The Diamonds face Pyrope.
Yea, it's anticlimactic, but I'm running out of ideas.
Landing was smooth, thankfully. The ship landed in an empty part of the planet that happened to be very close to Pyrope's base.
"Wait!! Will I be able to breathe?" Steven asked.
"Yes, both this planet and Homeworld have oxygen," White said.
"Ok, good," Steven said.
"Let's go," Yellow said. "Demantoid, lead the way."
The group exited the ship. Steven looked around in awe. The ground was purple with several green, blue, and purple trees. The sky was a dark blue with purple clouds, and almost all the organic life was bioluminescent.
"This planet is pretty!!" Steven said.
"It is," Blue said with a smile.
"We're here," Demantoid said. In front of the group was a large building, clearly a base. It was guarded by 2 topazes.
The 2 topazes nearly shat their pants at the sight of the Diamonds. They immediately began to salute. The group ignored the guards, entering the building.
Demantoid led the Diamonds upstairs towards a door. She then unlocked it, and revealed a control room with a soul occupant; Pyrope.
Demantoid cleared her throat.
"Demantoid," Pyrope turned around. "Pleasure to-" Her breath hitched the moment she saw who was with Demantoid.
"What... is the MEANING OF THIS?!" Pyrope stood from her chair.
"Pyrope, we need to talk," Demantoid said, walking over.
"Where are your limb enhancers?!" Pyrope gasped. "What did they do to you?!"
"They made me realize what we're doing is wrong," Demantoid said.
Pyrope's eyes went wide. She then looked at White. "What did you do to her?" She growled.
"Nothing," White said. "A simple interrogation, really. However, if you don't cooperate, I will take pleasure in making sure you suffer far worse."
Pyrope frowned before noticing Steven. "What in the stars is that?" She pointed at him.
"I'm Steven Universe!!" Steven said, walking over to her. "And what you're doing is wrong!!"
"And why should I listen to you, organic?" Pyrope asked in a smug manner.
"Because the diamonds have changed," Steven said. "They aren't bad guys anymore. They've made mistakes that they regret now, and want a second chance, and you're not helping."
Pyrope furrowed her eyebrows. "Demantoid, do you know this thing?"
"It seems to accompany the Diamonds wherever they go," Demantoid said. "It's harmless."
"Steven, step away," Yellow warned.
"No, I got this," Steven insisted. "Pyrope, please, the Diamonds are better now, and whatever you've done is not helping!! Please!!"
"Pyrope, it's best if we listen," Demantoid said. "We'll be free. Isn't that what we wanted in the first place?"
Pyrope looked Demantoid in the eye before sighing. "Fine."
Well, that was easy.
"What?" Steven looked at Pyrope.
Pyrope walked right past Steven, right up to White. "I'm willing to make a deal."
"Alright, what are your demands?" White raised a brow.
"You can do as you please to Hessonite if you let me and Demantoid live on this planet in peace," Pyrope said.
"Hm," White narrowed her eyes, looking at Pyrope. "And what will happen once we leave this planet to you and Demantoid?"
"We will not bother you," Pyrope said.
"And you won't tell Hessonite of our impending arrival either," White said. "Don't forget who I am and what I can do."
"Your power is nothing to be messed with," Pyrope said.
White looked at Demantoid.
"Take my ship, I don't need it," Demantoid said. "Homeworld is galaxies away, you have a long journey ahead of you."
"Thank you, Demantoid," White said. "Steven?"
Steven ran over to White, then looked back at Pyrope and Demantoid.
"If I find out either of you have been doing anything funny, I will shatter you faster than you can say 'gem'," White threatened.
"Understood," Both said in unison.
Once the Diamonds left the building, Pyrope sat back down in her chair, Demantoid standing next to her.
"We aren't seriously going to let the Diamonds gain the empire back, are we?" Pyrope looked at Demantoid.
"We made a deal. We don't mess with them, and they don't mess with us. We're free," Demantoid said. "Hessonite can do whatever they want to them, and we won't have to get involved."
"Fair point," Pyrope said. "Let's see how this plays out..."
Steven and the Diamonds entered the ship, Yellow sitting in the pilot's chair.
"Setting course for Homeworld," Yellow said as she input the coordinates into the ship.
"We're going home..." Blue looked at White.
"Yes, yes we are," White said, smiling.
The ship began to float above the ground before flying out of Epsilon 12's atmosphere.

Diamond AU: Steven Universe
FanfictionWhat would happen if instead of being raised by the crystal gems, Steven was instead raised by the Diamonds? The Diamonds are near powerless, a fraction of their size, and have no way home. How will Steven handle learning the truth of who the Diamon...