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Colby's POV

"She's okay and stable right now, it's still going to be a while though, did you want me to send anyone in to be with you?" The nurse asked as I let out the breath I was holding. "Sam Golbach and Katrina Stuart please. They're in the waiting room." I mumbled and rubbed my hands together anxiously. "No problem, I'll keep you updated." She said and left the room again.

"Goddamnit Cora, stay with me." I mumbled and rubbed my eyes. A couple minutes passed before Sam and Kat came in, "thank god." I breathed out and opened my arms for Sam to hug me. "How are you holding up brother?" He asked as I hugged Kat, "I'm losing my mind." I admitted as Kat went over to the crib and pulled Mia out.

"Have you gotten any updates?" She asked as she bounced Mia, "they just told me she's had complications but she's stable and okay now. We still have so long to go." I said and rubbed my eyes again, "I'm sorry brother, I know this is tough, but she's kicking ass and fighting. She's stable, that's all that matters." Sam said as he sat next to me, "I should probably call her dad." I said quietly and stood up to call him.

"Hey Colby. Any updates?" He answered after the second ring, "she had some complications, but she's stable right now. She's not out yet though so things could change." I said and rubbed my chest, seriously not liking the words that were coming out. "She's tough, shes not going out without a fight. Okay. Please keep me updated.." he said and I nodded, "will do dad," I said then hung up.

We waited for hours, I couldn't stop pacing the room. "Brother, you need to relax." Sam said with a sigh. Kat went to go grab the food we ordered from the lobby. "I can't Sam! She's gotta be okay." I mumbled as the door swung open and they wheeled her bed in.

Cora was under the covers, but her pale arms were resting on the bed and her head was wrapped up in a huge bandage. She was still asleep as they set up the equipment, "baby.." I whispered and watched as they set her up. I wanted to run over and take her hand but I couldn't risk being kicked out. Not when she was back and alive.

"Colby." Dr. Robinson said and came up to me, "the surgery went well. We faced a couple obstacles but she fought through them. She's okay." She said which made it feel like a weight was being lifted off my shoulders,

"this is the tricky part though, she's going to struggle a lot, especially because of the complications." She said as Kat came back into the room. She gasped at how Cora looked but scurried over time Sam, "when will she wake up?" I asked as they finished setting her up, "could be a couple hours also could be a couple days. The anesthesia will wear off in a few hours but she will inevitably decide when she wants to wake up." She said and I nodded.

"Talk to her while she's out, let her know you're here. I'll leave you guys to it, you know where the call button is, use it if you need to." She said and turned to leave."thank you Dr. Robinson." I choked then walked to the edge of the bed and grabbed her cold hand.

"Hey baby girl. It's Colby, I'm so proud of you. Take your time waking up though, I'm not going anywhere." I said and brought the limp hand I was holding to my lips.

I couldn't control the sobs that wrecked through my body as I collapsed to my knees, "Colby!" Sam yelled and came over as I let go of Cora's hand and clutched my chest. It felt like I was having a heart attack.

"You have to relax, brother." Sam said and pulled me into him so I could just cry. "I hate seeing her like this dude." I whispered as he tightened his grip, "I hate it too, but do you hear that?" He asked and held his finger up to the monitor. It was steadily beeping, "yeah, I hear it." I mumbled and wiped my eyes, "she's alive. She's right here, she's just sleeping." He said and looked at me in the eyes.

"Take a deep breath and keep your chin up. She needs you." He said and stood up, then helped me stand. Kat came over with Mia and gave me a hug, "it's gonna be okay Colby." She whispered and handed me Mia.

"Hey baby girl, Mia's here. So are Sam and Kat, we love you so much and we are seriously so proud of you." I said and brought her hand up to Mia's cheek. As soon as her cold hand made contact with Mia's  cheek she started cooing, "yeah, it's mommy! She's just sleeping princess." I said and lowered Cora's hand back down onto the bed.

We hung out for a few hours, eating and waiting. I was on the phone with Jake as Kat sat by Cora, talking to her.

"How's she doing man?" He asked and I took a deep breath, "she's alive. Still asleep though." I said and ruffled my hair. "We are all gonna head over there in like an hour do you need anything?" He asked and I bit my lip, "can you bring her favorite blanket. I'm fucking stupid and forgot it." I mumbled and Sam slapped my back. "You got it man, also you're not stupid. How are you doing?" He asked as tears formed in my eyes. "I'm...I'm okay." I said and took a deep breath as I looked up at Cora. Kat was holding her hand and massaging it as she talked to her.

"I'm gonna pretend like you didn't just lie to me." Jake said and I chuckled, "I feel like my heart is on the floor, in a million pieces." I said and wiped my nose with the back of my hand. "Understandable, she's gonna wake up soon dude. I can feel it. Is she allowed to eat when she wakes up? I'll bring her food if you want." He said and I shrugged,

"Not sure when or if she can eat but I'll let you know. Thanks man." I said then hung up. "Remind me to ask when she can eat when the nurse comes back." I mumbled to Sam and went over to sit next to Cora after grabbing Mia. Sam went over to Kat and had her stand up so she could sit in his lap. My heart ached as I rubbed Cora's forearm, she was so cold.

She wouldn't be so cold if I had remembered her blanket.

We sat there for a while in silence as Mia slept in my arms. My arms were aching from holding her for so long but I never wanted to let her go.

Meghan eventually came in, "Meghan! How did you know we were here?" I asked and stood up to hug her, "dude, I always know when my favorite patient is here. How's she doing?" She asked and went over to check her vitals, "she's still asleep. So I guess she's doing good." I said with a sigh and sat back down as Mia fussed a little.

"Yeah, if she's sleeping then she's good." She said as I grabbed her hand again. "Is she going to be able to eat when she wakes up?" I asked and she nodded, "yeah, she can eat but she probably won't want to. She's going to wake up feeling like crap." She admitted and I took a deep breath in. 

"I'll get Jake to bring her food just in case. God I feel like I'm gonna throw up." I said and closed my eyes.

"Keep it together dude, this is Cora we are talking about she's got this in the bag." Meghan said and patter my back once.

"She's looking good, I'll be back in a little while, if she wakes up just push the call button alright?" She asked and I nodded before she left the room.

I looked down at Mia who was looking up at me with her big blue eyes. She raised her hand up and put it on my cheek, "thank you sweetheart." I whispered and grabbed her hand, bringing it to my lips.

Another hour passed and we were watching a movie on the little tv that was hanging on the wall. Mia was asleep in the crib now so I was able to hold Cora's hand while I ate the sandwich Jake had brought me from McDonald's. He also brought Cora some nuggets for when she woke up.

I heard Cora suck in a little breath which caused me to look over. I noticed her eyelids twitching slightly, "she's waking up!" I exclaimed and threw my sandwich on the table next to me. "Hey baby girl, you're okay." I murmured as Sam clicked the call button. Kat grabbed her other hand as she opened her eyes.

They were glassy and slightly bloodshot but they were the most beautiful eyes I had ever seen, "good morning baby girl." I whispered and rubbed her forearm with my free hand.

"What's going on?" Meghan asked as she jogged in, "you're awake!" She yelled happily as Cora looked around the room nervously. She opened her mouth to talk but nothing came out.

Meghan grabbed the cup of water next to the bed and brought the straw to Cora's mouth. She sipped on the water as she looked at me.

She went to speak again but her words were jumbled and incoherent, sending a shock of fear through my chest.

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