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"Coraaa." Kat sang quietly to me causing me to peel my eyes open.

It was my wedding day.

"Good morning." I said quietly as I stretched. "Happy wedding day." She said as I sat up. I groaned in pain as I swung my legs over the end of the bed. "Dev and Tara are making breakfast, I brought this for you." She said and held up a mimosa, "oooh, let me wake up a little bit before I start drinking." I said with a laugh as I forced myself to stand up.

I went over to the crib and pulled Mia out, snuggling her into my chest, "good morning my sweet girl. Mommy and daddy are getting married today. Are you excited?" I asked as I slowly brought her back over to the bed. She pulled on my hair and giggled as I laid her on the bed so I could change her.

"I don't know where to start." I said to Kat, "with changing Mia? You've been doing it for like 9 months you sudde-" she started but I laughed, "no! With getting ready for today." I said with a laugh as she smacked her forehead,

"duh! Well the stylists will be here at 10, so we should go and have some breakfast before they get here, then we will get our hair and makeup done, hopefully we will all be ready by 1 then we lace up our dresses, put Mia in her dress, then we go outside, you walk down the aisle and live happily ever after. Sound good?" She asked as I finished changing Mia.

"Sounds a lot less stressful than it's actually going to be." I said and lifted Mia up so we could go to the kitchen.

"Hey bride!" Devyn yelled as she flipped the pancakes in front of her. "Hey bridesmaids." I said with a giggle, feeling the excitement in the air.

"Are you excited!? I feel like I have asked you this a million times." Tara said as she slid me a glass of water. "You have. I'm excited though! It's today!" I said and danced in my seat which made Mia giggle in her high chair next to me.

Kat put on some upbeat music and we ate breakfast, keeping the energy light and happy. By the time ten o'clock rolled around we had cleaned the kitchen up and were in the robes Devyn had made us for the bachelorette party.

The stylists came in and started setting up in the living room as I bounced with Mia, I wanted her to try and nap now so she would be awake for when she  had to go down the aisle.

"I'm all set up whenever you're ready." The stylist who I learned is named Katie said as I laid Mia in her crib as she slept.

"Okay I'm ready." I said and slowly made my way out to the living room. The other stylist named Sabrina was already working on Devyn's hair when we got out there. "Thank you again for being so flexible with the date change, I really appreciate it." I said with a sigh as the pain in my legs came back with force.

"It's really no biggie! I'm glad you're doing a bit better now!" Katie said as I sat in the chair. Tara handed me my mimosa and I sipped on it to calm my nerves a little bit. "I'm also sorry for the shaved part of my head, and the scar..I know those weren't there the last time we did this." I said and bit my lip, "don't worry about it. I think the scar looks badass. And the shaved part will be covered still so don't worry." She said and started brushing out my hair.

After only a few minutes of styling I heard the front door open, "good morning!" I heard Mrs. Brock chirp as she and Michelle came into the living room. "Good morning!" I said and reached my hand up for Mrs. Brock to take. "How are you feeling honey?" She asked as she rubbed my hand with her thumb, "jittery but excited." I said and smiled up at her.

"Well you already look gorgeous, I can't even imagine how you'll look with everything on." She said and kissed my hand. I loved her. I was so glad she was here to be my mother figure on my wedding day.

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