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I woke up to the sun shining on my face which made my heart so happy. Colby was still very asleep next to me causing me to giggle as I slid out of bed carefully. I slowly made my way to the bathroom so I could wash my face and brush my teeth.

Today we were going on a hike and cliff jumping which was exciting but I was also borderline terrified. I had just bounced back fully from the surgery and was technically allowed to cliff jump but I would be pissed if I got hurt somehow again. I shook my head and tried to ignore those negative thoughts as I went out to the bedroom again.

I looked at Colby's sleeping figure and smiled for a minute, how was it possible to be so attractive even while sleeping? I smirked then went out into the living room so he could sleep and I could order us some breakfast.

I skimmed the menu for room service and called it in so it would be here when Colby woke up. I pulled my phone out and decided to give Kat a call, "hey girlie, how's it going?" Kat asked as I went outside to go down to the water.

"It's so beautiful here, we have this cute little villa that's literally over the water and the water is so clear you can see the fish swimming around." I said with a giggle, "We haven't really gotten to explore the island much because we got in ate dinner and crashed but I'm so excited Kat!" I squealed happily as she giggled on the other end.

"I'm so happy for you, Cor! What are you guys doing today?" She asked as I sat down on the dock, "we are going on a hike then we are going to cliff jump." I said as she chuckled, "that sounds dangerous." she laughed out as I looked down at my wedding ring, "yeah but I'm pretty excited! I've never done anything like that before." I said and looked up at the sun with a smile on my face.

"You sound so happy!" She yelled into the phone causing me to giggle, "I am happy! This is literally crazy to me Kat. I'm sitting on a dock outside of a villa in the most beautiful place I have ever been while my HUSBAND sleeps inside. Like what kind of life am I living?" I asked and stood up so I could make my way inside again.

"You're living your best life Cor, we already miss you though. It's been so quiet here." She said as I frowned and opened the back door to go back inside. "I miss you guys too, is Mia giving you a lot of trouble?" I asked and bit my lip as I sat down on the couch.

"No, she's been her super sweet self. She looks around for you guys every once in a while but she's been doing fine." She said causing me to sigh with relief. "Thank you so much for watching her for us. I seriously appreciate you so much." I said and rubbed my chest with my hand.

"You're welcome Cor, I have to go though Sam wants to take me to dinner. Have lots of fun but not TOO much fun. I love Mia but we don't need another baby running around here." She scolded making me laugh, "trust me we will be careful on that end. No more babies for a while." I said with a laugh and played with the locket on my chest. "Okay! I'll let you go now. Have fun at dinner, love you!" I said then hung up just as there was a knock on the door.

I got up and opened the door to see a girl with a cart of food. "Hi! Come on in." I said and gestured for her to bring the food in. "Thank you!" I said and waved as she left. As soon as I set everything up Colby came trudging out of the bedroom. "Good morning sleepy." I said and walked up to him. "Good morning." He said with raspy morning voice that sent my heart into overdrive.

"How'd you sleep?" He asked as I wrapped my arms around his waist. "Like a rock. And you?" I asked and looked up at him, "like a rock." He said then kissed my cheek.

We ate breakfast together then got ready for our day of fun. "I'm so excited!" I said as Colby braided my hair for me, I told him that I could do it myself but he insisted that his braids were better than mine.

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