Goodbye Earth

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Steven says his goodbyes before his big journey.

Short chapter, sorry!!


"Here it is," Demantoid said, showing the Diamonds her ship.

"Hm," Yellow looked at it. "This'll certainly suffice. Thank you, Demantoid."

Demantoid nodded in response, hiding the fact she was scared shitless. She fucked up. Bad.

"What now?" Steven asked.

"Well, we go to space," White said.

Steven's eyes widened. "How long will we be there?"

"I don't know," White said. "But I assume a while, so you should probably pack your things."


"SPACE?!" Greg looked at Steven with wide eyes.

"Yea," Steven said. "I don't know how long I'm gonna be up there, so.." He sighed before hugging Greg.

"You'll do great, Schtuball," Greg said, kissing Steven on the forehead. "I know you will."

"I love you, dad," Steven said.


"And you're not sure when you'll be back?" Connie looked at him.

"Yea," Steven said. "But Earth still needs to be protected, so..." He pulled out Pink's sword.

Connie gasped. "You're... you're giving this to me?"

"You're an amazing sword fighter," Steven said. "Your training with Yellow proves it. You deserve this."

"Oh thank you, Steven!!" Connie hugged him. Steven blushed, hugging her back.


"YOU CAPTURED DEMANTOID?!" Peridot gasped.

"Yea!! She's gonna help us now!!" Steven said.

"That's... that's great!!" Peridot said. She looked to see Lapis give a thumbs up.

"We'll be up in space for a while," Steven said. "Thought I'd say goodbye while I can." He then hugged Peridot.

"...Wow, thanks," Peridot smiled, hugging him back.


Steven had finished his goodbyes, and was in his room, packing supplies. Once he finished that, he met up with Demantoid and the Diamonds outside. Demantoid had brought her ship onto the beach.

"We've got quite the adventure ahead of us," Blue said. "You ready, love?"

"Ready as I can be!!" Steven said with a smile.

"Good," Blue smiled.

"Let's board," White said.

The group boarded the ship, Demantoid in the pilot's chair with Yellow at the control board.

"Nice ship!!" Steven said.

"Thank you," Demantoid said. "Uhh... What's this organics name?"

"Steven," White said.

"Hm," Demantoid nodded. "So where will we be going first, my Diamonds?"

"Wherever Pyrope is," White said. "Do you know where that would be?"

"Epsilon 12, my Diamond," Demantoid said.

"That's one of my colonies!!" Blue said.

"Yes," Demantoid nodded. "We've got a long journey ahead of us. Buckle up."

The ship began to hover above the ground, and soon was off into space.

Steven looked out the window, watching as his planet shrunk.

"Goodbye, Earth," He said. "I'll be back soon."

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