Green Diamond

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Steven meets Green Diamond.

Wanted to write some fluff because why not.

I really need to figure out how Yellow and White are going to get their powers back.

Any questions about the AU? Comment below!!


Being grounded wasn't fun. He couldn't leave the house without being attended by one of the Diamonds. He laid down on his bed, sighing.

Suddenly, he heard the temple door open. Curious, he went downstairs. However, what he saw was the last thing he was expecting today.

There stood a gem, one he had never seen before. The gem had a green hue, 2 sets of eyes, and was about as tall as White. Steven noticed that she had 2 distinct gems on her chest.

However, when the unfamiliar gem spotted Steven, she blanched, and immediately dashed right back into the temple.

"W-WAIT!!" Steven called out, chasing after the gem. When he got into the temple, he found himself in the bubble room. The green gem froze in her tracks, looking at Steven.

"Who are you?!" Steven asked.

"I—" The gem struggled to find the right words. Suddenly, in a flash of light, the green gem was gone, and in her place was Yellow and Blue, who had separated from their fusion.



"HE'S GROUNDED FOR STARS SAKE, OF COURSE HE'D BE THERE!!" Yellow was about to lose her shit.

"Guys!! Guys!!" Steven ran between them, holding his arms out.

Blue sighed. "Sorry, Steven. You weren't meant to see us like that."

"What do you mean? Who was that?" Steven asked.

Yellow sighed. "Her name is Green Diamond. She is a fusion of me and Blue."

"A fusion...?" Steven looked at her, perplexed.

"W-Well, essentially, Green is an amalgam of our combined magical and physical attributes, fused into a single entity," Blue explained. "When me and Yellow synchronize our forms, we can combine into a gem fusion named Green Diamond, or just Green."

"That's so cool!!" Steven looked at her, starry eyed. "But... why wasn't I supposed to see you like that?"

Yellow and Blue looked into the distance, unsure of what to say.

"Let's just say that fusion... isn't exactly allowed back on Homeworld," Yellow said.

"Why?" Steven asked.

"White," Blue said simply. "She finds cross gem fusion shameful. Fusion is only allowed in battle and with certain gems."

"What?! No way!!" Steven frowned. "Well, Yea, you all used to be bad, but now you're not!! I'm sure she's fine with it now!!"

"We... we just don't know, Steven," Yellow sighed.


When the warp pad activated, Steven ran back downstairs to see White holding a strange item in her hands.

"Hi, White!! What's that?" Steven asked.

"A wailing stone," White said. "It's quite archaic, but we might be able to use it to communicate with homeworld."

"What?! That's so cool!!" Steven said. "How does it work?"

"It uses high-frequency sound waves as a message relay between two fixed points," White explained. "Now I hope you've been staying inside like I've told you to."

"I have," Steven said.

"Good." White smiled. "I must go back out now." She stepped back onto the warp pad.

"Wait!!" Steven stopped her.

"Hm?" White looked at him.

"What do you think of fusion?" Steven asked her suddenly.

White's eyes widened. "Fusion? Well... back on Homeworld, I had outlawed it. Why do you ask?"

"Cause Yellow and Blue fused and were scared of—" Suddenly, Steven realized what he had said and clasped his hand over his mouth.

"Yellow and Blue fused?" White looked at him with shock.

"Y-you're not mad at them, are you?" Steven asked, worry in his voice.

"How could I be? I mean, I'm sure they..." She tried to find the right words to say. "I'm not mad, Steven. Just... surprised. I assume the two of them were afraid of what I would think, yes?"

Steven nodded slowly.

White sighed. "Of course they were. They have the right to be. As much as I want to pretend they completely trust me, I know they don't. I'll speak with them later, but for now, I have business to conduct." The warp pad activated, and she was off.


The day went slowly for Steven. Blue and Yellow hadn't left the temple all day, and White was off 'conducting business', whatever that meant. Maybe he could invite Connie over, but he wasn't sure if the Diamonds wanted him inviting anyone over right now.

When the warp pad finally activated, Steven ran downstairs to see White covered in leaves. She seemed to have been busy.

"Hi, White," Steven said.

"Hello, Steven." She stepped off the warp pad. "Have you seen Yellow and Blue anywhere?"

"They... they haven't left the temple all day," Steven said. "Last I saw them, they were in the bubble room."

"Hm," White thought for a moment. Just then, the temple door opened, and Yellow and Blue walked out. They froze when they saw Steven and White.

"Oh!! Hi, White," Blue smiled as best she could.

"Hello, Blue," White smiled. "And hello, Yellow."

There was an awkward silence for a moment.

"You told her, didn't you?" Yellow looked directly at Steven.

"It was an accident, I swear!!" Steven said.

Yellow sighed in annoyance.

"White, please understand-" Blue started before White held up her finger.

"My darling Moonbeam, I'm not angry that you and Yellow fused." White said, trying to sound as reassuring as she could. "I understand that you both are still... uneasy, around me. I get it. I really do. Just because Steven knows who we are doesn't mean we are any closer to fixing ourselves. I don't understand fusion very well, but if you want to fuse, I'm not going to stop you."

Yellow and Blue stared at her in shock.

"Do you really mean that?" Yellow asked.

"Yes." White smiled. "I'd love to meet her someday when you are ready."

Blue and Yellow looked at each other, then nodded. Holding hands, their forms began to glow. White and Steven both stepped back.

Once the light faded, there stood Green. Her eyes fluttered open, and she looked directly at White.

"Are you alright with this?" Green asked.

White smiled. "How could I not? You two are perfect for each other."

Green blushed. "White, please."

Steven smiled.

Diamond AU: Steven UniverseWhere stories live. Discover now