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A chill ran down my spine when she said those words. "I mean..it's always a possibility when you're having sex but I don't think I could be." I said and took in a shaky breath, "okay well we should go get some pregnancy tests just in case." Devyn said as her and Devyn got out of bed, "yeah, we will go get some, just hang out here for a little bit. We will be back." Tara said as the walked out of the room.

As soon as they left I burst into tears and leaned into Kat, "I can't be pregnant again...I can't do this." I cried out as she rubbed my back. "Calm down Cor, you're okay..you're probably not pregnant and you probably just ate something weird. Or maybe it was because of the traveling. You also have a bad sunburn, you never know. It could be sun poisoning or something. There are so many other things this could be." She soothed and rubbed my back.

"You're right...I just...if I'm pregnant again I'm gonna lose my mind." I said and closed my eyes,
Taking a deep breath. "How do you feel now though?" She asked and brought her hand to my forehead, "you're pretty warm.." she said and got out of bed. I'm not sure where she went but I just hugged myself, waiting for her to come back.

She grabbed the thermometer and shoved it in my mouth. I didn't fight her as she held it in my mouth until it beeped, "100 degrees. I think you're just sick." She said with a shrug. "God I hope so." I said and closed my eyes.

About an hour later the girls came back with three different kinds of tests, "is that necessary?" I asked when I opened the bag, "yeah, it's important that the results are accurate." Devyn said as I got out of bed and went to the bathroom.

I took all three of them at the same time and just closed my eyes and prayed they were negative. I couldn't have another baby right now...Mia wasn't even a year old.

"How's it going in there?" Devyn asked from behind the closed door, "I'm gonna have a panic attack." I said as tears started forming in my eyes. She opened the door and came in, then sat on the floor next to me as I cried. "I can't do this..." I wimpered and leaned against her. "You can. You've done this before. It's time to look." She said as my phone timer went off.

I felt like I was going to pass out as I shakily reached for the first test.


"Oh thank god." I breathed out and showed Devyn. "You gotta look at the other ones too." She reminded as I reached for the other two.

Thankfully they both read negative also. I have never been so happy to be sick in my life.

"Well?!" Kat yelled from the bedroom, "no bun in this oven!" I yelled and stood up, feeling the soreness in my muscles that being sick gave you. "I was about to say you're the most fertile person ever met but thank god it was negative." Tara said as I walked to the bed.

"Maybe you're right about the sun poisoning thing Kat, I don't feel all that sick, just achy." I said as I laid down as my phone rang signaling someone was trying to FaceTime me.

"Hey Colby." I said quietly as I answered the phone, "good morning baby, oh..you look sick are you okay?" He asked causing me to laugh, "had an...eventful morning." I said choosing my words carefully. "Oh yeah?" He asked as I grabbed one of the negative pregnancy tests. I held it up to the camera as I heard him suck in a breath, "please tell me that's negative." He said as I chuckled, "yeah, negative. All three of the ones I took were." I said as he grinned, "so you're not pregnant, just sick?" He asked and I nodded, "yeah, but I feel fine. Enough about me though. You start filming today!" I exclaimed with a smile on my face. "Yep,we start in like an hour. I'm nervous babe." He said causing me to frown.

"That's okay, it's okay to be nervous. I know what will cheer you up though." I said and started getting out of the bed. I walked to the nursery and flipped my phone around so Colby could see Mia, "good morning princess!" He cooed as she squirmed happily.

"I miss you so much sweetheart, it's only been a day and I miss you." He said as she reached up at the phone, "hold on." I said and put the phone down so I could pick her up. "Okay, we are back!" I said into the phone as I held the camera up to Mia and I.

"There's my girls." He said and smirked into the phone, "what are you up to today?" He asked and I shrugged, "I don't know, probably nothing. It's boring here." I said and bounced Mia. "I'm sure you'll find something fun to do, maybe you could paint. You haven't done that in a while." He said causing me to gasp, "I should paint! I'll paint you something." I said with a smile as Colby turned his head to look at someone who was talking to him, "okay yeah, just give me one minute." He said to them then turned to me again, "alright, I have to go baby girl. I'll try to call you again later. I miss you." He said causing me to smile, "I miss you too." I said quietly, "love you." He said as he hung up.

I sighed and looked at Mia, "You wanna sit with mommy while she paints?" I asked as she looked at me with her big eyes. "I'll take that as a yes." I said then kissed her cheek before going to find the paints.

By the time I got everything set up I wasn't feeling as sick anymore. I think Kat was right about the whole sun poisoning thing, I did get pretty burned while in Fiji.

"What are you up to?" I heard a familiar voice say as they walked into the kitchen, "Meghan!?" I asked and ran to her, giving her a huge hug. "Hey!" She said as I pulled away, "what are you doing here?!" I asked as Kevin came into the room, "oh...Kevin and I are dating! Thanks to you of course." She said which made my heart swell. Honestly I always thought they would be a good fit, "yeah thanks Cora for setting us up, you're the best little sis out there." Kevin said as I went to sit down to paint.

"So what are you doing?" Meghan asked as I stared at the blanket canvas, "Colby suggested that I paint today, so I'm doing that. I just don't know what to paint yet." I said and scrunched my nose at the canvas.

"I think you should just paint from the heart, zone out and really let your creativity do the hard work." Meghan said and grabbed a glass of water. "That's a great idea. Did you want to paint too? I have a couple extra canvases." I said and gestured to two empty chairs across from me. "Yeah, that sounds fun, what do you think Kev?" She asked and looked over at him.

"I think that's a great idea." He said and pulled the chair out for her. I put on some music and just zoned out, letting the art make itself as I poured all of the pent up emotions I was feeling.

I was so into the painting that I wasn't feeling the heavy weight on my shoulders of Colby being gone. I felt so carefree.

"What do you think?" I asked and showed them the painting I did. "Holy shit! Cora that's beautiful!" Meghan said as Kevin started slow clapping, "that's really good." He said with a smile. "Thank you." I said and looked down at my artwork.

I decided I would give it to Colby when we surprised them in two weeks.

I seriously couldn't wait for that.

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