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"HEY!" A mans voice called from behind me as I walked. I was technically walking, but I wasn't moving forward. I could hear the footsteps creeping up on me as I begged my legs to actually move forwards. They didn't budge though as I was tackled to the ground, pain radiating from my whole body as I screamed out for help.

I bolted up, screaming and grabbing my chest as I sobbed uncontrollably. "Cora! Hey, shhh it was just a nightmare you're okay." Colby said and pulled me into him as Mia started crying. "Oh god, help Mia...I'm fine.." I breathed out and pointed towards the cot she was crying on.

Colby got out of bed and went to Mia, picking her up and bringing her to me as I sobbed, rocking back and forth. "Shh hey, take it easy." Colby mumbled and rocked Mia as he wrapped his other arm around me, "I just...I.." I choked out as I hid my face in his shoulder. "It's okay, you guys are okay." He cooed to both of us, then kissed each of our heads. "I'm s-sorry." I stuttered as Mia calmed down. "Don't do that. You're fine." He whispered and got up to put Mia to bed again.

I shivered and tried to regulate my breathing as I watched him. "Okay, tell me what happened." He said and pulled me into his chest as he got in the bed, "it was just a nightmare. I'll be okay." I said quietly and traced the tattoo on his chest. "I know you will Cor, but I know you shouldn't bottle things up, especially when you're leaving me tomorrow. What's going on?" He said as I sighed, "it's just...I was running and they were coming after me. I don't know." I said and bit my lip as he took a deep breath in, "the guys who mugged you?" He asked causing me to nod.

I could feel him clench his jaw but he kept rubbing my back gently, "im sorry if I made you mad." I whispered as he chuckled, "you didn't make me mad love, those poor excuses of humans did. I wish I could just get my hands on them." He said as his heart rate picked up, "hey, I know...calm down. It's over now. I got most of my stuff back, I only have these ugly bruises but other than that I'm okay." I said quietly and reached my hand up to softly caress his face. "I'm okay." I repeated.

"But what if you weren't Cor?! What if they beat you to death. They deserve so much worse than they are probably getting. " he hissed out causing me to tighten my arms around his waist, "that didn't happen. They didn't do that, we can't focus on what could have happened! We can only focus on the fact that I'm okay..it's okay Colby." I said quietly and tilted my face up so I could kiss him. "Let's just try to go back to bed. I'm sorry for waking you." I said as he sighed and wrapped his arms around me.

"Don't apologize for it baby girl, I'm glad you're okay." he said and kissed my head as I nuzzled my face into his chest again.

We fell asleep a couple minutes later, I could tell Colby was waiting for me to fall asleep before he did which I thought was sweet.

When I woke up I felt the impending dread that going home would bring me. "Good morning baby girl." Colby whispered as I got out of bed.

He was sitting on the chair shirtless, cuddling with Mia. "Good morning." I said with a smile and came over to sit on his lap, "I packed up all of your stuff, so don't worry about a thing, we are gonna meet everyone downstairs in 30 minutes." He said as rubbed Mia's back gently, "you're the best, Cole Brock." I said and kissed his cheek. "I know." He said and scrunched his nose at me as I ran my fingers through Mia's hair.

"Will you braid my hair?" I asked as I pulled on my sweater. "Of course. You know it looks better when I do it." He said causing me to roll my eyes, "exactly." I said and brushed my hair out for him. Mia crawled on the floor as Colby concentrated fully on my hair. I couldn't help but giggle at how in the zone he would get when braiding my hair.

I watched as Mia stood up by herself, causing me to gasp as she took a small step. "Colby!!" I yelled as he jerked, pulling my hair, "OW!" I yelled as he hissed through his teeth, "sorry! What are you yelling about!?" He asked as I pointed to Mia. She took one more big step before falling back onto her but and looking up at us, "she did it again!! Oh wow it's such a rush watching her." I breathed out with a smile as he chuckled and continued braiding.

"It looks good babe, thank you." I said and picked up my suitcase. I really didn't want to leave but our time together was dwindling down quickly. "You're welcome, let's go get some breakfast." Colby said and picked Mia up, "I hope they have pancakes." I said and did a little dance as we walked out of the room.

"Hey guys!" Sam yelled and waved his arms to get our attention. "Hey, guys we have big news." I said as they all stopped to look at me, "you're pregnant aren't you?" Tara said causing me to laugh, "no."
I said as Colby nodded. "I am NOT pregnant." I said and hit Colby in the stomach causing him to double over dramatically.

"No, Mia took her first steps!" I said as Colby took her hand and cheered, "that's amazing!" Sam said happily and Kat bounced up and down, "awww soon she's gonna be running around acting crazy like the rest of us!" She said as Mia giggle at her excitement.

"Soon she's going to be talking and walking and eating only solid foods and going off to college." I said with a frown, "woah, she's not even one yet
let's leave college out of the equation for now." Sam said with a laugh, "that's what I said!" Colby said making me laugh, "maybe you two are the actual married couple." I said as we set our stuff down at the table.

"We do have engagement photos.." Sam said causing me to laugh. "That's right, you do." I said with a laugh as we all went to go grab some food.

Breakfast went by really fast and before we knew it was time for the girls and I to get to the airport.

"I don't want you to go." Colby said quietly as he bounced Mia, "I don't particularly want to go either but we will see eachother again in 2 weeks. Then we won't have to say goodbye again." I said and brought my hand to his cheek. "Yeah, we can do this. Just please for the love of god don't go on any more walks alone...and where's that helmet of yours? I think you should wear that when I'm gone." He said causing me to laugh, "I'll be safe, 110% safe." I said and kissed him.

He said goodbye to Mia as I went over to Sam, "hey I heard you screaming and crying last night, are you okay?" Sam asked quietly as he hugged me, "yeah, just a nightmare. I'm okay." I said and smiled at him, "keep Colby in line for me, make sure he stays safe." I said as he held up his pinky, "I promise." He said as I linked mine through his.

"Now that you're leaving who am I gonna tease?" Jake asked as he hugged me, "please continue teasing Colby. He needs it." I said with a laugh as Jake turned to Colby, "hey Colby!" He yelled grabbing his attention, "you're a nerd!" He said causing Colby to stick up his middle finger at him. "Very good, Jake." I said and ruffled his hair playfully.

"Bye Cora, I'm sorry you're the less superior Cor." Corey said causing me to cackled, "Corey what the fuck?" I asked as he shrugged, "I just...I wanted to tell you since ya know...Colby and I are married now." He said as I nodded, "right..you guys were married first though. So I technically stole your man." I said and raised my brows at him. "Eh you can have him, he smells like cheese." He said then hugged me, "In all seriousness, I'll miss you Cor. Be careful at home okay?" He said causing me to smile, "I'll try, you guys stay safe here." I said and sighed, Trust me, I'm keeping us safe." He said and held up his cross necklace. "Thanks Corey." I said and hugged him again.

When I went back to Colby I felt my heart break a little bit. I really didn't want to do this again. "Have a safe flight baby girl. Call me when you land. I love you." He said as the Uber pulled up, "I love you too, and so does this little girl." I said and pinched Mia's cheek as she giggled.

I sighed then kissed him one last time before turning and getting in the Uber.

I hated this part so much.

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