Steven, Peridot, and the Diamonds take a trip to the moon.
Peridot couldn't believe that she was working with the diamonds of all gems. Despite the fact they technically no longer ruled Homeworld, they were still... intimidating.
Especially Yellow.
Her former boss.
Steven, Peridot, and the Diamonds sat in a circle outside on the beach.
"Ok, in order to reach the cluster, we will need some sort of machine that can take us to the center of the Earth," Peridot explained. "It'll need to withstand up to 360 gigapascals of pressure and temperatures of 9800 degrees."
"How do you know this?" Steven asked.
"I hold a great deal of knowledge about all sorts of things," Peridot said smugly. "My Diamond, how do you plan on deactivating it?"
"If I were my normal size, had my ship, and my powers weren't weakened, the cluster would've been deactivated years ago," Yellow said.
"If I may ask, how did you end up this... small?" Peridot asked carefully.
"That's not important," Yellow said. "What is important is that we must begin to build this machine as soon as possible. However, before we can do that, we need the Cluster's exact coordinates."
"And how do you plan on obtaining that information?" Peridot asked.
"There's a Diamond Base that may hold that information, but getting there is going to be difficult." Blue said.
"How come?" Steven asked.
"Because it's not accessible by warp pad. And it's on...!" Blue gazed upwards.
Steven gasped. "The mooooooon!"
Blue chuckled. "Yes, Steven. The Moon."
"Lion! Can you make us a special super warp to the moon?" Steven asked Lion.
Lion grunted, laying down and ignoring Steven.
"Come on, Lion, we gotta do this to stop the Cluster! If we don't there's gonna be no more Earth! No more fun times with your pals, no more Lion Lickers... no more naps?" Steven tried to convince Lion.
Lion then stood, roaring. His eyes glowed White.
"Guess it was naps." Steven smiled. "Cmon, guys!!"
The Diamonds hopped onto Lion's back while Steven and Peridot got into Lion's mane. Lion roared, making a portal and jumping through it.
"Pretty cool, right?" Steven said.
Lion continued making more and more portals, speeding up as he went. Peridot screamed.
"Go, Lion! Goooo!" Steven cheered.
Once they finally arrived, Lion slid across the floor, hitting a wall.
Steven gasped. "Lion!" He leaped out of Lion's mane. "Are you ok, bud?"
Peridot climbed out of Lion's mane. "Erghh, get me out of this furry fre-" She slipped. "Whoa!"
"Oh, Lion. You've earned your naps for the week." Steven hugged Lion.
"I'm honestly surprised this place is still standing," Yellow said, looking around.
"Woah!!" Steven started bouncing around. "Guys, look!!" He jumped up high. White then grabbed him. "Steven, please."

Diamond AU: Steven Universe
FanfictionWhat would happen if instead of being raised by the crystal gems, Steven was instead raised by the Diamonds? The Diamonds are near powerless, a fraction of their size, and have no way home. How will Steven handle learning the truth of who the Diamon...