Laser light cannon

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Steven and the diamonds try to save beach city from being obliterated.

I got a little lazy with this one, but with these stories, I'm trying to focus more on the interactions Steven has with the diamonds.


"Hey, Fryman, give me the bits," Steven said to Mr. Fryman.

"Steven! We're closed," He said as he flipped the sign.

"Aww, what?" Steven whined, then Yellow began to bang the counter.

"Give 'em the bits! The bits, the bits..." she started and Steven joined in, "The BITS! The BITS! The BITS!"

"Okay, okay! Take it easy on the counter, will ya?" He said and went to cook some bits.

"Yes!" Steven and Yellow said in unison and high-fived.

"I can give you actual fries if you want." He handed the bits to Steven.

"Just the bits, please!" Steven grinned. "Thanks!"

He and Yellow began to walk back to the temple.

"Ah, sunset, my favorite time of day. When the sun goes down, and the second sun gets bigger and bigger in the sky." Steven said as he ate some bits.

Yellow laughed. "Yeah, that big hot second su— Oh no, what is that doing here?" She gasped, seeing the red eye.

"Huh? What is it?" Steven asked before Yellow picked him up and ran. "Ah, my bits!"


Blue and White stood near the temple, observing the red eye with a telescope.

"This is bad." White said.

"Look at the size of it, I forgot how big these were!" Blue exclaimed.

"White! Blue!" Yellow yelled as she ran over with Steven.

"We saw. Some of us are trying to protect this base. Where were you?" Blue raised an eyebrow.

"Eating fry bits." Yellow said, putting Steven down.

"Oh, can I see?" Steven looked through the telescope. "Woah. It's a giant eyeball! Awesome!"

"NOT awesome! It's a Red Eye!" Blue said.

"A red eye?! It's going to infect us all!!" Steven cried.

"That's pink eye, Steven." Yellow said.

"It's going to crash into Beach City and crush us, along with a bunch of oblivious, innocent people! We have to stop it." Blue said.

"What are we going to do?" Steven asked.

"The only thing powerful enough to destroy it is a Laser Cannon that belonged to... Pink." White said, almost hissing out her name. Steven noticed that she always hesitated when mentioning her name. Why?

"My mom?" Steven asked.

"If we still had our other powers, this would be so easy." Yellow groaned.

"Other powers...?" Steven questioned.

"I know, but we don't, and the cannon is missing. We'll have to find another solution." Blue said. "And yes, Steven. In the past we had other powers. We'll tell you about it later."

"Well, If it belonged to my mom, I bet my dad knows where it is. He can help us save the day!" Steven said. "Huh? Ehh?!"

"Greg is... nice, Steven, but I doubt Pink would entrust someone like him with such a powerful weapon." Blue said.

"Your dad is kind of a mess, Steven." Yellow said.

"Yellow!!" Blue shot back.

"I'm just sayin', even if she did leave it with him, he probably broke it, or lost it, or dropped it in the ocean by now." Yellow said.

"True," White said.

"No way, I'm sure he's just keeping it somewhere safe. I'll go ask him." Steven said.

"We can handle this, Steven. Ready?" White picked up Yellow, flinging her at the red eye.


After half explaining the situation to Greg, he and Steven rummaged through the garage. Steven didn't expect to actually find it, but low and behold, he did.

They put the cannon in a wagon, having it drag behind the van.

"Is it gonna be okay?" Steven asked.

Greg shrugged. "If every pork chop were perfect—"

"—We wouldn't have hot dogs!" Steven chimed in.

"That thing's getting huge, it's freaking me out!" Greg blurted.

"Can't the van go any faster?" Steven asked.

"This is faster!!" Grey panicked.

"Don't worry. Come on, let's put on your CD." Steven said, putting the CD in.

As Let me drive my van into your heart played, they drove back to the temple.


"Throw me again, I think I'm cracking it." Yellow said before noticing Greg and Steven. "Is that...?"

"Hey guys!" Steven smiled.

"He really had it!" Blue exclaimed. "We're saved!"

"We have to use it now." White said.

"I don't know how it works, it was Pink's!" Blue cried.

"Dad, how do we use it?" Steven asked Greg.

"Steven, this is serious!" Blue put her hands on Steven's shoulders. Then, she had an epiphany. "The gem. You have Pink's gem!"

"That's it!" Steven lifted his shirt, rubbing his gem against the cannon. "Ahhh, come on!"

"Stop that," White said. "It's no use."

"Fine, forget it. Throw me again!" Yellow frowned.

"Please work- unlock- activate- go- please! Everyone's counting on you, you can't just be useless! I know you can help." Steven banged on the cannon.

"It's ok, Steven. We'll figure out something else, something even better." Greg reassured.

"R-r-r-right, if every pork chop were perfect, we wouldn't have hot dogs." Steven said. Suddenly, the cannon began to glow.

"It's working!" Blue gasped. They all rushed over to aim the cannon. "This is it!"

"Brace yourselves!" White yelled.

The cannon activated, destroying the red eye.

"Steven, you just saved most of Beach City!" Yellow said almost sarcastically.

"Sorry about that!" Steven yelled to Mr. Fryman, who didn't hear him.

"How did you get it to work?" Yellow asked.

"I just said that thing that Dad always says." Steven shrugged.

"That thing about pork rinds?" Blue asked.

"Hot dogs." White said.

Suddenly, the ocean began to wash away the van, causing Greg to panic. "My van!"

"It's okay, Dad, if every pork chop were perfect—"

"I live in there!" Greg rushed after the van.

"Wait up!" Steven ran after his father.

The diamonds watched with amusement.

"He really is Pink's son." Blue said, reminiscing.

Yellow chuckled. "He's so much like her."

White bit her lip, then smiled. "My little starlight."

Diamond AU: Steven UniverseWhere stories live. Discover now