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Colby's POV

"Let's gooo!" Cora yelled happily as she pulled me down the boardwalk to our taxi. Today we were going snorkeling and she was obviously very excited about it. I just loved seeing her so happy.

We were on our third day already which meant we only had two more days left before we had to go home and I had to leave Cora for a month. The idea of that alone made my chest ache but she was being such a trooper about it.

That's what I loved about her, not many girls would be okay with their husbands going on a work trip for a whole month after just getting married. Cora was so understanding of it all though, yeah she was sad, but she would never hold Sam and I back from this.

"The fish aren't going anywhere Cor." I said with a laugh as I let her pull me along. "No but the boat that is taking us to the fish will leave if we are late." She said and swung the car door open causing me to laugh. She was so happy and excited this whole trip that her energy was radiating off of her like the sun radiated heat.

I didn't want to go home because I never wanted to see her sad again. I shook my head and tried not to think about it as we made our way to the dock that we needed to be at.

There were a bunch of people already there with the diving instructors, "hey! Names?" The diving instructor said as we walked up, "Colby and Cora Brock." I said which made the butterflies in my stomach flutter. I would never get tired of saying her name with my last name.

"Okay great! We will be leaving in a few minutes here." The instructor said and checked something off on her clipboard.

"See? Not late." I said as she rolled her eyes playfully, "yeah because I dragged your ass out here." She said and scrunched her nose at me. "Don't test me or I'll drag your ass somewhere next." I growled causing her to gasp, "pack it in, Brock." She said and looked around with flushed cheeks.

I chuckled and wrapped my arm around her shoulders as we waited.

As soon as the whole group was there we got onto the little boat. There were only 8 of us total plus the two instructors. "Hi guys!! So we are going to go through the rules and procedures before we go. Everyone is being given a life jacket. Even if you know how to swim you need one." The main instructor said as the other one handed out some life jackets.

"You will also be given snorkel masks with goggles. And before you ask, yes they are sanitized Nancy." She said and looked at a random woman who just laughed. "It's going to take us about an hour and a half to get to the reef. Once we are there we are going to be snorkeling for about an hour and a half then we will head back." She said as Cora rested her head on my shoulder. The boat started up and we started speeding off into the ocean as the instructor continued to explain some stuff.

"I encourage you to take breaks while we are out there, we don't want anyone going into heat exhaustion on us." She said and I nudged Cora, "you hear that? No heat exhaustion for you." I mumbled causing her to roll her eyes playfully. "Ha." She said as the instructor continued. "We ask you stay within a one mile radius of the boat, but even that's a little bit of a stretch. We will not come get you if you go off too far and you will have to swim back to the boat. I don't care how tired you are. We are all adults who can make good choices, right?" She asked and got some mumbles in response.

"Please don't touch the reef or the wildlife in the reef. That is their home and we shouldn't destroy it. Okay that's the end of my boring speech any questions?" She asked and looked around at everyone. "Great! Let's get this going! I'll hand out the snorkels in a minute." She said and clapped her hands together.

"I'm so excited!" Cora squealed happily as she took my hand in hers. She liked to trace her fingers along my wedding band which I thought was so cute. Honestly though everything she did was somehow both adorable and incredibly sexy at the same time.

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