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Kat's POV

"Kat I have to talk to you." Tara said as she came into my room, "what's up?" I asked and sat up, putting my phone to the side. "I'm really worried about Cora." She said causing me to frown, "yeah me too..I think she's spiraling." I said and frowned. "I think we need to tell Colby. She said she would tell him tomorrow but I know her, she's not going to." She said and combed her hand through her hair.

"Yeah, I just don't want to overstep, If she doesn't want to tell him I don't think we should. She has her reasons for not telling him." I said and bit my lip. "Yeah...I just feel like he should know. I'm so worried about her." She said and picked at her nails.

"She's gonna be okay, when she can't take it anymore she will tell him. I think she just doesn't want to worry him because she's able to handle it by herself right now.

"Hey guys, have any of you heard from Cora?" Kevin asked as he poked his head in the doorway, "she went on a walk, why is she not back yet?? It's been like an hour?" Tara asked warily.

"No...she said she would be back before dark. I'm gonna call her." Kevin said as both Tara and I stood. Cora would have called if she was running late, this wasn't like her at all.

"She didn't answer." Kevin said and locked his phone. "Okay. She couldn't have gone far we all just need to look for her, maybe she just lost track of time." Kevin said as my heart rate picked up.

We put our shoes on and got in our cars. Devyn went in her car and took Mia with her, Tara and I took Tara's car, Kevin and Meghan took Kevin's car. We drove down the street calling her name as we searched for her.

I called Kevin feeling my anxiety spilling over, "did you find her?" I asked shakily, "no. I'm heading back to the house." He said as I started to cry, "okay. We need to call Colby." I said and sniffled, "head back here and we will. Maybe she is home and we missed her. She's gonna be okay Kat." Kevin said as I wiped my face. "Okay. We will be back in five minutes." I said quietly then hung up.

Tara grabbed my shaking hand as we drove back. I texted Sam asking they were filming right now and he responded that they were on a break. I really didn't want to have to tell Colby that his wife is missing, but he needed to know.

When we pulled into the driveway Tara and I rushed to where everyone was standing. "Is she here?" I asked, not wanting to hear the answer. "No...we have to call Colby now." Kevin said as Devyn rocked Mia. "Okay." I whispered and pulled my phone out.

"Hey, everything okay?" Colby asked after a couple rings. "Uh...no." I said and started crying, "what happened?" He asked with concern in his tone, "Cora's missing." I said as tears filled my eyes. "WHAT!?" He asked as I started crying. "She went on a walk about an hour ago and won't answer her phone we have looked for her but we can't find her." I said shakily as Kevin took the phone from me.

I sat on the concrete as he talked to Colby. I couldn't believe this was happening. She had to be okay, she was always okay after bad things. She was always okay. She HAD to be okay.

I looked up and met Mia's eye. I think she could feel the tension in the air because she had dewy eyes as she looked down at me.

"Let me take her." I said to Devyn and reached my arms up to for her. Devyn handed her over and I just held her to my chest, "it's okay little girl, we are gonna find mommy. She probably just walked a little too far." I said trying to convince myself.

Kevin was pacing along the driveway with his hand on his head as he talked to Colby.

"Should we call the police?" Tara asked as she sat next to me, "no. It hasn't been 24 hours they won't do anything." I said with a sigh. "I just wish I knew where she was walking so we could have an easier time locating her." Devyn said with a sigh.

Locating....that word tickled my brain in a weird way.


"Oh my god! Colby has her locations on! Ask him where it says she is!" I yelled and got up as Mia started crying. "Sorry..I'm sorry." I said to Mia as Kevin looked at me, "ask him where her phone location is!" I yelled as he nodded, "get in the car." He said and pointed to his car. "Here, Devyn stay here with Mia. Kevin doesn't have a car seat." I said and handed her back off. "Alright brother, I'll keep you updated." Kevin said then hung up the phone and handed it to me.

"He's sending a screenshot." He said then pulled out of the driveway as Colby sent me a picture of the location.

"Okay it's only like 10 minutes from here...how did we miss her? Tara and I went down this street and she's not moving he said." I said with confusion.

"I don't know maybe she was walking and stopped." Kevin said and headed for that direction. "What if she got kidnapped and she dropped her phone?" Tara asked from the backseat. "Don't say that. We will find her." Kevin said and stepped on the gas.

We drove for about 8 minutes before he parked the car and we all got out. "CORA!" Kevin yelled and started looking as we all spread out. "COR!" I yelled and looked around, "guys! Her phone!" Tara yelled and pointed to her cracked phone that was in the middle of the sidewalk. "Oh my god.." I yelled and ran over. "Cora!! Please answer!!" I yelled feeling myself start to break down.

She was gone.

"She's gone. I can't believe this." I said and started crying. "No. NO! This isn't happening." Kevin said and brought his hands to his head, "babe, calm down she could be around here still. Don't lose hope. CORA!" Meghan yelled and started walking around again.

We all spread out again, "okay everyone just be quiet. Maybe we will hear something." Tara said as we all stopped our yelling.

After a few seconds we heard someone quietly crying and whimpering in the bushes. "Oh my god!" I yelled and ran to where the noise was coming from.

When I pushed the branches out of the way I saw Cora shivering in only her bra and leggings, she was sobbing. "Cora!" I yelled and crouched down to hug her, "no! Please don't hurt me." She whimpered, "Cora it's me. It's Kat." I said causing her to look up at me.

Both of her eyes were deeply bruised and her lip was split open with blood trickling down her chin. "Oh my god!" Kevin yelled and pulled his sweatshirt off as Meghan came over and started to assess her injuries.

I couldn't help the sobs that escaped my mouth as my hand flew to my mouth.

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