Cheeseburger backpack

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Steven joins the diamonds on a mission to save the sea spire.


"Hey Mr. Postman, bring me a post, bring me the post that I love the most." Steven sung as Jamie approached. He gasped. "My song came true! Do you have a package for me today?!"

"Hold on," Jamie said as he shuffled through the packages. "Did you order a loaf of bread with a stamp on it?"

"No." Steven said.

"Did you order a jury summon for R.J. Finkle?"

"No, I'm Steven!" Steven said.

"Oh, right, right, right, Steven! Here it is, Steven Universe." Jamie said as he pulled out a package.

Steven cheered. "This thing is gonna help me save the world."

"Really? It says it's from Wacky Sacks Supply Company." Jamie raised an eyebrow.

"White, Yellow, and Blue think I shouldn't go on magic adventures because I don't know how to use my Diamond powers." Steven said.

"...That seems reasonable."

"But there are other ways I can help."

"With a wacky sack?"


"Do you know how you can save my world?" He pulled out a signature pad. "Sign here, please."

"Aah!" Steven signed his name.

"Barb yells at me if I don't get signatures." Jamie said.

"That's awful." Steven said before hearing the warp pad go off. He gasped. "White, Yellow, and Blue are back!" He grabbed them package, running towards the house.

"Wait, Steven! What is a Wacky Sack?!" Jamie asked.

Steven entered the house before being greeted by an odd sight. "Huh?"

"Hello, Steven." White said, covered in feathers.

"Yellow, we do not need that! It's not going to fit in the fridge!" Blue said.

"What? I got this." Yellow said confidently as she slowly pulled a tray out of the fridge before stuffing a giant egg into it. "Look, it fits! Ha!" She then slammed the door shut, the egg cracking inside. "Oh man, We can make a big omelet, or a quiche, or big sunny side ups!"

Yellow was normally pretty serious, but she liked to tone it down when around Steven.

"We fought a giant bird. We're only here for a second, we've got to go back out." Blue said.

"What? Why?" Steven asked.

"We have to place this Moon Goddess Statue on the top of the Lunar Sea Spire before midnight." White said. "Without it, the whole place will fall apart! Oh, Steven, you should have seen the spire in its heyday." Her gem lit up, projecting a hologram. "It was an oasis for Gems on Earth. It's abandoned now, but we can still save it with this statue!"

"Wha?" Steven's eyes lit up. "That's perfect!"

"What? Why?" White questioned.

"Because I can help carry it for you, in this!" Steven opened up the package, dramatically revealing his new backpack.

"A hamburger?" Yellow asked.

"It's a novelty backpack, shaped like a cheeseburger! Aww, I blew it." Steven put it on. "I was just going to wear it one day, and you guys would be like, 'Dang, Steven, that's so cool.' But this is obviously important Gem business."

Diamond AU: Steven UniverseWhere stories live. Discover now