The Diamonds begin serious discussions about going back to homeworld to recuse their Pearls.
If the pearls are even on homeworld at all...
"Ok, so before we can even think about rescuing our Pearls, we need to find out where they are," White said.
She, Blue, Yellow, and Steven were sitting in a circle.
Suddenly, Steven thought of something. "Did mom ever have a spaceship?"
The diamonds paused.
"Yes, yes she did. However, she never told us where she left it," Yellow said. "Probably on purpose. She probably didn't want us finding a way off this planet."
"Alright, so until we find it, that is out of the question," White said. "The ship is huge though, and we don't want to be tracked."
"Maybe we can try to repair your ships?" Steven suggested.
Suddenly, White has an idea. "I think I know a way to get us a ship, but we'll need Peridot. Steven, come with me. Yellow, Blue, we'll be back in a bit."
"Wait, what are you doing?" Blue asked.
"Don't worry about it," White grabbed Steven's hand, walking over to the warp pad. "I just have some business to conduct." She then warped away.
White and Steven arrived at the barn. It had been decked out.
"Wow, this is nice!!" Steven said.
"Come," White said, walking towards the barn. Steven followed.
Peridot and Lapis were inside. They both turned when they heard White's footsteps.
"My diamond!!" Peridot saluted. "What brings you here?"
"Peridot, I need a favor," White said. "Would you come with me?"
"I— of course," Peridot said. "Lapis?"
"Have fun," Lapis said.
Peridot followed White and Steven. Once they were out of Lapis's earshot, Peridot asked, "What can I do for you, my Diamond?"
"I know you stole the Diamond communicator from the moon base," White said.
Peridot felt the color drain from her skin. "W-wha- how did you- I'm so sorry, my Diamond!! I wasn't thinking, I'm so-"
"Shh," White shushed her. "I'm not mad. In fact, I'm glad you did, because it will make our task easier."
"What?" Peridot looked at her, confused.
"We need a ship to get to space," White said. "I need you to call someone and get an unmanned ship here."
"W-why me?" Peridot asked.
"Whoever answers the call, they cannot know our true intentions. You need to pretend you're stranded here and need a way back," White said.
"A-alright," Peridot nodded. "I'll go get the communicator."
After a minute or so, Peridot returned with a diamond communicator. White took it in her hands. "Excellent."
"Woah," Steven looked at it. "That's so cool!!"
"Alright, so here's the plan," White looked at Peridot. "If you get stuck, I will telepathically send you prompts for what to say. Whatever happens, no one can know I'm here." She handed the communicator back to her. "You can do this."
White then grabbed Steven, and hid behind a nearby bush. "Don't say a word," She whispered to Steven. He nodded.
Peridot took a deep breath, activating the communicator. It floated up into the air, and a screen appeared. Peridot froze in horror once it showed who was on the screen.

Diamond AU: Steven Universe
FanfictionWhat would happen if instead of being raised by the crystal gems, Steven was instead raised by the Diamonds? The Diamonds are near powerless, a fraction of their size, and have no way home. How will Steven handle learning the truth of who the Diamon...