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We laid in bed for a while before we finally got up and got dressed again. "Can we go get some Icecream or something?" I asked as I pulled a hoodie over my head. "Of course baby girl, whatever you want." He said and kissed my head. I smiled and grabbed his hand, then walked out to the living room.

"I talked to Kat this morning." I said and sat down so I could put my shoes on. "Oh yeah?" He asked and put his shoes on also. "Yeah, when you were asleep. She said Mia's doing okay. She looks for us every once in a while, but other than that she's okay." I said and smiled at him.

"She's a good kid, I know she's gonna be an angel while we are gone." He said with a smile as we walked out to the taxi that was going to bring us to the store. I loved grocery shopping with Colby for some reason so I was really excited.

When we got there we grabbed a basket and made our way through the aisles. "Hmm I want potato chips." I said and looked up at the signs above the aisles. "What kind of chips?" Colby asked with a chuckle as I skipped to the aisle. "Hmmm I'm thinking cheddar sour cream." I said and bounced up and down looking at the options in front of me.

I decided on the cheddar sour cream ones and put them in the basket, "what snacks do you want? Pickles?" I asked causing him to gag, "never." He said and looked up, "I'm thinking some Doritos sound good. Maybe we can get some stuff to make at the house." He said and I nodded, "that's a great idea." I said and pinched his cheek as I scrunched my nose.

We went around and started to pick out our groceries. Everything was going well as we skipped around the grocery store, that was until we got to the freezer section.

We were trying to decide what icecream we should get as my chest suddenly tightened up. I could feel the raincloud above me start raging as my hands started to shake.

"Nooo not now please not on our honeymoon" I inwardly begged as I shakily reached for Colby's hand. As soon as my hand met his he looked at me, then quickly put the basket on the ground so he could pull me into him.

"I...I don't.." I whispered shakily as I started to cry. He tightened his grip on me and walked me over to the edge of the aisle so we wouldn't be in anyone's way.

"Shhhh, you're okay, just try to breathe for me." He encouraged as I wrapped my arms around his neck, burying my face into his chest. "I..." I started but couldn't get it out as I choked on the tears. "It's okay, it will pass. Just breathe," Colby said as burried my face deeper into his chest.

I hated when this happened but Colby was always so patient with me when it did. He didn't say anything and just let me cry it out as he held me protectively to his chest.

After a couple minutes my heart stopped racing and I was coming back to reality. I don't know exactly how long it took but I was coming back and that's all that matters. Colby was just rubbing my back gently as he hummed into my hair.

I pulled away from him and looked into his worried eyes as he wiped the tears off of my cheeks. "I'm sorry."I whispered and combed my hands through my hair, "don't apologize, love. I know you can't help it." He said as I brushed my sweaty palms onto my shorts.

"I don't even know what caused it. I hate that." I said and took a deep breath as we walked back over to the icecream, "sometimes they just happen, you can't help it. Are you okay though?" He asked and grabbed my hand again.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little annoyed." I said and bit my lip as we looked at the icecreams. "Aww no Cor, don't be annoyed. I know something that will cheer you up." He said and lifted me up by wrapping his arms around my waist. I giggled and laid my arms over his as he started running to a different aisle,

"where are we going?!" I laughed out as people looked at us like we were crazy. "You'll see!" He said as he carried me to the cookie aisle. I giggled when he pulled down the frosted animal cracker cookies I loved so much.

"You're so cute." I said and pouted my lip out at him before pulling him in for a kiss. When I pulled away I smiled at him, "theres that beautiful smile." He said and caressed my cheek with his thumb. I just shook my head and grabbed his hand again so we could go back to the icecream.

When we got back to the villa we went to the kitchen and preheated the oven for the pizza we got. "Oh! We are supposed to FaceTime Sam so we can see Mia!" I yelled when I looked at the time.

I ran to get my phone and FaceTimed Sam as Colby tossed me my chips. "Hey guys!" He yelled when the connection went through.

"Hey!" We both yelled and waved as he panned the camera to Kat who was feeding Mia in the kitchen. "Hi guys! Look Mia, it's mommy and daddy!" She cooed as pointed to the phone.

"Hi sweet girl." I cooed and felt tears prick my eyes as Colby rubbed my back. "Hi princess." He said softly as she giggled at the phone. "Yes! We miss you so much." I said and grabbed Colby's hand, squeezing it gently. She slapped her hands onto the tray in front of her as she giggled, then reached towards the screen. We just smiled at her until Sam brought the camera back to himself, "how is the trip so far?" He asked as I heard Kat in the background coaxing her to eat.

"It's great! We actually jumped off of a cliff together." Colby said causing Sam to laugh, "I'm sorry. What?" He asked causing us to laugh, "cliff diving bro! We did that today. It was insane." Colby said with a laugh as Sam nodded, "WAIT." Kat said in the background causing Sam to pan to her, "You actually did it?!" Kat asked as I smiled widely, "yep! I did it." I said and brushed my shoulders off cockily.

"I guess I owe Jake and Corey five bucks." She said causing me to gasp, "you placed a bet saying that I would chicken out?!" I asked as I brought my hand to my chest dramatically, "well yeah!!! You don't usually do risky stuff like that." She said as I laughed, "yeah I would have chickened out if Colby wasn't here." I said and got up to put the pizza in the oven.

"You should have chickened out so I wouldn't lose 5 bucks." She grumbled as Colby laughed, "maybe you should have had more faith in her Katrina, she's a badass after all." He said as I came up behind him and wrapped my arms around his shoulders and rested my chin on his head, "yeah you're right, I should have thought about that." Kat said as she fed Mia again.

"Whatever, we have to go. We are gonna go in the hot tub and eat some icecream." I said and stood up straight. "Okay! We miss you guys! Have fun!" Kat said and took Mia's hand and waved it at the camera before the image cut out.

"I can't believe she bet against me." I said with a laugh as we went into the bedroom to get our bathing suits back on. "For the record I never doubted you for a minute." He said and smacked my ass as I walked towards the bathroom.

"And that's why I married you." I said and winked as I closed the door to get changed.

We spent the rest of the night in the hot tub eating our food and enjoying eachothers company. My heart ached with how much love I had for Colby.

Today was so eventful and I just couldn't wait for the rest of the adventures we would be going on in the next few days.

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