The Interrogation

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The Diamonds interrogate Demantoid.

Having trouble writing the next chapter FML


"Demantoid," White growled. "How dare you show your face here."

"Please, don't bother," Demantoid said, walking over. "I'm simply here to-"

Yellow shot a jet of electricity at Demantoid, poofing her almost instantly. Blue, White, and Steven stared for a moment, not expecting Yellow to do that.

"Damn, that felt good," Yellow said, walking over to the poofed gem. She took it into her hand. "Why hello there you little shit. Now let's see how you feel when you're a pile of shards."

"Yellow, no!!" Steven cried. "Don't shatter her!!"

Yellow turned to look at Steven. "Steven-"

"I agree with Steven," White said. "We shouldn't shatter her, well, not yet at least. Instead we should interrogate her. It would be a wasted opportunity if we didn't."

Yellow looked at White before sighing. "Alright." She then handed the gem over to White.


The Diamonds decided to conduct the interrogation in Steven's room. Steven asked the room to create a cell to hold Demantoid. Once that was done, White placed the gem in the cell.

"And now we wait for her to form," White said.

Seemingly on cue, the gem began to hover above the ground as Demantoid's form emerged. Demantoid looked a bit dazed for a moment before realizing where she was, and who was with her.

"You've got to be kidding me," She growled.

"Hello there, Demantoid," White smiled, looking her in the eye. The wickedly serene tone of her voice sent a shiver down Blue and Yellow's gems. "Did you really think it would be that easy to face us? We may be small now, but we're still Diamonds. Now tell me, what exactly were you doing here? Don't bother lying, because I will know." She threatened.

Demantoid felt beads of sweat forming on her forehead. "I..." Her eyes darted away for a moment before she looked back at White. She then furrowed her eyebrows. "I won't tell you anything!!"

"Is that so?" White raised her eyebrows. "Tell me, what makes you think you have any power over me? If you've forgotten, I am White Diamond, and even in this... weakened form, I am still leagues more powerful than you will ever be. I will get my empire back, and while I made many... mistakes, that I regret now-"

"That's an understatement," Demantoid quipped.

"I have an idea for you," White was suddenly only inches away from Demantoid's face, only blocked by the barrier of the cell. "If you won't cooperate with me, I will crack your gem and leave you to rot in space. Would you like that?"

"I'm having flashbacks," Yellow said quietly, eyes wide. Blue put her hand on Yellow's shoulder.

"I-I..." Demantoid then sighed. "I may be part of the new authority, but I don't have any real power. If you haven't noticed, I'm defective. I'm powerless without my limb enhancers!!" She looked at White.  "Hessonite is far worse than I am. I simply follow her orders."

White narrowed her eyes, looking directly at Demantoid.

"Well?" Yellow asked.

"She's telling the truth," White said, almost disappointed. "Demantoid, correct me if I'm wrong, but did Peridot 5XG work for you?"

"Yes, she's one of my best technicians," Demantoid said before her eyes widened. "She's working for you now?!"

"How perceptive," White said. "I was prompting Peridot when she was asking for the roaming eye. You didn't even notice." She smirked as Demantoid looked at her, aghast.

"You can't win, Demantoid, and I have proved it over and over," White said. "So you have two options; Spend the rest of eternity in pure agony, or help us overthrow Pyrope and Hessonite. Choose wisely."

It was silent for a few moments.

"...I'll help," Demantoid said, feeling utterly defeated.

"Excellent," White smiled. "Steven, you can release her now."

"Room, remove the cell," Steven said. The cell then disappeared into a puff of clouds.

"Now," White looked at Demantoid. "Where is your ship?"

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