Warp Tour

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Steven sees something strange...


"I can't believe that went so well!!" Blue exclaimed.

"That was kinda great when you used your aura to calm it down," Yellow said.

"And the way you were circling around it? Almost looked like strategy," Blue said.

"W-Well I used to run an intergalactic army, surely I would know how a fight works," Yellow said, hiding her blush.

"Wait up!!" Steven cried, panting heavily. "Sorry I couldn't help much, I think the flowers are making me— Ah... Aaah..." He then sneezed on Yellow. "Sorry, Yellow."

"I'll live," Yellow said.

"Oh, Steven, you're supposed to sneeze into your antecubital fossa." Blue scolded.

"My what?" Steven asked.

"Your... this thing." She pointed at her inner elbow.

The warp pad activated, and the diamonds were off. Steven then began to feel the urge to sneeze.

"Do it at Blue!!" Yellow pointed at her.

"Steven!! Your fossa!!" Blue panicked.

Steven sneezed, propelling himself upward before his head accidentally stuck out of the warp stream.

"Wha..?" He opened his eyes. "Woah."

In front of him was the vast expanse of the warp space. Suddenly, he spotted another warp stream with another object flying through it.

"Huh..?" Steven stared before Blue pulled him back in.

"Careful! It's dangerous to stick your head out of the stream!" Blue scolded.

"There's not much air, and it's very cold." White flicked the frozen snot from Steven's nose.

"You guys, I saw something out there!" Steven said.

"What?" Blue looked at him.

"Something warping!!" Steven said.

"Steven, that's not possible. Is your vision blurry from the pollen?" Blue asked.

"I can see perfectly..." Steven squinted his eyes. "Blue? I know there's something out there!"

"There's nothing out there, Steven. There hasn't been anything else for a long, long time." White said.


Steven couldn't sleep. He tried staring at the ceiling, but nothing would work. He then heard the temple door open, and saw Yellow walk out.

"Yellow?" Steven asked.

"Hm?" Yellow looked to see Steven. "Oh hey. What's up?"

"I... I can't sleep," Steven said.

"Why? Are you scared of the thing you thought you saw in the warp stream?" Yellow asked.

"It's real, Yellow, I swear!!" Steven said.

Yellow sighed in annoyance. "Steven... ugh. I'm not dealing with this right now. Night, Steven," She then went back into her room.

Steven sighed, grabbing a water gun. "Looks like I'm not sleeping tonight."


"Steven~" Blue gently poked Steven. "We've got a surprise for you~"

"Wha? AHH!!" Startled, Steven sprayed Blue with the water gun, causing her to fall on her behind. "GAH!! STEVEN!!"

Diamond AU: Steven UniverseWhere stories live. Discover now