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The next couple days were boring and mildly upsetting. Mia ended up getting sick from the traveling but she was already doing a little better. The girls and I have been doing our very best to keep ourselves distracted without leaving the house.

"I think I want to cut my hair." I said as I walked into the kitchen where the girls were cooking dinner. "Oh god, what's wrong? Are you sick?" Kat asked and put her hand to my forehead.

"No!" I said with a laugh as Devyn looked at me with caution, "you have to be having some sort of mental breakdown if you want to cut off the beautiful hair you have." She said as I shrugged, "I just think it's time for a change...my hair has been long for forever." I said and combed through my hair with my fingers,

"did you talk to Colby about this decision?" Kat asked as I scrunched my brow, "no? Why would I talk to Colby about it he's my husband not my master." I said with a laugh, "no, but the dude is obsessed with braiding your hair, practically gets a boner when you ask him to braid." Tara said as I sat down at the island.

"He does not!" I said with it a laugh, "It will grow back in no time! Plus I only want to cut it a couple inches, meaning he can still braid it." I said and shrugged,

"so who's gonna help me?" I asked and folded my hands under my chin. "What? You want us to do it?!" Kat asked as I laughed, "yeah, I don't think it will be that hard." I said and pulled the scissors out of the drawer. "I'll do it!" Tara yelled and reached for the scissors.

"That's the spirit! Let's do it." I said and pulled my chair out so she could see my hair better. "This is not a good idea." Devyn said and covered her eyes as Tara tied of my hair where I wanted it cut. "It's fine, it's just a couple inches!" I said with a laugh as Tara brought the scissors to my hair.

"Oh I can't watch." Kat said and covered her eyes. As soon as Tara started cutting my phone blared my ringtone out loudly causing Tara to flinch and cut diagonally, cutting all the way up to my shoulder, "TARA!" Kat yelled and pointed toward the giant chunk of hair she just cut off my head.

Well. Guess we are doing shoulder length now.

"Shit. It's Colby. I have to hid my hair. Give me that helmet!!!" I yelled frantically as Devyn tossed me the helmet. I tucked the hair that Tara just mangled into the helmet and clipped it on before plastering a smile on my face.

"Heyyyyy." I breathed out casually with the smile on my face. "What are you hiding?" Colby asked as he looked at me with a straight face. "I'm not hiding anything Colby, what are you doing?" I asked, changing the subject. "Just on a break, you sure you're not hiding anything? You never wear the helmet." He said and raised his brows at me, "I thought it would be funny to wear it." I said only half lying. "Okaaayyyy." He said suspiciously as I laughed, "anyways, have you guys caught any cool evidence?" I asked and took a sip of water.

"Yeah, so many cool things have happened, I'm really excited for this series to come out. You'll get a sneak peak of course." He said as I gasped dramatically, "who me? I'm honored." I said with a giggle as he rolled his eyes playfully, "you're a dork, Brock." He said causing me to scrunch my nose, "but I'm your dork, Brock." I said with a giggle.

"UGH. Get a room!" Tara groaned dramatically as she laughed, "shut up Tara, you owe me." I said and looked down at the giant clump of hair she was still holding.

"How's Mia feeling?" Colby asked as I popped a piece of fruit in my mouth. "She's feeling a little better, she's sleeping right now though." I said with a deep sigh. "That's good, you're doing a good job, sweetheart." He said as he noticed me rubbing at my wedding ring anxiously,

"thank you, I guess I just feel bad that she got sick." I said and shrugged, "don't feel bad love, she's growing. She's going to get sick a lot because her immune system has to build up. It's okay." He soothed as I nodded, "you're right, you're right...I should get going though. Dinners almost ready." I said and smiled softly at him, "okay, I'll talk to you later. I love you beautiful girl." He said with a smile. "I love you too." I said then blew him a kiss as I hung up.

"Fix this!" I yelled and pointed to Tara as I ripped the helmet off of my head. "I TOLD you guys this was a bad idea!!" Devyn said as she came over to help Tara even out the cut she made. "Oh god, it's SHORT." Kat yelled as she mostly covered her eyes with her hands.

"Cora, I'm so sorry." Tara said as she cut away at my hair. "Guys it's just hair, how bad can it be?" I asked with a laugh as they finished up. "Okay..go look. I'm gonna hide." Tara said and I rolled my eyes playfully then got up to look in the bathroom mirror.

My hair was cut all the way to just under my shoulders, which was a good 5 or 6 inches off. It honestly looked pretty good. "TARA!" I yelled as she squealed, "I'm SORRY!" She yelled.

"Come here!" I yelled as Devyn and Kat slowly creeped over. "I'm sorry Cor, I thought I could do it but-" she started as she came over but I just giggled and pulled her into my arms, "it looks good. Colby might kill you because he can't really braid it but I love it." I said as she relaxed.

"It does look pretty cute, not gonna lie." Kat admitted as she leaned against the doorframe of the kitchen.

"You look like a young mom, but like..the cool mom." Kat said as I fluffed it out with my hands, "I am the cool mom." I said and laughed as Mia's cries sounded from the baby monitor. "Speaking of...I'll be back." I said then skipped out of the room.

"Hey sweetheart." I cooed and pulled Mia out of her crib as she cried, "are you still feeling a little sick?" I asked and brought my hand to her head, she was still a little warm, "Hmm. Let's get you some more medicine." I mumbled and walked over to the dresser, pulling out the bottle of liquid medicine, "I know you hate this but open up like ahhhh." I said and demonstrated as she frowned at me.

"Come on sweet girl..I know I'm not daddy but please cooperate." I said and frowned knowing Colby would be able to get her to take the medicine.

I bounced her and tried to get her to at least giggle but she didn't even budge, "come on honey, just open up for mommy." I begged and ran my finger along her cheek.

She pouted and rested her head on my shoulder as I let out an exhausted breath, "okay. It's okay." I whispered and rubbed her back. She eventually fell back asleep but would wake up and cry any time I would try to put her down so I just had to hold her as I went downstairs again.

"Sorry, she wouldn't let me put her down." I whispered to the girls as I sat back down. "She also wouldn't let me give her any medicine so she could wake up screaming at any point." I warned as I slowly rubbed circles onto her back.

"It's okay, maybe go ahead and get settled in the movie room, we will finish up dinner and meet you in there." Devyn said as I nodded, "okay, thanks." I said and walked to the movie room.

Mia fussed in my arms a little bit as I walked, but a quick kiss on the head soothed her. I sat down in the movie room and hummed her a little lullaby to try and soothe her.

The girls eventually joined me and we watched a movie together as Mia slept in my arms.

I ended up getting no sleep because she wouldn't let me put her down all night. I guess she just wanted some comfort when she wasn't feeling well.

Or maybe she just missed Colby as much as I did.

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