Stuck on Earth I

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Yellow learns the truth.

I decided to merge the prequel "Stuck on Earth" with the main book so it could actually be seen.


"Do you ever have second thoughts?"

Pink looked at Pearl curiously. "About what?"

"About, y'know..." Pearl looked at Pink's baby bump. "That."

Pink chuckled. "Pearl, you've asked me this so many times, and the answer is still the same. I have no regrets."

Pink then noticed Pearl's somber expression.

"Oh, Pearl-" Pink put her hand on Pearl's shoulder. "I know you're worried, I know you don't agree with this, but... this is what I want."

"And you're absolutely sure of this?" Pearl asked.

"If I wasn't, I would've told you by now," Pink smiled. She then kissed Pearl's cheek. "I know you, Garnet, and Amethyst will love my child, and I trust that you will take good care of them like any good mother would."

"Pink, you're going to DIE!!" Pearl blurted, tears pooling up in her eyes. "I don't want you to leave me!!"

Pink pulled Pearl into a tight embrace. "Pearl, it's ok."

"No it isnt!" Pearl cried. "I'm not ready to lose you."

"I won't be completely gone," Pink reminded. "My child will have my gem. I will always be with you, even if it's not physically. I promise."

Pearl sniffed, looking up at Pink. "I'm going to miss you so much."

"Then let's make sure we priotirize the time we have left together," Pink said. "I love you, Pearl."

"I love you too, Pink," Pearl said.

"You two seem to be getting busy."

"AMETHYST!!" Pearl screamed, a blush spreading all over her face as Amethyst burst into laughter.

"Amethyst, don't scare her like that!!" Pink said, holding back a laugh.

"Aw, Cmon, Pinkie!! Gimme a break. It's not like I'm trying to shatter her," Amethyst joked.

Pink ruffled Amethyst's hair. "You always know how to make me laugh."

"That's cause I'm the best quartz there is!!" Amethyst beamed.

"You sure are," Pink smiled. "And that's why I know my child will love you, Garnet, and Pearl."

"Hey, do you think your kid will have your powers?" Amethyst asked. "Since, y'know, it'll have your gem."

"I don't know," Pink said. "But that doesn't matter. What matters is that they are happy. And I know they'll be with you two and Garnet." She pulled Amethyst and Pearl into a hug.

"We're gonna miss you a lot," Pearl said.

"I know," Pink said. "But this is what I want."


"My Diamond?"

Yellow sat in her control room, looking down at her Pearl. "Yes, Pearl? This better be important."

"Yes," Yellow Pearl said. "It's about the Planet Earth."

Yellow stiffened at the name of that wretched planet. "What of it?" She growled.

"This broadcast from the Earth Natives was intercepted, and it show's something you may want to see," Yellow Pearl said.

"Well show it to me, then," Yellow ordered.

"Yes, my Diamond." Yellow Pearl sent the broadcast to Yellow, and it began to play on her screen.


"This just in on Beach City local news, the city is once again saved by the strange, colorful group of women known as the Crystal Gems."


Yellow nearly jumped at that. The crystal gems?! They're supposed to be dead!!


"Here we have a local resident who recounted the incident," The newscaster said, pointing the mic at a random resident. "Tell us about what you saw."

"Well, there was this giant monster, but then these ladies showed up and made it poof," The person said. "One of them was really tall, like, too tall for a human. She had pink hair and pink skin, and-"


Yellow punched the screen, making it dissapate.

"Get me White and Blue, now."


Blue wasn't expecting a call from Yellow today, but it wasn't unwelcomed. She quickly answered it. "Yellow!"

"Blue," Yellow greeted. "Where are you?"

"On Epsilon 12, why?" Blue asked.

"You need to come back to Homeworld now," Yellow said urgently.

"What? Why? What happened?" Blue asked, concerned.

"I'll explain when you get here, but it's very important," Yellow said. "Meet me in front of White's ship."

"Alright, i'll be there soon," Blue said, hanging up.


Blue arrived on Homeworld, her ship parking on top of her palace. Just as expected, Yellow was waiting for her in front of White's ship.

"Blue, it's been too long," Yellow said. "It's nice to see you."

"You too, Yellow," Blue said. "Is White going to be joining us?"

"She should be here at any moment," Yellow said.

Just then, an opaque, white bubble floated down from White's ship. Once it was on the ground, the bubble dissapated, revealing none other than White Diamond. "Hello, Sunray. Hello, Moonbeam."

"White!!" both of them saluted.

"We didn't think you would actually turn up," Yellow said. "It's nice to finally see you out of your ship."

"It better be important, Yellow, or there will be consequences," White warned, her voice disturbingly serene.

"It is," Yellow said, taking a deep breath. "I recieved an intercepted broadcast from Earth. From what it says, it's evident that..." She took a deep breath. "Pink Diamond is still alive."

Blue gasped, her hands clasping over her mouth, and White's smile faltered.

"Explain," White ordered.

"The message, it was from Earth's Organics. One of them reported that Pink and a couple other gems saved their community. The message was recorded only days ago," Yellow said, tensing up. "Pink lied to us. She faked her shattering. I am so sorry."

"I can't believe it..." Blue cried. "Pink..."

White clasped her hands together, smiling. "Well then why don't we pay a visit to our beloved Starlight, shall we? Attach your ships to mine, we're going to Earth right now."


Pink sat on the beach, watching as the waves crashed into the shore. She put her hand on her stomach. "Hello, little one. You'll be out of there soon, I promise."


Pink nearly jumped. She turned around to see Garnet. "Garnet!! You scared me."

"That's the least of your problems. I don't know how, but the Diamonds, they know," Garnet said. Pink's stomach dropped. "W-What?"

"They're on their way to Earth as we speak," Garnet said. "And they're not happy. I've already told Amethyst and Pearl. We need to hide."

"No," Pink stood up. "I'm not hiding from them now. They will find us no matter where we go. It's best we meet them face to face. Do you know where they will be landing?"

Garnet looked at her for a moment, then nodded.

"Then let's go."

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