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"Goodbye beautiful villa that I love so much." I said and frowned as Colby locked the door. "We have had some good times here, I'll definitely miss it." He said then took my hand in his as we walked down the boardwalk with our bags.

Our honeymoon was basically over, which made my heart break. "Hey, think of it this way, we get to see Mia today!" Colby said as he caressed my hand with his thumb. "Yeah, she's honestly the only reason I'm not chaining myself to the dock right now." I said causing him to chuckle, "we can chain you to something if you want, we have time." He said lowly causing my mouth to fly open, "reLAX, Brock." I said with a laugh as I pulled him along.

"Did you enjoy your trip?" The woman at the desk said as we turned our key in, "we really did." I said and smiled up at Colby. "I'm so glad you guys enjoyed your stay! Safe travels back!" She said and waved as we picked our bags up again.

It was such a bittersweet feeling as we got into the taxi to go to the airport. Colby held his hand on my thigh as I traced my finger over his wedding band.

We pulled up to the airport and got out of the car, "have a safe flight! Hope you enjoyed your stay!" The taxi driver said and waved as we grabbed our bags from the back. "Thank you!" I chirped and took Colby's hand.

We silently walked through the airport, trying to find security. "Thank you again baby. You made this the best week ever." I said and smiled softly at him. "I'm so glad you had a great time. You deserve all of the happiness in the world baby girl." He said and pulled me close so he could kiss my head.

"Don't make me cry in this airport right now, Brock." I said and looked at him with tears in my eyes. "Don't cry baby girl. It's just the truth." He said as we got to security.

It seriously was a bittersweet moment getting to the gate. I was so happy to go home and see Mia and our friends but I was sad to leave behind the amazing time we had here. There was no drama or ghosts from our past. It was just us and the love we had for eachother and I wouldn't have had it any other way.

When we boarded the plane I sat down and bundled myself up in the seat then looked over at Colby, he smiled sadly at me as he reached his hand over into the aisle. "Let's go see our beautiful daughter." He said and rubbed his thumb along my hand as we waited for the rest of the plane to board.

He held my hand firmly as we took off, bringing me comfort. I bit my lip as a couple tears spilled over onto my cheeks as we ascended to go back home. I hugged myself and pulled my knees to my chest as I looked out the window.

I flinched when I felt Colby's arms wrap around me, "sorry, I just don't want to see you upset." He whispered as I turned to rest my head on his chest. "I'm just a little sad right now, it will be okay though, I'm really excited to see Mia and our friends." I said and traced a heart onto his chest with my finger.

"They are going to be happy to see us I think. We are definitely their coolest friends." He said with a chuckle, "oh 100%" I said then turned a movie on.

We ended up fall asleep for a little bit before they woke us up for dinner. Colby went back to his seat so he could eat. I wasn't very hungry so I just ate a couple bites and fell asleep again.

When I woke up we were landing, meaning our trip was over and we would be seeing our friends and Mia soon. I suddenly wasn't as sad because the excitement of seeing everyone overpowered it.

"Did you tell Sam we landed?" I asked Colby as we started the unboarding process. "Yeah, he's almost here." He said as we made our way down the aisle to get off of the plane. We went through customs again then made our way to the terminal where Sam would pick us up.

"SAMMY!!!" I yelled when I saw him leaned up against the car. "Hey guys! Wow shit you guys are burnt." He said as I tackled him with a hug. "Shut up." I grumbled as Colby hugged Sam. "How was it?! I can't wait to hear all about it." He said as he grabbed my bag to put it in the trunk. "It was so much fun!" I exclaimed as he smiled at us. "You can tell us all about it when we get home. Let's gooooo." He said and opened the back seat for me.

Colby was going to sit up front so they could discuss the stuff Colby missed about the YouTube show. I felt my heart sink when I remembered that they would be leaving for that in a couple days. I shook my head and looked out the window as we drove through the familiar streets of LA.

I almost felt nervous as we pulled into the driveway, what if Mia didn't even recognize me? I wouldn't be able to handle that. It was a dumb thought though. We weren't gone long enough for that.

"Welcome home guys!" Sam said as he parked the car. I got out and went to the trunk to grab my bag. "I got them, you guys go on it." Sam said with a small smile causing me to nod slowly. I hesitated before starting to walk. "You okay?" Colby asked and put his hand on my back. "Yeah...I think I'm okay. Let's go." I said with a sigh and took his hand as we walked to the front door.

Colby put his hand on the doorknob and opened the door to reveal everyone standing there with huge smiles on their faces, "welcome home!!!" They all yelled as Mia squealed and reached out for us. I immediately started crying and reached out for her, "thank you guys!" I blubbered as Kat handed Mia off to me.

"Hi sweet girl." I whispered as tears streamed down my cheeks. She beat at my chest happily as I hugged her close to me, "hi princess." Colby said and kissed her head as she cooed and giggled. "We missed you so much...so so much sweet girl." I whispered and leaned my head onto Colby's chest as he took us both into his arms.

"Thank you guys for watching her. We missed you all so much." I said and looked up at everyone as I finally handed Mia off to Colby.

"Come here!" Kat yelled with her arms out, "I missed you." She said as we embraced. "I missed you too Kat." I said into her hair as we swayed. When we pulled away I was pulled into Tara's embrace,

"Jesus, did you guys even wear sunscreen?" She asked then slapped my back really hard causing me to hiss in pain. "Oh how I've missed you." I said and hugged her again.

I was passed along with so many hugs that my heart was exploding with happiness. "Are you guys hungry? We ordered hella pizzas but I don't know if you guys would want any." Jake said as I took Mia from Colby so he could do his round of hugs.

"Um, pizza sounds good, I'm probably gonna crash soon because of jet lag but we can have a few slices." I said and shrugged as I bounced a very happy Mia in my arms.

"I'm gonna bring our bags up." Colby said then grabbed both of our bags as we went over to the kitchen.

"So tell us all about it!" Devyn squealed as we all grabbed some pizza. "Honestly it was just so fun. We went cliff diving and ziplining and snorkeling. I got smacked in the face with a spoon. A storm almost killed us." I said and head Colby laugh as he came into the room. "She's being dramatic." He said and sat next to me. "Maybe but it was a huge storm nonetheless." I said then went more into detail about the fun things we did to the girls as Colby started talking to the guys about god knows what.

I couldn't help but feel the happiness swell up in my chest as I looked around at the friends that I loved so much. Mia laid in my arms and beat on my chest
if I stopped bouncing her for too long.

I was so glad to be home with everyone, even if I was sad about the honeymoon being over.

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