It was all perfect until...

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The Diamonds discover the roaming eye has been destroyed.


A couple days after the wedding, Steven and Connie spent the day taking Pip around town to help her assimilate into human culture.

"This is the big donut," Steven said to Pip. "This is a place where you can order food."

"Interesting," Pip said.

Steven, Connie, and Pip entered the establishment. Sadie looked over and smiled. "Heya, Steven!! Who's this?"

"This is my friend, Pip!! She's new around here," Steven said.

"Hello!! Welcome to the big donut," Sadie said.

"Hello," Pip said.

"3 donuts, please!!" Steven ordered.

"Here you go, Steven!" Sadie handed him a bag of Donuts.

After Steven paid, the group went outside. Steven handed a donut to Connie, and then Pip. He took the last one for himself.

"Pip, have you ever eaten before?" Steven asked.

"I have not, no," Pip said. "Is this food?"

"Yea!! It's a donut," Steven said as Connie ate hers. "If you don't like it, I'll take it."

"Hm," Pip hesitantly took a bite from it. Then, her eye lit up. "I like it!!"

"Really?!" Steven smiled. "That's awesome!!"

Suddenly, Connie's phone buzzed. She looked at the text. "Oh, Steven. We gotta go."

"Oh, ok. Nice seeing you guys!!" Steven said.

When Connie and Pip departed, Steven went back to the beach only to find the Diamonds standing near the roaming eye, which had been completely wrecked.

"What's going on?!" Steven asked as he ran over.

"Someone destroyed the roaming eye," White said.

"What?! Who would do that?" Steven asked.

"We don't know," Yellow said. "But I'm suspecting that we may have some unwelcome guests in beach city."

"What do you mean?" Steven asked.

"Homeworld gems," Blue said. "The new authority must've sent someone to destroy the roaming eye. This means Dementoid found out that Peridot lied to her."

"But how did they find it?! I turned tracking off!!" Yellow said.

"That you did," White said before her eyes widened in realization. "Pearl... Steven, come with me."

"What?" Steven was then picked up by White as she dashed off.


Connie did not expect to see either Steven nor White when she opened the door, but there they were.

"Oh, what's going on?" Connie asked.

"Is Pip home?" White asked.

"Uh, Yea," Connie said. White then marched into the house. Connie and Steven followed her.

Pip was on the couch, watching TV. She looked over. "Oh, my Diamond!! What brings you here?"

"Pip, stand up," White ordered, her voice low.

Pip immediately stood, not even realizing she was doing so. "My Diamond..?"

"Stay still," White ordered as she began to look all over Pip's body, seemingly searching for something.

"White, what are you doing?" Steven asked, concerned.

White then stopped when she found a small tracker on Pip's lower back. She scowled. "Just as I suspected." She pulled the tracker off. "We've been tracked."

"M-My Diamond, I didn't know that was on me!!" Pip stuttered.

"It's not your fault, don't worry," White said to her. "But whoever put this on you will certainly be sorry." She then crushed the tracker with her hand.


White paced back and forth while Steven, Yellow, and Blue sat on the couch. Yellow examined the shattered tracker closely. "Well that explains how they knew where the roaming eye was."

"But that means they know where we are too," Blue worried.

"We can't waste time, we need to track down the gems responsible for destroying the roaming eye," White said.

"I checked all over the roaming eye for any form of footprint. They left nothing behind," Yellow said. "We don't even know if this was their only task. They could still be in Beach City, or off planet by now. We don't know!!" She groaned in annoyance. "Everything was perfect. I was supposed to be enjoying being married, then THIS happened! EVERYTHING WAS PERFECT!!" She shot a bolt of electricity at the ceiling. Steven and White both jumped at the sudden act.

"Yellow, calm down!!" Blue urged.

Yellow took in a deep breath, letting the electricity dissipate.

"I'm just annoyed," Yellow said. "I'm sorry."

"It's ok," Blue said. "What's important is we know that we were being tracked. What we need to do now is just get one step ahead of whoever destroyed the roaming eye."

"Unfortunately, none of us are Sapphires, so that won't be easy," Yellow said.

Suddenly, Steven's phone rang. He looked to see he had a voicemail from Connie. "Hm?" He clicked the play button.

"Steven?!" Connie's frantic voice called. "You need to hide the Diamonds, there's a gem looking for them!! She said her name is Demantoid, and she knows where you are. Please, PLEASE HIDE!!"


Suddenly, there was a noise outside. Steven and the Diamonds rushed onto the beach, only to be greeted by a small, green gem wearing limb enhancers.

She looked up at the Diamonds.

"Why hello there."

Diamond AU: Steven UniverseWhere stories live. Discover now