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When he opened the door every person in the room stopped and looked at me. I took a step back as my breath hitched with anxiety.

"Hey Cora.." one of them said cautiously. He was sitting next to a girl with blue hair and he was holding her tightly, he must be Jake or Sam.

"I-" I started but went to turn away as anxiety bubbled in my chest. "Hey it's okay." Dad said and pulled me into his arms.

"Don't be scared Cora, we are here for you." A really pretty girl with brown hair said quietly, she must be Devyn.

"Maybe we should start by introducing ourselves, maybe that would make this a little easier." The petite girl with black hair and two blonde streaks said and stood up, "I'm Tara." She said and I nodded, "hey Cora, this feels weird introducing myself again but I'm Jake." The boy with black and silver hair said and raised his hand.

I bit my lip feeling a little overwhelmed by the amount of people in the room that I didn't know.

"I'm Corey." The tall built one with a quaffed hair cut said and waved. He had a friendly smile which sent me a small wave of comfort.

"I'm Sam." The brunette who spoke earlier said and lifted his hand to wave. "I'm Katrina..." the blue haired girl whispered as tears trickle down her cheeks.

"Are you okay?" I asked her quietly as Sam turned and wiped her cheeks. "I'm okay." She whispered back and looked down.

I let my eyes shift to the back of the room, "I'm Lesa and this is Layne..we are Colby's parents." The older woman said as I bit my lip,

did they live here too?

"I'm Michelle, I'm dating your dad." The brunette lady that was sitting next to Lesa said and waved.

I gasped and turned to dad, "you have a girlfriend?" I asked in shock as he laughed, "that's the most shocking part of all of this?" He said and gestured to the room of people in front of us, "I just didn't expect it." I mumbled and looked over at Colby. He was walking up to us as I nervously watched him, "this is Mia." He said quietly and showed me the baby in his arms.

I took a step back nervously but dad wrapped his arm around my shoulder, "it's okay, squirt." He said as I peered down to get a better look. She was beautiful.

"I know you are scared right now, but we are going to do our best to bring you back to us okay?" Colby asked as I let my gaze go to his eyes.

They were so beautiful I felt like I could get lost in them for days.

That's when I knew all of this was a lie, someone as attractive as him would never fall for someone like me.

I felt the tears start forming as my chest tightened, "woah, hey what is it!?" Dad asked and pulled me into a hug as Colby looked at me with the saddest eyes I had ever seen.

"It's not nice to lie like this." I whispered as small sobs wrecked my chest. "We aren't lying sweetheart." Dad said as everyone watched me silently.

"You know I have nobody..why would you play a trick like this on me.." I sobbed as the sounds of a baby crying filled my ears. "Cora please calm down." Dad said as Colby left the room with Mia.

I heard him sniffle as he walked passed me. "Is he mad at me? I-" I started and burried my face in my dad's chest, "no no, he's just gonna calm Mia down." He said as I closed my eyes.

"Are you lying to me? Is this a joke?" I whispered as he kissed the top of my head, "no. I'm not. Why don't we just sit down and just watch a movie or something and just hang out, are you hungry?" He asked and led me slowly to the couch in the back. "Y-yeah." I said and sniffled as he sat me down next to Katrina. She looked up at me with tears in her eyes as Sam smiled at me. "I'm gonna make you something to eat, just hang out okay?" dad asked and I nodded as he turned to leave the room.

"Do you have any questions?" Sam asked me as I cowered into the couch. "Um...I don't know." I said quietly feeling the nerves start back up again.

I shouldn't be nervous. If they were telling the truth and these people really were like family then I shouldnt be scared to talk to them.

"It's okay, there's no pressure or anything. Just know that we love and trust you." He said as Katrina nodded slowly. I just nodded and bit my lip as Corey and Jake argued about which movie to watch.

"Why don't we watch some videos with Cora in them? Maybe jog her memory?" Katrina asked and kept her eyes on me. "Videos?" I asked and pulled the blanket that was next to me into my lap.

"Yeah, I guess we should explain..we are social media influencers. We make YouTube videos and stuff." Sam said and I scrunched my eyebrows, "all of you? Am I?" I asked and Tara chuckled slightly, "Kat does more music related stuff but the rest of us do YouTube videos, Devyn is also a makeup artist. you don't do videos though. " Tara said and nuzzled herself under Jake's arm. "Well, I mean you show up in our videos from time to time." Corey said and I nodded,

"What do I do then?" I asked and bit my lip, "you're a mom, you also are trying to make music and stuff but since Mia you haven't had much time to." Devyn said and I nodded.

My head started hurting again so I shook my head, "are you okay?" Katrina asked and nudged my arm, "I think so...I'm just...lost." I said and looked down, feeling myself get emotional.

"Take your time, you'll remember soon enough." She said and smiled sadly at me.

My dad and Colby came back and walked to the couch I was on, "here I made you a bowl of stuffing." Dad said and I cocked my head, "stuffing? What's the occasion?" I asked and looked at Colby. He didn't have the baby in his arms anymore, "it's the day after Thanksgiving." He said and I nodded, "where did Mia go?" I asked and took a bite of the food in front of me.

"I put her upstairs, we can go see her later if you want.." Colby said and I nodded slowly.

"Is it alright if I sit next to you?" Colby asked timidly and gestured to the empty spot next to me,

"um...yeah that should be fine." I said nervously. He smiled a beautiful smile then sat down next to me.

"Did you want to try and watch the videos?" Sam asked as Colby stiffened slightly, "I don't think that's a good idea, Sam." He mumbled quietly, "why not brother? It could trigger a couple memories." He said and Colby bit his lip nervously.

"Okay..tell me if your head starts to hurt or anything..okay?" He asked me nervously.

"Okay." I whispered and looked up at the projector in front of me as they pulled up the videos.

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