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My heart was racing as we went outside.

Colby was already at the alter by now which made my whole body clench up.

This was really happening.

"Relax, you're gonna be okay." Dad said as we all lined up. Sam turned around and pulled me into a hug as Devyn and Corey started their walk down the aisle. "Love you kiddo." He said in my ear as I hugged him back. "Love you too Sammy." I said as he turned and linked Kat's arm in his own. He kissed her head then they made their way down the aisle.

I was next.

"Please rise for the bride." I heard the officiant say as the little string quartet started playing 'here comes the bride.' I took a deep breath and looked at my dad.

This was it.

We slowly made our way to the beginning of the aisle.

When we started walking, Colby was looking at the ground, with his hands crossed in front of him. He looked so handsome in his tux it almost took my breath away.

After a second he looked up and met my gaze, I watched as he let out a breath and smiled, pure admiration plastered on his face.

He brought his hand to his eye as a tear streamed down his cheek. After one more step with the cane I handed it to my dad and slowly started walking without it.

Colby looked confused at first but then a giant smile bloomed on his face once he saw what I was doing.

It hurt. It hurt so much worse than any other time I have walked without the cane but I didn't care. I focused on Colby's eyes, feeling everything else around us fade away.

It felt like we were the only two people in the world.

The distance between us shortened and before I knew it I was standing right in front of him. Dad looked at him and smiled, "take good care of her." He said then kissed my head, "I will. I promise." Colby said and took my hands in his.

Dad walked over to sit next to Michelle, as I looked into Colby's eyes, "hey." He whispered as I smiled, "hey." I said back as he rubbed his thumbs along my hands.

"Dearly beloved we have gathered here today to celebrate the marriage of Cole Robert Brock and Cora Elizabeth Williams. In the time that they have been together, their love for each other has grown, turning them into the couple you see before you.
Now, they are ready to spend the rest of their lives together as husband and wife. A true marriage begins well before the wedding day, and the efforts of marriage continue well beyond the ceremony." The officiant said as Colby just looked into my eyes, still rubbing small circles into the back of my hand.

"We are going to start off today with the declaration of intent. We will start with you Cole." He said and Colby nodded, still keeping his eyes on me. "Do you, Cole, take Cora to be your wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do you part?" He asked as Colby smirked, his eyes filling with tears, "I do." He said quietly as tears formed in my own eyes.

"And do you Cora, take Cole to be your husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do you part?" He asked as Colby reached up and wiped a tear from my cheek, "I do." I said as I heard Kat squeal happily behind me.

"The couple has chosen to write their own vows, so they will now share those with you. Cole will start." He said and Colby nodded.

"Cora, I knew from the moment I met you that one day we would be here. I never met anyone quite like you before. You're strong and beautiful and smart. You have a heart of gold." He said and brushed my hair from my face gently, "since I have met you, you've been through hell and back but you never lost that beautiful smile." He said as I smiled, "yeah. That one." He said with a smirk, "you've shown me what true strength and love is. When we met I was gutted over a heartbreak I didn't think I would ever get passed but in a matter of weeks you showed me what actually being in love is like." He said and took a deep breath,

"I love you for so many reasons, and I just wanted to share a couple with you and everyone else here." He said and squeezed my hands gently,

"I love the way you scrunch your nose when you're confused. I love that we can hang out anywhere and have the best time. I love the way you never give up. I love how fearless you are, unless there's a spider around, then you kinda freak out." He said with a laugh as I heard Kevin cackle in the crowd,

"I love when you're sassy and I love when you call me different names for your different moods. I love how good of a mom you are to Mia. Honestly baby girl, I love everything about you." He said as another tear streamed down my cheek. "I always knew it was you and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you. I can't wait to wake up every morning and have you be by my side. I can't wait to raise our beautiful daughter with you. I love you Cora Elizabeth and I always will." He said and smiled widely at me.

"I love you too." I whispered as he rubbed my shaking hands. "Cora, please share your vows now." The officiant said and I nodded, taking a deep breath.

"Colby, when I met you the only people I had in my life were my dad and Katrina. I was sad and scared and I didn't think I would make it to 22." I said and sniffled as Colby squeezed my hands giving me comfort, "but since I've met you everything in my life has changed, you've shown me what it's like to actually be loved. You're the sweetest, most patient and beautiful person I have ever met. I question every day what you see in me because you're so perfect in my eyes." I said and he shook his head.

"You have changed my life and I can't picture a day where you're not in it. You're one of a kind and I truly am so grateful for you. You've been with me through all of the hardest parts of my life and you were crazy enough to stick around for more." I said quietly then took a deep breath. "I love a lot of things about you." I said and squeezed his hands.

"I love when you take me to the beach because you know that I just want to spend alone time with you. I love that when I'm sick or hurting you won't leave my side, even if you have other things to do for the day. I love how protective you are, even if it's a little overbearing sometimes." I said with a laugh as he smiled, "I love that you gave me the gift of being a mom. I love that you constantly push me to be the best I can be. I love you so much Colby, even when I'm mad at you." I said and scrunched my nose at him.

"I love you with my whole heart, and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you." I said and raised my hand to his cheek. "Thank you for saving my life." I whispered to him causing him to smile. He leaned up and kissed my forehead gently as people awed in the crowd.

"Beautiful! Can we have the rings please?" The officiant asked as Gage stood up to bring them to us. Colby took mine and I took his. I bit my lip as I looked into his eyes, feeling the love in my heart exploding through my chest.

"Okay, Cole. Repeat after me." The officiant said as Colby took my left hand in his, "Cora, I give you this ring." The officiant said as I smiled up at him, "Cora, I give you this ring." Colby repeated and put the ring at the tip of my finger, "as a symbol of my love." The officiant said as Colby slid the band down my finger to meet my engagement ring, "as a symbol of my love." He said quietly and squeezed my hand.

"Cora, repeat after me." The officiant said as I nodded slowly. "Cole, I give you this ring." He said as I brought the ring to his left ring finger, "Cole, I give you this ring." I said softly and looked into his eyes. "as a symbol of my love." He said as I slid the ring down his finger, "as a symbol of my love." I said and smiled widely.

"By the power vested in me by the State of California I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride." He said as Colby grinned, "thank god." He mumbled and pulled me in for a passionate kiss.

Everyone was cheering but it didn't matter. The only thing that mattered to me in this moment was Colby.

I smiled against his lips as he dipped me. Once we pulled away I looked around to see everyone smiling and clapping.

"Family and Friends I present to you for the first time Cole and Cora Brock!" The officiant yelled as Colby scooped me up and carried me down the aisle as I laughed.

We did it.

We were married.

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