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"Last one for today.." I sighed, grabbing one more cigarette from the package.

Yeah, I know it's pretty bad for me. And finishing up a whole 20-package ain't the best thing. I know that I should cut down on it, otherwise I'm gonna end up not even having enough money to support this habit. Hell that's gonna fucking kill me.

But it's so hard to stop, since it's turned into a therapy session for me, or something like that. It's sort of a distraction from my crippling depression.

You see, the thing is, I used to be a kickboxer. I fucking loved it. And it was more than just a sport or a hobby for me. I wanted it to be my job. 

It was like, my whole life. From the time I can remember myself, I would always train and train so that I could be a professional.

But I guess, some things never turn out the way you wanted them to. No matter how much you wanted it, or how hard you tried.

I was about to have my usual night routine; a bubble bath and some ice cream before bed. And when I say some I mean the whole bucket.

And maybe smoke another pack when I'm done with it.

I curled up on my spot on the couch as I turned on the TV, when I heard the doorbell ringing.

"Oh goddammit.. who the hell is it in such an hour.." I cussed, pushing myself up the couch. "God doesn't even want me to enjoy my deadly habits nowadays."

I crawled towards the front door and smacked it open.

"Hey, (f/n)!" I heard as I opened the door. It was my best friend, Eren.

I couldn't help but brighten up. That guy is always so cheerful that his smile is kind of contagious. Even to me.

"Oh hey, Eren" I smiled back, pulling him inside. "What the hell are you doing here? Don't tell me you're ditching work again.."

"Nah.." He rolled his eyes, not being really convincing. "I just wanted to tell ya something, but you wouldn't pick up the telephone. As usual. So since I was near your house I thought I'd pass by.." He snickered. "And I just might sleep here too, it's too much of a bother to go back to my place.."

I smirked. "Good, since I was getting kinda lonely tonight.. I was just about to open another package.." I sighed, as we moved towards the living room.

"So, speak up, what is it you wanted to tell me?"

"Oh, you're gonna love that.." he raised an eyebrow, with his half-smirk expression. "And it will finally make you stop your fucking smoking habit."

I growled eyes, as I turned up at him. "Huh? What the hell is it..?"

He put his hand inside of his pocket grabbing a piece of paper.

"Guess what? I just got you an all-new, fully pre-paid, gym membership!" He smirked, showing off the paper all over my face.

"Wait, wait, you idiot.." I grabbed his hand and pulled him off my face. A.. gym membership, you said..? And what the hell am I going to with that?" I frowned.

He clicked his tongue. "Well, what can you do with it? You're going to have free training for one whole year, dumbass!" He bumped my shoulder. "And not just in any gym, this is one of the best in town."

I stopped him right there, since the whole thing was getting really suspicious.

I know Eren too well, and for him to get me free training at a gym, could only mean two things.

Either that I've gained weight, or that it has something to do with kickboxing. I hope not the first, cause I've worked hard to have my damn curves.

"Eren, are you doing this for the reason I think you're doing it?" I crossed arms. "Cause from what I've heard, this gym you're talking about specializes in kickboxing training.." I pointed at the gym's name on the paper.

He mimicked me, crossing his arms. "..Well, yeah, that's true. I ain't gonna lie, I am doing this to get you back into kickboxing."

I sighed. "Eren, we've talked about this numerous times.. You know that I can't-.."

"Yeah, yeah, I know. But it's been so long since then, you'll be fine if you start only training again! I didn't suggest you get back into fights.." He intensely proposed.

"Eren, no." I frowned. "You remember exactly what the doctor had told me back then. I can never fight again. Not even train."

"He had said that you couldn't fight professionally again. When it came to championship. But just some harmless kickboxing practice ain't gonna kill ya!"

I was ready to reject, but Eren was quicker than me.

"Hey, look." He started, "I know it's not easy at all after all this time. But I also know how much you loved kickboxing. I remember how passionate you used to be about it and what it meant to you. And I know how much it fucking hurts you that you don't train anymore.."

"I can't keep seeing you like that. So damn miserable and heartbroken. It break my heart as well.."

I flinched, taking glances around the room. I pouted, trying to hold myself from getting overly emotional. Damn, was he so fucking right.

"Eren.. I don't think it's a good idea.."

"Why don't you try at least? I'm telling ya, you won't get back into matches, but you could practice, that's for sure. There's nothing safer than that!" He pushed my shoulders. "You can't just say no, I paid you one whole year already!"

I huffed. That guy is just so impulsive. But he cares about me so much that I can't help but love him.

"Shit.. okay, you won. I guess it ain't gonna hurt to try.. Since you fucking went ahead and paid for it, I don't have any other choice, do I.."

He brighted up. "Fucking yes! Heh, I knew I would convince you. You'll see, it's gonna be awesome.."

I snickered, pulling the hair off his forehead. "We'll see.."

"Oh.." He flinched, "I forgot to tell you.. you'll also have your very own personal trainer there. And guess what, it will be a guy!"


^ why does everyone be hating on this pic of eren,, come on y'all he's so pretty :c

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^ why does everyone be hating on this pic of eren,, come on y'all he's so pretty :c

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