Pink regrets this already...
Pink understood Greg's concern. She couldn't blame him either. However, at the moment, this was the only option. Besides, she had hope that the Diamonds would actually listen this time. Of course, this hope was minuscule, but it was there.
And she was going to take this chance.
"And this is the bubble room," Pink said as the Diamonds made their final stop in the temple.
"Certaintly more pleasant than that room full of... junk," White said, trying to be polite.
"Amethyst wasn't exactly a tidy gem, that's for sure," Pink said.
"Who are all of these gems?" Yellow asked, looking at the numerous bubbled gems scattered about. "Why are they bubbled?"
"Trust me, it's for not only our safety, but their own," Pink said. "Tell me, what do you think happened when you blasted Earth with your auras?"
"We assumed every gem had been obliterated," Blue said.
"Well, they weren't," Pink said. She jumped up, grabbing one of the bubbles. "The Gems, they were corrupted."
"Corrupted? What does that mean?" Blue asked.
"This gem in this bubble, her name was Biggs. She was a good friend of mine," Pink said. "She's not exactly... herself, anymore. She's lost her mind, and her form is... different, to put it nicely. She doesn't remember who she is, or even how to remember. Her mind is lost."
"That poor thing," Blue gasped.
"Every gem in here is just like her," Pink said, putting the bubble back. "As Crystal Gems, our duty was not only to protect Earth and it's inhabitants, but to hopefully find a cure for corruption. So far, nothing has worked."
"How many corrupted gems are still roaming on Earth?" White asked.
"I don't know," Pink said. "Most of them were once crystal gems too. They were Off colors like Amethyst, fusions like Garnet, even homeworld gems like my beloved Pearl. They all believed in my cause, so I welcomed them to the rebellion with open arms."
"How exactly did you manage to save yourself, though?" Yellow asked.
"My shield," Pink said.
"Ah, that makes sense," Yellow nodded.
"This is Greg's Car Wash. This is how he makes his money," Pink said.
"What is a... car?" White asked.
"Oh, it's like a spaceship, but on wheels," Pink said. "There's many types. Greg drives a van."
"This is all so confusing," Blue said. "Humans are so confusing!!"
Pink knew that teaching the Diamonds about humans would be hard, but not... this, hard.
Suddenly, there was a scream in the distance.
"What was that?" Yellow asked.
Just then, a giant corrupted gem rounded the corner. The Diamonds gasped.
"WHAT IS THAT?!" White screamed.
"A corrupted gem," Pink summoned her shield. "This should be easy." She jumped up, flinging her shield at it. It then swatted the shield away.
"Oh no," Pink's eyes went wide.
The corrupted gem roared. Pink turned to the other Diamonds. "DON'T JUST STAND THERE!! EITHER HELP ME OR NOT!!"
The Diamonds looked at eachother, nodded, then White summoned her spear. Pink's eyes went wide. White has a spear?!
White jumped up, stabbing the gem with her spear. It then poofed, its gem falling to the ground. Pink then bubbled it, sending it off.
"Why didn't you tell me you had a spear?!" Pink asked.
"I didn't think i'd ever need it," White said, letting it disspiate. "So, that was a corrupted gem?"
"Yes," Pink said, wiping sweat off her forehead. "...Thanks."
White smiled. "no problem."
Suddenly, Pink gasped. Her hands shot to her stomach.
"Pink?! What's wrong?!" White blurted.
"No no no!! Not now!!" Pink cried.
"Pink?!" Blue and Yellow rushed to her side.
"Pink, tell us what's wrong," Yellow ordered.
"Th-the baby, it's coming," Pink cried.
The Diamonds eyes went wide in horror.

Diamond AU: Steven Universe
FanficWhat would happen if instead of being raised by the crystal gems, Steven was instead raised by the Diamonds? The Diamonds are near powerless, a fraction of their size, and have no way home. How will Steven handle learning the truth of who the Diamon...