Marble Madness

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The Diamonds encounter another droid from space.

Sorry that this chapter took a while!! Busy weekends and shit. Fml.


Steven sat on the beach with Connie, covering his eyes. "Can I look yet?"

"Okay," Connie said.

Steven opened his eyes, and gasped. "BOOOOKS! Whoa, cool cover!"

"It's my favorite series! It's about this girl named Lisa and she's a witch! - I mean, she doesn't know she's a witch at first, and she has a familiar, which is sorta like this spirit companion that everyone in the world has. And hers is a talking falcon named Archimicarus! Anyways she goes on this quest to find her father after he's kidnapped by the mysterious one-eyed man." Connie explained.

"Woah! Mystery!" Steven said.

"Here! Lemme get you started!" Connie opened the book, clearing her throat. "Ahem. 'Chapter One: The Morning Thief. Lisa awoke with a start, the echoes of her dreams still dancing in her mind, the low rumble of thunder murmured through the quiet house-'"

Suddenly, a low rumbling noise was heard in the distance, which startled the two of them.

"Wooah, this is a really good book!" Steven exclaimed.

"Uh... okay. 'The house was deathly still. The only sound Lisa could hear was her own heartbeat pounding in her ears. The hairs on her neck tingled when suddenly-'"

Then out of nowhere, something plunged into the nearby sea.

"What the-" Steven looked over before he and Connie got splashed by water. "AHH!!"

The Diamonds bursted out of the house to see what was going on.

"What was that?" Yellow asked.

Then, a robonoid rolled onto the beach.

"It's one of the Marble Robots." Steven gasped.

"What?" Connie asked, confused.

"MOVE!!" Yellow rushed over, shooting the robot with a jet of electricity. This managed to destroy the robot.

"You okay?" Steven asked Connie.

"I love hanging out at your place!" Connie exclaimed.

Yellow sighed in annoyance as Blue and White ran over. "Another robonoid?" Blue gasped. "Do you think it came from that Peridot?"

"Likely," White said.

"Yellow, you're covered in goo," Blue noticed, seeing Yellow absolutely drenched.

Yellow then looked at Blue with a mischievous look.

"Oh no! Don't you DARE get that stuff on me!" Blue backed away.

"GOOP HUG!!" Yellow spread her arms out, chasing after Blue. White chuckled lightheartedly.

"Peridot. Is that the Gem you told me about? The one that's trying to come to Earth?" Connie asked.

"Yeah. We stopped her before but, I guess she can still shoot stuff here from space." Steven got up, walking over to White. "So... what do you think it was here to do?"

"We destroyed it. That's all that matters." White said, hiding her fear.

Steven furrowed his eyebrows. "Hm."


"The Steven Universe boy would like to speak with you." Priyanka said to Connie. She rushed over, grabbing the phone as Priyanka muttered, "I swear that's not his real name."

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