When Yellow cracks her gem, the diamonds go on a mission to heal her.
Steven and Connie were preparing for a picnic.
"Steven, hurry up!" Connie called for him as she laid down the picnic blanket.
Steven, who was riding on lion, fell face first off of him.
"Steven, are you ok?" Connie asked.
"I'm fine..." Steven sat up.
"Are you sure you're okay?" Connie asked, handing him a sandwich.
"Yea..." Steven took a bite out of the sandwich.
"Okay, uhh...So um...this fence new?" She asked, pointing to it.
"Uh, it's a long story," Steven said.
"Is it a magic story?!" Connie's eyes lit up.
"Mayyybee?" Steven said.
"Well, what happened? Tell me, please," Connie insisted.
Steven sighed. "Okay, okay. But it's not a happy story, so, Yellow was horsing around by the cliff..."
"Yellow, be careful!" Steven cried.
Yellow laughed. "Steven, why are you getting so worked up? Why~? Do you care about me or something~?" She mocked.
"Yes..." Steven said, visibly worried.
"Ah, Steven, I didn't mean to make you-" Yellow then pretended to fall backwards. "Woah, woah!!"
"Yellow, stop!! You're gonna fall!!" Steven cried.
"Steven, please. I'm a Diamond, I'm not gonna fall-" Just as she said that, she tripped, falling off the edge of the cliff. "Ugh this is so embarrassing." She then landed right onto a rock.
"I'm ok!!" She yelled back up at Steven.
"So I ran there as fast as I could," Steven narrated.
"You sure you're ok?" Steven asked.
"Yes, Steven, I'm fine. I'm still standing, arent I?" Yellow stood confidently, hands on her hips to prove her point, completely oblivious to the fact that her gem—which was cracked—was right out in the open for everyone to see.
"Yellow!!" Blue's gasp came from behind Steven as she and White rushed over.
Yellow sighed in annoyance. "Great."
"OH MY STARS, YOUR GEM!!" Blue cried out.
"What?" Yellow hadn't even realized that her gem was cracked. She looked down to see it, and froze. "Oh..."
"How did this happen?!" Blue asked Steven.
"Yellow fell off the cliff," Steven said.
"Of course. We need to put a fence up there so this never happens again!!" Blue stated.
"And that's why there's a fence," Steven said.
"Wait, what happened to Yellow?" Connie asked.
"Uhh..." Steven looked away.
"Cmon, tell me the rest!!" Connie frowned at him.
"I don't wanna," Steven whined.
"Steeeeeven," Connie called for him.
"Okay, okay!... But only if you let me try on your glasses," Steven said.

Diamond AU: Steven Universe
FanfictionWhat would happen if instead of being raised by the crystal gems, Steven was instead raised by the Diamonds? The Diamonds are near powerless, a fraction of their size, and have no way home. How will Steven handle learning the truth of who the Diamon...