Greg tells Steven how he met the Diamonds and how Steven was born.
"So, all the Diamonds have their powers back?" Connie asked.
"Yes," Steven said as he and Connie sat together on the beach. "I guess fighting the corrupted gems will be much easier now, right?"
"Yea, I guess," Connie said. "It's funny. I never expected that you would ever tell me that the Diamonds are actually the leaders of the entire gem empire."
"Yea, it was pretty shocking when Yellow and Blue told me that," Steven said.
"How did your dad react to that?" Connie asked.
"He said he already knew, so I assume the Diamonds had to have explained it to him," Steven said. "I wonder what they said to him."
"Why don't we go ask?" Connie asked.
"DAD!!" Steven called as he and Connie ran over to the car wash.
"Oh hey, Shtuball!!" Greg smiled. "What's up?"
"We had a question!!" Steven said. "How did you find out about the Diamonds?"
Greg paled for a moment. "Well, your mother had told me about the Diamonds long before I had ever met them. A day before your birth, she told me what had happened to the crystal gems. I was... shocked. Even a little angry. However, she explained to me what she had done to the Diamonds as their 'punishment', and that they were finally willing to listen."
He sighed. "The Diamonds knew you were coming. Your mother told me she had explained it to them. She went into labor after fighting a corrupted gem. She insisted she wanted to be alone with me during the process, so she said her goodbyes to the Diamonds, and then, well... Seconds before you came, she said one last thing to me."
"What was that?" Steven asked.
"'I love you'," Greg said, shedding a tear. "Moments later, she began to glow. The glow was so bright I had to cover my eyes. Once I finally could look, there you were."
"...Wow," Steven said as he and Connie looked at each other.
"I brought you out to meet the Diamonds, and they were... I don't know. They were just confused. I spent weeks teaching them how to raise you." Greg said. "Trying to teach three bitter aliens how to raise a human... oh boy. That was an experience." He chuckled nervously. "They grew to like me, and they grew to like you. It took them a while to understand you truly weren't Pink... but it did happen eventually."
"Uhh, what's that?" Connie asked.
Suddenly, the group turned to look into the sky.
There was a hand.
A giant green hand.
Oh boy.

Diamond AU: Steven Universe
FanfictionWhat would happen if instead of being raised by the crystal gems, Steven was instead raised by the Diamonds? The Diamonds are near powerless, a fraction of their size, and have no way home. How will Steven handle learning the truth of who the Diamon...