text!kryoz - random Walmart worker

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You text John
Female pronouns?
John's texts are in bold

Kry boy *

What's poppin rwetard

Go away pussy face

Oi that's no way to talk to your queen

Your emperoress

Your babi

Why am I daiting you,And btw I'm not a simp

Hehehe I'm bored and I miss you 🖤💛

Hi bored I'm John

Hi John I'm bored nice to meet you,

~ John has logged off

Bro why?

Hi y/n this is john's dad he's dead now.

Oh John's dad your kinda peng and since John is dead now do ya wanna

Yano 👈🏻🍆

Wait I fucked it

🍆👈🏻 😝

Ew wtf y/n

John's dad? Will you replace my dad

Ok y/n John's now alive again

Ight cool I'm getting into an Uber to yours ight?

Only if you bring me some cookies bitch

Ugh I'll try my best hoe

This Uber driver is kinda weird he's talking about yellow monkeys i-

Uber man 😂😂

If picture loads (if not its above)

I might have to cop a daddy kryozoz mug thoughts??

Idk y/n I might have to cum in its sexy 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻

Broskī I can drink tea outta ya

Haha no homo

No John
All homo
All homo

Ight I'm at (Walmart? I'm a Londoner so idk if this is correct America is weird if you don't love there)

What cookies you want?

Cum flavor

John i think there all out today
Will chocolate chip suffice?

Wtf I read that as sacrifice

Later if your lucky 😚☺️🥰😙😍🙂🤪😉😛🙂😊😨😬🙁🤫😨🤮😵🤮🤒😑🥴😴🌚🤠🌝🤡🥳😿💚🖤💛😾💗♥️💓💘💛💦✨💭👁️💪🤲

B r u h

Yo I might be late to yours they have some sale going on I might have to copppppp....

Don't you need a new shower curtain?

No but get one if they on sale

Ight I got a pretty pink one for the pretty princess

🙄🙄 I hate you god damn

How fat is your dumpy?

What it's fat
Like my dick

I'm ok sure John....
But like what size shorts do you take cause these are cute

I don't wear shorts

Stfu your gunna
Bitch boy there cute

I think we need to break up...

I think we need to break your fucking knee caps cunt...

Oh lordie
How much longerrrrreree
Baby how long you gunna be I want cuddles

Hi John this is a random Walmart worker I y/n is dead.

Oh shit what you look like cause If she's dead im now single 😋😛😝🤪

John i got you some cookies some coke popcorn and some other shit

Damn Walmart worker all for me???

Stfu and suck my ass

Gladly my girlfriend never let me 😭
Thank god she's dead amirite

Nearly at yours this Uber driver is gunna actually kill me bro he's zooming


Yes zooooooom baby like the fast cars



I love you 💓💘 and your dumb ass


Dummy thick

Ok sis we all know your flat

John, I "accidentally" left the cookies in the Uber but open the door bitch

I said you can come round if you brought cookies

Ok I did buy them ...

Ight this I enjoyed, I text my friends like this👉🏻👈🏻

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