offended over the word unless it's said to cause harm, I think it's just a word that has no meaning unless it's ment to cause harm to the person your saying it to.  I am however white so I cannot comment on the n word situation pls don't be mad at me 👉🏻👈🏻

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