A Rainbow Waterfall

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I'm having a lot of trouble diverting from canon but I swear I'll get there at some point!! I've got plans for this book. I don't have all the pieces put together yet, but I'm getting there.

I'm autistic, please don't expect much. So in the meantime, here's this;

Steven and the Diamonds take a much needed vacation.


Steven and the Diamonds sat at the table together having breakfast. Well, Steven was. While the other diamonds have tried food, and Yellow more or less does enjoy some delicacies, if given the option they won't eat.

"So, what are we doing today?" Blue asked.

"We have nothing scheduled, really," White said. "So I'm not sure."

"Hm," Steven thought for a moment before getting an idea. "How about we go on a vacation!!"

"Hm?" The Diamonds all looked at him.

"We deserve it!! We've all been working very hard lately. Why don't we go on vacation together? All of us!!" Steven said.

"Where would we go?" Yellow asked.

"We could go to the beach," Blue suggested.

"We live on a beach, Blue, that would be nothing new," Yellow said.

"We don't exactly know where 'new' would be. We still aren't familiar with many of the locations on this planet," Blue said.

"True," Yellow thought for a moment. "White, what do you think?"

"Well, I've been meaning to show you all this wonderful location I've been going to for meditation," White said.

"Hm, that sounds nice," Yellow said. "Blue?"

"That's a lovely idea, White!" Blue smiled. "Steven?"

"Sure!!" Steven smiled. "Let's go!!"


Steven wasn't sure what he was expecting when the light of the warp pad faded, but he sure didn't expect this.

The location was a rainforest with a nearby waterfall.  Steven looked around in awe. "Woah!! This is cool!!"

White chuckled. "Follow me. It's just this way."

Steven, Yellow, and Blue followed White. She led them towards the waterfall. "Here." She then walked right through the waterfall.

The Diamonds followed, getting wet from the water. Steven shook the water off his head, then saw that they were in a cavern.

"This is beautiful, White. How did you find this place?" Blue asked.

"How is not important," White said as she sat down criss crossed. "Come. Sit with me," She insisted.

The Diamonds all sat down in a circle together.

"From what I presume, we've all been quite stressed recently. With Homeworld, and Peridot, and Malachite, and... now the cluster—"

Yellow turned away in shame.

"—Steven was right. We need a break. This is how I relax, so I hope that this will also relax you three as well," White said.

Everyone nodded.

"Alright," White began. "Close your eyes."

Everyone followed White's instructions.

"Listen to my voice. Let it wash over you like the waterfalls. Don't focus on anything else but my voice and my words," White said. "Now relax. Breathe in-"

Everyone inhaled.

"And breathe out."

Everyone exhaled.

"Very good," White said. She then heard someone snickering. She popped an eye open to see Yellow holding back her laughter.

"Seriously, Yellow?" White frowned.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," Yellow breathed, trying not to laugh again. "Keep going."

"Alright," White said. "Let all your troubles drift away as-"

Yellow couldn't hold it in anymore as she burst out into a fit of laughter. White reached over, slapping Yellow across the face.

"OWW!!" Yellow recoiled, holding a hand to her cheek. "WHITE!!"

"What's so funny that you can't concentrate?" White asked, visibly annoyed.

"Blue's making me laugh," Yellow accused.

"Am not!!" Blue deflected, playfully shoving Yellow.

"Stop it!!" Yellow shoved her back. All the sudden, Blue and Yellow were in a shoving match. White sighed in annoyance, facepalming herself. "I can't do anything with you two nitwits."

Steven was starting to laugh as well. White looked over to see Steven doubled over in laughter. She then looked to see that Blue had tackled Yellow to the ground.

Yellow managed to get out from under Blue. "Sorry for ruining your meditation session." She said through her laughter.

"It's quite alright. I like this better," White said, smiling. Suddenly, she was tackled to the ground by Steven.

"GAH!! STEVEN!!" White gasped as he laughed. She began to laugh as well. Suddenly, all four of them were all over each other, playfully wrestling. What they failed to notice was all their gems began to glow...


"Wha... huh?" The fusion's eyes opened carefully. "What... what happened? Steven? White? Yellow? Blue?"

The fusion looked down at their hands. They had four of them now. They then looked to see their reflection in the waterfall. The 3 pairs of eyes staring back at the fusion startled them, causing them to suddenly unfuse.

"WHAT... WHAT WAS THAT?!" White gasped.

"I think we fused," Steven said, eyes wide. "We all did."

Everyone looked at each other in shock. "I... didn't know we could do that," Yellow said.

"Me neither," Blue said. "White? Are you ok?"

"I'm fine... just shocked," White said. "That was the first time I've ever fused."

"How did it feel, White?" Blue asked.

"I don't know, it was so brief," White said.

"Wait!! What do we call her?" Steven asked.

"Who?" Yellow asked.

"The fusion!! Our fusion!!" Steven said.

"How about... Rainbow Diamond?" White suggested.

"I like it," Blue smiled. "Rainbow Diamond."

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