hugbox,Traves, coop- Lego

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"Welcome to the stream gamers today I'm joined by noah, Traves, and coop today we are building the Taj Mahal in Lego" the views started to pour in to watch the four of us struggle to build this giant Lego Piece.
"Noah is behind the camera today as the table is too small to bearly fit us three" " plus noah is the only capable right now to mand the battle ship" cooper chimed into my speech, Travis chuckled at that before saying "ship, as in  ship in water? B O A T"

cooper and I looked at eachother and the eye contact made us burst out laughing, I laughed so much my stomach hurt and I accidentally hit my hand on the table. "Well gamers we have eaten some funny candy and should show some effect in like ten minutes??" I said ripping open the first bag of Lego " there's so many pages of instructions y/n you sure this is a good idea?" " Idk Travis probably not buddy" And it wasn't.

At this point you were an hour into the stream and you have nearly completed anything, the four of you have been laughing at the media share of old vines that have come rolling in. " Ahhhhhh stawp I could have dropped my coissont" noah intimidated the scream as the rest of us just laughed. "Y/n your eyes are not even fully open right now how high are you" " shhhhhhh child TOS I'm sorry jeff basos pls don't ban me in just a humble twitch streamer building the fucking Lego Taj Mahal" right after your rant a new media share popped up (one above if it worked) " yessss chat Carson omg Carson my boy thank you so much this is just what I needed" Travis giggled whole cooper just looked at the screen in confusion "I know you love this fishy don't even eat me... What an absolute fucking banger cooper whats wrong Mr you look so high".

Just as cooper was about to respond to my question Travis burst out in a sort of rage I guess? " Can anyone find a white Lego peice that looks like this" he held up the instruction manual and pointed to the picture of the Lego peice. At this point Lego peices have been thrown around and one had even landed inside my hoodie hood ( I don't know this was.worded weird)

"Travis you idiot all of the Lego peices are white it's the fucking Taj Mahal" " cooper I don't think Travis knows where the Taj Mahal is..." Noah chimed in " y/n I don't even think Travis knows what the Taj Mahal is..." And we all panned over to Travis looking off into the distance "surely" noah exclaimed. "3000 people just watched you admit you don't know what the Taj Mahal is Travis" "3000 just watched you suck my ass cooper leave Travis alone"

More media shares began to come in and at this point we were too out if it to continue on building the Taj Mahal. " Fishy on me fishy fishy fishy" " this damn fish song again" " cooper, I gasped this song was written about you" he rolled his eyes and just pulled his hoodie strings tighter around his face. " Alright boomers imma end the stream because idk about you guys but I'm zoinked out of you know what I mean..Taj Mahal 1 y/n 420"

You ended the stream and just looked into space vibing out the high " y/n?" Travis asked looking at your hair "you have that Lego peice I lost earlier in your hair" and low and behold you lifted your hand up to your head and there it was.... " Travis, do you actually not know what the Taj Mahal is" and he just shook his head.

" Oh my god Travis how could you" Carson hmuelled from the kitchen trying not to step on the mess we made with all the Lego peices.

The Taj Mahal is like my dream Lego set and I would love to watch lunch club build it. I think that would be a really good video idea for them... It would be absolutely chaos and end with charlie throwing Lego everywhere ted screaming, carson stepping on Lego, Travis giving up, cooper just not doing anything and schlatt well schlatt would just yell at everyone for not doing anything even tho he's not doing anything either.

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