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Colby's POV

I woke up before Cora as the sun was starting to rise. I tightened my grip slightly on her because I was scared.

I was scared I was going to lose her again.

It was 7:30 which meant she needed to get up soon so we could get situated and get Mia up. She would have to pump a couple bottles out too before she went in.

She had mentioned loss of basic motor skills...what did that mean? Would she be able to do anything? I was so scared for her. I had to be strong though. I couldn't let her see me getting nervous, she needed to know that she had support through this. There was no room for my nerves.

I watched her chest rise and fall for a while before I decided I needed to wake her up.

I kissed the back of her head, "wake up baby girl, we need to get ready." I said quietly as she let out a cute little groan, "I don't want to." She wimpered and tightened her arms around my own. "I know baby,
I don't want you to either but we have to get you fixed up." I said and sat up so she would have to let go of me.

"I'm scared." She whispered and rubbed her eyes, "you're gonna be okay." I whispered back and leaned forward to kiss her forehead.

"Do you want to get ready first, or pump a couple bottles first?" I asked as she continued to rub the sleep out of her eyes. "Shower." She said and got out of bed. I noticed her stumble a little bit, "maybe...sit on the floor of the shower and I'll pull the shower head off for you." I said nervously and she looked at me with confusion, "I don't want you to fall.." I said sheepishly and she smirked, "this is why I didn't tell you before last night." She said sassily and opened the shower door after getting undressed. She sat on the floor anyways, and waited for me to pull the shower head down.

I chuckled and reached up to grab it then handed it to her as she looked up at me. "Thank you." I said quietly and grabbed her shampoos and stuff and set them on the floor next to her. "Thanks." She mumbled and started wetting her hair as I closed the door to the shower.

I turned and made my way to the nursery so I could pack a small bag for Mia. I wasn't sure if I would be allowed to stay with Cora at all times while she was recovering but I didn't intend on leaving her side, which meant Mia would probably stay with me.

"Hey princess." I whispered and pulled Mia out of her crib, "good morning angel." I said and held her to me as I grabbed things to put in her diaper bag. She was so sleepy still that she rested her head on my shoulder and just let me pack with no fussing.

"Hey man, need help?" Sam asked from the doorway, "um a tranquilizer would be great right now." I breathed out as I scrambled to hold everything. "Can't do that but let me at least hold these." He said and grabbed the pump and bottles that were slipping from my hands, "thanks." I breathed out and nodded at him,

"no problem, you doing okay?" He asked and grabbed the bag from me. "I'm scared out of my mind man." I said and laid Mia down so I could get her changed and ready for the day. "I believe it. She's gonna be alright though. Remember she did this once before, right after childbirth." He said and gestured to Mia, "yeah, this one is apparently worse though. I'm just...I'm trying to stay positive. It's gonna be okay." I said, trying to convince myself.

We walked back into the bedroom and Cora was carefully brushing her hair out. I noticed her hands were shaking but I didn't say anything about it. "Hey Cora, how are you feeling?" Sam asked gently, "I'm scared but I'm okay." She said quietly. I noticed she was wearing only my clothes which made my heart ache for her.

"Come on we gotta get you to pump, we are running late." I said and took the pump from Sam and handed it to her, "I can pump in the car, traffic is probably going to be bad." She mumbled and took the pump from me. "Okay, we will leave in ten minutes, you can pump a bottle in that time." I said as she reached for Mia. "You can't pump and hold her at the same time Cor." I said and she glared at me, "watch me." She said and held Mia close to her as she set up the pump.

To my disbelief she was able to hold Mia and pump at the same time, but she only got half a bottle done before we had to go. "What if we just don't leave...?" She asked as we walked downstairs. "Then you don't get the surgery and I die from a heart attack every day." I said and she snorted, "yeah oooookay." She said as we met everyone at the bottom of the stairs.

The air was thick as Cora made her round of hugging everyone. "We love you Cor, after this is over you're living in a helmet." Corey said and everyone agreed. "Deal." Cora said quietly as she held Mia close to her. "I guess I'll see you guys later." She said and we walked out to the car. Everyone followed and stood on the porch as Cora hesitated to put Mia in the car seat.

She eventually did it and got in the car, clutching onto the pump and bottles she needed to fill. As we pulled out of the driveway everyone waved which caused Cora to start weeping, "it's okay love, it's okay." I cooed and she sniffled, "I know....I know." She said quietly as she concentrated on pumping.

When we got to the hospital we walked up to the floor we needed to be on. I held Cora's free hand tightly as we waited in the waiting room.

After about 10 minutes of waiting we were finally being called back. I heard Cora sniffle next to me so I held her hand tighter. I honestly have never seen her so scared, but I guess I couldn't blame her at all for it.

"Good morning Cora, how are you feeling?" Dr. Robinson asked as a nurse came in to take Cora's vitals. "I'm scared." She admitted and squeezed my hand, "I know, it will be alright though, just focus on your support system." She said and looked at me, "happy belated birthday by the way." She said and I smiled slightly, "thank you." I said quietly as Mia wiggled in Cora's arms.

"Want me to take her?" I asked and she just shook her head, keeping her eyes on the doctor. "So I'm gonna have you get dressed and then we will go over everything." She said then stepped out leaving us alone again.

Cora eventually handed Mia over and got changed in the gown and hospital socks. I laid Mia down in her carrier and wrapped my arms around Cora. She was shaking so bad as sobs wrecked through her, "you're okay baby girl. You're okay." I whispered and smoothed her slightly wet hair down. "I'm gonna die." She whispered and I pulled myself away so I could look her in the eyes, "no. You're not. Don't manifest that." I said sternly and pulled her back into me as the door opened.

They shaved a little bit of her hair off where they would be making the incision later and explained what was going to happen during the surgery.

I held her hand tightly as I tried to listen to what the doctor was saying but my mind was racing.

I was so scared.

"Alright, I'm gonna give you guys a minute and then I'm going to take you down." The doctor said then left the room.

Cora held Mia closer to her as she started to cry. "Hey, shhh, no crying. You're going to be okay." I said and wrapped my arms around her as she kissed Mia's head. We sat in silence like that for a minute before I pulled away "mommy loves you sweet girl." She said as I grabbed Mia from her.

Mia looked at her with glassy eyes as she snuggled into my neck. I sighed then leaned down and kissed Cora as the door opened again,

"Cora Elizabeth Williams, I love you." I said as she wiped her cheek, "Cole Robert Brock, I love you too." She said as they wheeled her away.

Now was the hardest part.

I waited hours and hours for any updates whatsoever. I had called her dad and my parents and talked to them. I called everyone at the house. Sam and Kat were waiting in the waiting room while I was moved to the recovery room she would be in.

There was a spot for her bed, a little bathroom off to the side, a pull out couch and they even brought in a little crib for Mia.

My hands shook as I waited for anything.

I felt like I was going insane as another half hour went by.

The nurse from earlier eventually came in with a concerned look on her face, causing me to bolt up.
"What is it? What's going on?" I asked nervously.

"There were some complications." She said which made my heart drop.

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