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"Cora? Please respond." Someone said as I looked around, everything was a little blurry.

I was still terrified.

"D-Don't hurt me." I wimpered as someone put a sweatshirt on me. "We won't hurt you. It's Kevin, Meghan, Tara, and Katrina. We won't hurt you." Kevin said as I started to come back to reality a little bit. "D-d-Don't tell Colby." I whispered as I closed my eyes and sobbed. "Keep your eyes open, Cor." Meghan said as she flexed my hands. "Okay." I said and opened my eyes up again. Everything was a little clearer.

"They are on their way." Tara said as Kat cried into her shoulder.

Who was on their way?

It better not have been Colby and the guys. They better stay where they are.

"No." I wimpered as Meghan continued to bend my arms and legs. "Did you hit your head? It's really important, Cora." Meghan said and looked into my eyes. "N-no. They just hit me a lot." I sobbed out as Kevin wrapped his arms around me, then carefully lifted me out of the bushes. "T-they..." I started but couldn't finish due to the sobs leaving my throat. "hey it's okay...take your time." Kevin said and rubbed my back as he sat down and held me in his lap.

"They took everything." I whispered, feeling the emptiness on my left ring finger.

"What?" Kat asked and crouched down as the flashing lights of police filled the street around us. "Everything." I cried out and burried my face in Kevin's chest.

The police came up and started asking us questions but I couldn't answer, I just cried.

I wanted Colby.

"Cor, we need you to explain what happened...I know it's hard but they need to know." Kat said and grabbed my hand, cradling it to her chest.

"I was walking home..a-and these two guys started following me. I was t-trying to call Kevin but I f-fell. They r-ran and tackled me to the ground." I said and started crying harder again. "It's okay, take a deep breath." Tara soothed as I swallowed hard. "They dragged me to the bushes and started trying to take my hoodie off. It w-was one of Colby's designer ones." I said and went to bite my lip but remember it was busted open.

"I tried to fight them off but t-they were stronger. T-they hit me until I was weak enough for them to take the hoodie. T-they took my locket, a-and my opal necklace..t-then they saw my wedding ring." I said and started sobbing even harder as Kat gasped.

"They took everything." I whispered and hid my face in Kevin's chest again. "Did they sexually assault you at all?" The police officer asked as he wrote stuff down. "N-no." I answered after a few minutes of me collecting myself.

"Okay, do you have a description of the guys? We will start a search to find them and your stuff." The officer said as I nodded slowly. "Um...one of them was huge. He was probably 6 foot 4 and 300 lbs. He had blue eyes and shoulder length black hair with a goatee." I said and shivered, remembering how he looked at me as he punched me mercilessly.

"The other guy was shorter and smaller. Maybe 5 foot 10 and 120 lbs. He wore a hat so I couldn't see his hair but he had dark brown eyes and a beard as well. They were both wearing all black." I said as Kevin rubbed my back.

"Okay, we are going to do a search, we will also check pawn shops for your jewelry, do you have a description of them?" He asked as I choked up again. All of these questions were really overwhelming.

"One of the necklaces was a gold locket in the shape of a heart, a picture of me and my husband was on the right side, and a picture of my husband and daughter was on the left." I said and messed with my nails. "The other necklace was an opal heart with a silver backing and a date carved on the back. 8/04/2019." I said and sniffled.

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