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The girls and I made our way back to the house so that Colby and I could go to the venue. I was already feeling fatigued from the morning but Kat was right, we lost a lot of precious time due to my injury.

I couldn't believe the wedding was already almost a month away.

We still had SO much to do, and I could feel my anxiety about it all piling up. I think Colby could tell I was slowly unwraveling because when I walked inside to meet him he looked at me with concern,

"What's going on? Are you okay? Please tell me you didn't lose them again." He asked and rushed over causing me to laugh, "I'm fine! Just getting stressed about the wedding. We have so much to do and no time to do it." I said and looked up at him as he breathed out a sigh of relief.

"I'm sorry. I'm gonna be asking you about your memory for a long time..I just... I don't know." He said and looked down at Mia who was sleeping in my arms, "hey, its normal for you to be a little scared about it. I'm scared about it too, but if anything happens we will get through it." I said and kissed his cheek.

"It doesn't help that you're not wearing your helmet." He mumbled as I turned to take Mia upstairs. I shook my head and laughed as I made my way upstairs. Mia was going to stay here with everyone while Colby and I went to the venue.

I tucked Mia in and just watched her a moment as she slept peacefully. I could easily watch her every minute of every day and never get tired of it. I still couldn't really believe that Colby and I pulled off having a kid. When I found out I was pregnant I remember thinking it was the end of the world, and that I would never be able to do it. Looking back I felt stupid because Mia was the best thing to happen to me. She was the sunshine that I needed on the horrible days, and she never failed to make my heart melt.

"Cor?" Colby called from the hallway as he walked to the nursery. "Sorry, I just...I love being able to just look at her." I said quietly and turned to him. "I do too, we really have the best daughter out there." He said and grabbed my hand, lacing his fingers through mine. "She's just so happy! I'm jealous." I said with a laugh as we made our way downstairs and to the car.

"I know, I wish we could all just stay innocent like that." He said with a sigh. I let my mind wonder off as we got into the car.

I thought about the things Mia would go through. What if she had to deal with the things that I have had to deal with?

I tried to shake the thought but the idea of someone doing something to her like Jason, Jen, and Stephanie did to me was sending me into a tailspin of emotions.

The image of her one day possibly getting into a car accident filled my brain.

That's it. She wasn't getting her license.

The thought of someone hurting her or breaking her heart crossed my mind as my chest clenched tightly.

"Baby, what's wrong?" Colby asked and squeezed my hand as we drove to the venue. I let his words hang in the air before I started sobbing, "Cora, what is it baby girl? Do I need to pull over?" He asked nervously as I looked down.

"I just started thinking about Mia going through the things I went through...I don't want that for her...I can't have that happen to her." I sobbed out as he pulled into a random parking lot.

"Shhhh it's okay." Colby said and pulled me into his chest as I sobbed. I knew I was being ridiculous but the idea of her ever being hurt made my chest ache. I think this was maybe the first time I realized she wasn't going to be a baby forever.

"She's just.....I love her so much." I sobbed as Colby just silently rubbed my hair down. "I love her too, but we can't spend the rest of our lives living in fear over things we can't control. Bad things will happen to her, they happen to everyone but our job as parents is to be there for her when they happen." He said quietly as my sobs died down.

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