Peridot and Lapis

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Peridot and Lapis clash.


"It was so intense down there! We were already a few layers into the Earth's crust, WHEN SUDDENLY -- WA-PAMO! KA POWIE! All these gross Cluster limbs started clawing at the drill. So, I whipped out the old Photon Blaster and, 'PEW PEW P-CHOW CHOW! Take that, Cluster!'. And Steven was all, 'My feelings!', and then up and passes out on me! Then everything started glowing and... well, yeah, wait." Peridot looked at Steven. "I'm sure Steven can fill you in on the rest since he's the one who saved us. You should've seen it, right Steven? Tell 'em what happened in there!"

Steven, who was gazing at the barn, didn't respond.

"Steven?" Peridot asked.

"Hold on a sec. I'll be right back." Steven stood, walking into the barn. He looked at Lapis, who was passed out on a stack of hay.

"I see you're worried about your friend." White walked over, looking at Lapis.

"Yeah," Steven said. "What happened on Mask Island?"

"We..." White looked away. "We fused."

"What?!" Steven looked at White.

"Me, Blue, and Yellow. We fused," White said. "That's how we defeated Malachite."

"What's her name?" Steven asked. "The fusion?"

"I suggested Light Green Diamond, but Blue said it was too wordy," White said. "Then she came up with Mint Diamond. It... felt right. Just like Rainbow did, so we went with that."

"Can I meet her someday?" Steven asked.

"Maybe," White said. "Being Mint; that was the first time I had ever fused for a prolonged period of time. Rainbow didn't really count, it was so brief. When I was Mint, it felt... good. But Lapis..."

White sighed. "Lapis spent an unbearable amount of time fused with Jasper. The emotional and physical strain of that type of fusion; I can't imagine. She's gonna need a lot of time to recover."

Steven sighed. "She'll be ok, right?"

"She will. I promise. Now come on, I'm dying to hear more about what happened underground." White said.

Steven chuckled. "Okay."


A couple hours later, Steven went into the barn to find Lapis up and about.

"Lapis, you're okay!" Steven ran over.

"Steven!" She looked at him.

"Oh, she's up?" Peridot walked into the barn.

"You?!" Lapis froze.

"Lazuli, nice to see you up and about." Peridot walked over.

"What are YOU doing here?!" Lapis asked.

"I..." Peridot looked at Steven. "Lapis, I'm sorry-"

"Sorry for WHAT? You used me!! You dragged me back to Earth!!" Lapis screamed.

"But it's not like that anymore! It's different now; I'm different!" Peridot pleaded.

"It's true, Lapis! Peridot has really come into her own since she's been living on Earth." Steven said. Suddenly, he got an idea. "You guys can be roommates!!"

"What?" The two gems looked at him.

"You guys can stay in the barn together!!" Steven said. "Maybe even become friends!!"

"That's a great idea, Steven!! What do you say, Lapis?" Peridot looked at her.

"...That won't work," Lapis said.

"What? Why not?" Steven asked.

"If I'm going to live in this barn, I want to be alone," Lapis said.

"Yeah, but this is even better! Oh here, how about this? I saw this on an episode of a TV show! I didn't see how it ended, but I'm sure it worked out right. We'll divide this place in half." Steven said.


Steven had drawn a line on the floor of the barn with marker.

"You'll both have your own space. High ceilings, real wood floors, convenient location on the heart of the country; so what do you think, roomies?" Steven looked at Lapis and Peridot.

"I like the cut of your gem, Steven Diamond!" Peridot said.

"No! No way!" Lapis said.

"What's the problem? You're the one getting all the good stuff! You've got the propeller and paint cans on your side! You can do tons with those! Oooh, actually, I want the paint cans. You wanna trade something?" Peridot said.

"I don't care about paint cans. That's not the problem." Lapis said, sighing. "Steven, I know you want the best for me, but this won't work. I just... just can't be around her!!"

"What's going on in here?"

Suddenly, everyone turned to see Blue enter the barn.

"Oh Lapis!! You're up!!" Blue smiled. "How are you feeling?"

"...Fine," Lapis said. "I'm fine." Her wings then burst out of her back, and she walked out of the barn.

"Wait!! Where are you going?" Steven asked.

"I just need to think," Lapis said, flying away.


"Well, that's everything..." Greg closed the van door. "And then some. Steven, you ready to go home?"

"All seat belts are fastened!" White said.

"You guys go on ahead, I'll catch up with you on Lion." Steven said. "I'm gonna try to help Lapis and Peridot."

"Alright, good luck, love!" Blue smiled, blowing him a kiss, and they were off.

"See ya! Now where is that feline?" Steven looked around. "Lion? Hey, Lion?!" He took a deep breath. "LEEEE-on! I have a big steak right here in my hand for you!"

He held an imaginary steak in his hand before dropping it.

"Whoops, I dropped it and it fell out of existence! You can't hide from me too long because you love me soooo much!"

He then walked over to spot Lapis sitting on top of the silo next to the barn. "Lapis!"

Steven then climbed up the silo to sit next to Lapis. "Have you been up here all night?"

"Yea," Lapis said. "Has Peridot... really changed?"

"Yea!!" Steven said confidently. "She helped me get to and talk to the cluster!!"

"...The what?" Lapis looked at him.

"...Nevermind, I'll tell you about it later," Steven said. "But she has changed!! She's good now, and super duper sorry for everything she's done to you. Can you give her a chance, just... please?"

Lapis sighed. "Fine. I'll give her a chance."

"Awesome!!" Steven smiled.

Steven and Lapis got down from the silo. Peridot turned to see the two of them.

"I'm... willing to give you a shot," Lapis said to Peridot. "But don't try anything."

"Understood," Peridot said.

Steven smiled. "Welcome to Earth."

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